Monthly Archives: November 2016

Holiday Recipe~Homemade Chocolate Pie

Now we are talking my lingo. Chocolate. Mmmm. This recipe was submitted by my claimed sister Amber Looney!!  One of my 90+ year old ladies said that I stole her grandmas recipe. Best compliment ever. So the recipe is a keeper lol.
Homemade Chocolate Pie 

2 cups sugar

5 Tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder 

1/4 cup all purpose flour 

1 (12 oz) can evaporated milk 

1 teaspoon vanilla 

4 egg yolks 

1/4 cup butter
1 unbaked pie crust
Meringue: 4 egg whites 

                   1/4 cup sugar 
Preheat oven to 350
Combine dry ingredients in a sauce pan. Blend in evaporated milk and vanilla. 

Beat egg yolks then stir into mixture. 

Add butter 

Heat stirring constantly just until butter is melted. 

Pour into unbaked pie shell
Bake for 35-40 minutes or until pie is not “wobbly” when shaken. 

Beat egg whites until soft peaks form 

Gradually add sugar, beat constantly until stiff peaks form. Spread meringue on pie
Return to oven and bake until meringue is golden.

Mmmmm chocolate makes me happy!
Thanks Amber

Dream Catcher 3:20

Cassie Nations 

Holiday Recipe~Grandma McAfee’s Blackberry Cobbler! 

Okay if anyone was to ask me what my favorite cobbler is, I would say Black Berry. Of course with some vanilla ice cream ❤️. 
This recipe was submitted by Natasha McAfee! 
This next one is from my husband’s late Grandma McAfee. I never personally had hers, but was told that it was one of her signature recipes. The pictures are from when the kids and I made it awhile back, and we used fresh blackberries from the pasture instead of canned.

Yummy!!!!! Who’s ready for this?

Dream Catcher 3:20

Cassie Nations 


Todays Featured #HolidayDessert #Recipe by Becky GilmanBEST EVER

Box of Vanilla Wafers

4 or 5 bananas

1-1/2 sticks butter

6 egg yolk

3 cups sugar

6tbls flour

1-1/2 teaspoon salt

1-qt half and half

1-pint whipping cream

2-cup milk

2-teaspoon vanilla
I melt butter in heavy sauce pan and remove from heat

—meanwhile I combine sugar, flour, salt.

I beat the egg yolks up and then combine the sugar mixture, butter, and egg yolks

Stirring them to a well mixed paste
Over medium heat I then add the milk products –stirring constantly until it begins to thicken.

When thickened –remove from heat and stir in the vanilla
I know this is not how Betty Crocker adds eggs but this is how I do it—LOL

As this begins to cool just a tad arrange your first layer of vanilla wafers—then a layer of banana slices, now a layer of pudding,–repeat until all is layered finishing with a layer of vanilla wafers

Holiday Recipes~Nannies Dressing 

Dressing!!! Mmmmm. This is something that can make or break a Thanksgiving for me. Lol. I love my moms dressing and until this dressing below have never liked anyone else’s.

 The first time I came to Mommajos for a Holiday and there was dressing I almost passed it up. I looked at it and thought wow that looks like my moms I better try it. Mmmmmm mmmm am I glad I did.  

So here it is Mommajos -Nannies Recipe!  Now she can pass it down to her smiles!!  

To me my Lil Nannie was the best cook in the world. She made all kinds of yummy homemade recipes but the taste of her dressing lives on in my mind. I’ve played around with this recipe and have finally perfected it to match my memory. I hope y’all enjoy! BlessingS ~Carol
Oooo  I usually double this recipe cause it tastes even better the next day?

Well I will be enjoying this yummy dressing in a few days. I have not got to go home to Oklahoma  in a few Thanksgivings so I’m so grateful for my Texas home ❤️ to go home to. 

Dream Catcher 3:30

Cassie Nations