A little fun get to know me!

    I am going to blog some questions over the next few blogs. I will write my answers, however I would love to read yours as well. Just hit the comment on my blog and let me get to know you as well.

1. If you could host a talk show, who would be your first guest?

Okay this one is easy for me! REBA McENTIRE. It has been my dream since a little girl to meet her. She is a strong and courageous woman. Her music has helped me through break ups, sad days, mad days, and lots of happy days. Her faith in God is inspiring. I have interviewed her also amazing sister, Susie McEntire for a podcast. I would probably have to just have them both on my tv show.

FYI the hosting a show is a dream as well. I sort of already am walking that one out. I have a program for Facebook and YouTube. It’s time to reboot it ♥️

2. What are three of your favorite foods?


Mexican food

Yummy salad

3. Share one thing that you love to do that you get to do nearly every day.

I love to encourage others to pursue their dreams and purpose in life. I get to do this daily through social media if not in person.

4. What are your three favorite smells?




5. What is your biggest fear? Losing people. Either through death or abandonment. God says He will never leave me or forsake me. I hold on to that promise to fight this fear.

Okay your turn!


Dream Catcher 3:20

Cassie Gilman