Why Don’t You
I met Susie McEntire when I was in Jr High. That was well a few years ago lol. I will never forget the first time I was asked to babysit for Susie. Pastor Wade Markham from Cowboy Junction Cowboy Church had asked me if I would like to babysit for her while she sang at our church. I of course said YES….I was upstairs changing clothes, and changing and changing lol. My mom hollered up stairs and asked what in the world I was doing. I told her I don’t know what to wear. She said “She puts her pants on the same way you do, she don’t care what you wear” This was not reality to me as a kid of course. As I grew up and learned about life, heartaches, ministry hurts and such I knew what she meant.
We sometimes get it in our head that ministers, singers, sports heroes and public figures do not have the same life we do. We think somehow they are immune to things from the small dilemmas of figuring out what outfit to wear for the day to abusive relationships and divorce.
As I was growing up Susie and her music got me through a lot. I remember standing in front of my mirror with a hairbrush or curling iron in my hand as my mic and her music blaring. Of course I was singing at the top of my lungs with her. I always kept her autographed photo in my locker at school to remind me to make good choices. I had big dreams to be involved with Cowboy church ministry and music. Susie was my inspiration to not give up on those dreams.
I was blessed to interview Susie yesterday and she said a very powerful thing to me. When she asked God why He didn’t do something about a situation, He said “Why Don’t You” Those words really hit home for me. We find ourselves wondering why God doesn’t do something about a lot of different situations in our lives, when sometimes all He is waiting on is us. Susie shared that she was at a point in her life where it was time for her to take a leap of faith and do something big. Sometimes it takes big and bold movement on our part to get to the other side. If we look at the miracles in the Bible God always had them do something bold and big. Noah built an ark, Moses threw down his rod, Daniel refused to bow to the king and Jesus said Yes! So today as you listen to Susie’s testimony of overcoming and answering God’s question, ask yourself if God ask me Why Dont You are you ready to say I will.
When I started doing interviews with artist I had a dream to interview the one lady who inspired me to doing what I was doing. I have said many times I sure would like to interview Susie. A couple of weeks ago I finally after asking God to help me with my dreams many times decided it was time for me to take a bold step and just ask. Imagine that. If we do not ask we can not get…I emailed her office and we set up the interview. This is a big part of God’s dreams in my life coming to pass. When God says Why Don’t You I want to always say I will do whatever it is.
Below is my interview with Susie McEntire. Please take sometime to listen to this powerful interview as well as a testimony. Susie shares how she began her music career, how she overcame an abusive marriage, to how God continues to make her dreams come true. Susie gives some great advice to those who are in ministry and trying to keep their marriage and families strong. This was something she said in the interview about marriage that will forever be with me.
“If you two are not right, then the ministry is not right”
Interview with Susie McEntire Part 1
Interview with Susie McEntire Part2

Susie and I at the ICM Awards on the Red Carpet
Thank you so much Susie for this interview.
Dream Catcher 3:20
Cassie G