Category Archives: Blog

Seasons Can Be Hard

In farm and ranch life, you have a lot to deal with when seasons change. You have seasonal changes in the weather that causes your animals to be more susceptible to sickness, heat strokes, falling through the ice during the winter, slipping in the mud and getting injured and then all of the parasites with season changes. In the summer if you enter the drought season you have to watch your water sources and make sure your animals stay hydrated. As you can see there are many hard adjustments and things to deal with in the seasons changing.

In our personal lives seasons can be just as hard on us as it is for our livestock on our farms and ranches. What can we do to prepare and deal with our seasonal changes?

When you are preparing for the winter months for your livestock, you usually start preparing in the summer and fall months. You purchase or bale hay, you purchase your water tank heaters in the fall before your first freeze and stock up on feed if you are able to. When we start sensing a change is coming in our personal, spiritual, mental, and financial areas, we must prepare for what’s coming. Sometimes just like the weather here in Oklahoma is not predictable, the same with the exact knowing of the seasonal changes you’re sensing in your life.

With your livestock some of the most important things you can do is prepare to keep them fed, sheltered and kept hydrated. For us as humans these are also important. Let’s take this past the natural food, shelter and water though. We must prepare our seasonal changes through our relationship with God.

Jesus tells us in His word that He is the bread of life! John 6:35 Jesus is using a metaphor to describe His relationship with us and the spiritual food and nourishment that He provides.

The Bible talks many times about seeking shelter in God, and God being our shelter. Psalms 46:1 says God is our shelter and our strength. Shelter with God means protection from what the world throws at us to make us weak and vulnerable to prey. Just like when a calf gets sick and away from his shelter rather that is his mom or a barn to protect him from the predators, so the enemy of ours is watching for us to get away from our shelter!

In John 7:38 Jesus tells us that those who believe in Him will have rivers of living water flowing from within them. Just like livestock when the seasons change and are hard on their bodies, they need water to stay hydrated and we need His living water to stay spiritually flowing and healthy.

A couple of weeks ago we had a very cold and rough week here in NE OK. It took a toll on a lot of livestock. I had a hen here at Cross G Backyard farms who decided to go broody. I tried to get her to eat and drink and she refused the offer and then decided to leave her warm shelter in the middle of the night. . When she got weak the cold front was too much on her and she did not survive. How often do we refuse to partake of what God offers us? How often do we step outside of His shelter when we are already weak and stumbling in our walk? I can tell you that I have done this more than once and only by the Grace of God did I survive the seasons I was in at the time.

This is heavy on my heart today because we had to put down an injured calf and I begin to think about how hard the seasons are on the farmers and ranchers, and it dawned on me that they are spiritually hard on us all.

So, remember to seek shelter in God, let His living water flow though you, and partake of the bread of life (HIs word) every single day!

God bless each and every one of you!

Cassie Gilman

Cross G Backyard Farms

Seasons Of Change

Wow I cannot believe that I have not written a blog in a year! So many changes have happened over the last year. Last year at this time I lived in my own home with a backyard full of my mini backyard farm animals. I had a lamb, two goats, more chickens than I can remember and my two dogs.

December of last year I met someone on the 31st and began to talk with them daily. I ended the year with hope that this new developing relationship would be all I had dreamed of. The first week in January we had our first date, and we began our official dating and falling in love.

In June of this year, I started the process of moving to the ranch where my new relationship was headed to forever after. I sold my goats, lamb and some of my chickens. We built a chicken coop and started out dreaming and planning for the future. The ranch is so beautiful and so much life out there, ponds, streams and all the cattle.

We had a crazy summer. We had life obstacles, stress beyond words and we grew weary. Just when we thought we was getting a break, we had a break, and it was not the kind we wanted. Life has sharp turns and if you do not learn to pivot you will be stuck and destroyed.

So here we are at the end of 2024 just as it is almost a year on this journey and I am awaiting to get back into my house, sleeping on an airbed at my kids home and healing from the battle. I am rebuilding my backyard farm as I move back to my home. We have obstacles in life to work through and around, healing to take place, and growth to be growing.

No, I do not know what the end of next year is going to look like, but I know what each day has to look like. I will be focusing on continuing my process of working on my home and property. I will be building shelters for my animals, replacing trim on my home, and all kinds of projects. I will have bonfires, and a lot of talks with God so that I can learn from my past days and years to do and be better. I will spend time reminding myself who I am and Who’s I am! I first and foremost belong to God. When I get my life lined up the way I was created for it to be, the rest will be icing on the cake. I hope that the dreams and desires continue to heal and grow towards a future, but if that door gets closed, God has other doors to walk through in this life.

Okay, you have all now been updated on this life and I will add a link to the next blog so you can visually see the updates and backyard farm life.

Cassie G

Cross G Backyard Farms


I asked my sweet friend Natasha to submit a recipe for my blog and I am super excited about this one. Pretzels are one of my favorite snacks and add some chocolate to it and mmm 😋

I had to add the fun name for this treat that they use at home. She wasn’t sure if I would want to use it but I loved it.
So here y’all go ZEBRA NIPPLE TREATS

Easy pretzel bites!
Preheat oven to 300 degrees. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Place mini pretzels on the sheet and top each one with a Hershey’s Hugs drop. Put in the oven just long enough to slightly melt the chocolate drop. Top each drop with a red or green M&M. Allow to stand at room temp until chocolate is set! Store in an airtight container. Enjoy and share with friends and family!

To try more recipes from Natasha, click on the links below.

Thank you for reading my blogs!

Cassie Gilman

Eph 3:20

Cowboy Biscuits From Red’s Kitchen

Hey y’all I absolutely love this lady and this recipe sounds like it will be loved just as much.

Michelle Farley is a Texan, writer, military advocate, photographer, pie baker, wild rag maker and a Jesus lover. I have not had the honor to meet her in person YET…one day I hope to make that happen.

Please take a few minutes and head over to her website and look around and learn more about her and her beautiful Wild Rags.

Thank you for taking time to read my blogs and share with your friends and family!
Cassie Gilman
Eph 3:20


Since June 27th when my best friend was in a horrible freak accident, I have had a hell of a year. I thought I had lost myself totally again and would not bounce back this time.

At the time of her accident I already felt like I was barely hanging on to my faith, hope and love. I for sure felt like my joy was very low! Then when she left us July 1st there was nothing left but anger and grief.

When I came back to Oklahoma in 2017 the life I had was very different than the one I came back here to have. I kept holding on to the things of the past. The platforms I had and purpose I felt I had before my seperation and divorce was lost in the transition.

I stepped completely out of “ministry” a couple of years ago and eventually found myself struggling to even go to church and forcing myself to go. I sure haven’t been consistent with when I have gone. I have lots of reasons on this but most are probably excuses. When Covid shutdown happened is when I really lost that main connection.

Covid pandemic exposed so much in this world and in even my own heart. I found anger and disappointment in humanity was a major part of my spiraling 🌀 down the wrong emotional path.

In 2013 or even before that, I had started a journey of promoting and encouraging other businesses and ministries. Part of what I did was book a couple of Christian country artist, had a blog, did interviews, podcast and even had a radio show. So when I came back here that entire life was entangled with my divorce and pain. I would try and try to make it still work and it didn’t ever go anywhere.

It wasn’t until I lost Maver that I realized I had already spent the last 6 years living in a continuous state of grief. I read a post that said we don’t just grieve the ones we loose but we grieve the dreams and what would have been in the future with them. I was still grieving the loss of my dreams. Not really the person I left but all that was connected to that life.

Yes I did stop doing ministry and even really walking in the things I did before but I was living even though I felt like I wasn’t living the best life I knew I could be living.

I believe 100% that having my family close by and having all of my farm animals in my small backyard farm is what’s kept me wanting to even be here at all to try to live with a purpose again.

A talk with my daughter about my old blog and website is what opened my eyes to realize I still have as much purpose, passion and vision as I always have. IT JUST LOOKS DIFFERENT!

One of my life long friends has been on a journey of finding her place and where God wants her again. I have been with her this weekend in OKC to help get her moved. She is moving back to Tulsa and going to Victory church which is my all time favorite church. So I will have a place to go stay with some and attend this place to fill up with hope, love and joy. I have my small home church group local as well. It’s important to have a place to remind you that God is Hope, Love and Joy!

After talking to my daughter and creating a new blog, website and social media platform, I have been having so much fun, especially this weekend. I had so much fun and knew that I was going to be okay. I felt alive again. I talked to vendors and the Farmers Market and networked.

I love it that I can help promote and encourage others in a totally different area of life and still bring them hope, love and joy.

I love learning about growing my backyard farm Cross G Backyard Farms and excited about what the future with this will bring.

I would love to even set up a farmers market at my place this spring and bring others together to share their business and dreams. So many ideas again. So many possibilities!!!

I know this was a long post but I wanted to share what’s been happening in my heart and life in hopes it will encourage you.


Blessings from Cross G Backyard Farms

Eph 3:20

Cassie G