Author Archives: Cassgilman

Kicking It Java Style With Cassie~Adopted Into God’s Family



This is the second episode of Kickn It Java Style with Cassie TV program.  Hannah Hogner designed me an intro video.  I am so excited about it.  I am even more excited about my guest for this episode as well as my co-host Carol Hogner.  Carol and I got to sit down with our Pastor Kathleen Simmons as she shared her story with us over a cup of coffee.  Kathleen and her husband Dave Simmons pastor at our home church; Silverado Cowboy Church in Weatherford TX.


This episode will inspire you in so many ways.  You never know what another person has or is walking through.  We learned so much about Kathleen.  How she went from no family in to the largest family unit ever…”God’s Family”

One of my favorite quotes from this episode is:

I understood that I don’t understand anything

We are still in the process of working out some kinks and learning the best ways to make these videos with great quality.  It is our goal to have fun and set a relaxed atmosphere for y’all as well as us.  I hope you enjoy the journey and believe with us to do nothing but continue to grow in ideas, technology, supporters and God’s divine appointments.

Click on the You-tube below to watch this inspiring message.




Dream Catcher 3:20

Cassie Nations


It’s a process!! 

How many of you thought when you got saved you would automatically have it all together? 

How many of you have a dream from God and thought you would be walking in it to the full tomorrow? 
I have thought all of these things!  

I found out a long time ago that I wasn’t going to be where I wanted to be in my walk with God by my expectations. When I was younger I had a few  mentors and it looked to me on the outside they had it all together. They were around 40 years old. So I decided by the time I’m 40 I am going to have it all together. I was going to be a super spiritual woman, super mom, super wife, with a super man husband and a super ministry. 

40 passed me by two years ago. A couple of weeks ago I started to have a pity party because things didn’t look like I thought they would by 42. (Maybe I had on the wrong glasses???)  

It’s always good to have goals to go towards. God tells us to write the vision down and run with it. What happens when you trip a few hundred times on the way?  Maybe you took a wrong turn or couple hundred lol 

“The godly may trip seven times, but they will get up again. But one disaster is enough to overthrow the wicked.”

‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭24:16‬ ‭NLT‬‬

I was saved when I was 8. I have fallen many times on my walk. I have taken so many detours! BUT I have a loving Father who never took His hands off of me!  Have you ever taken your children somewhere and you gave them some freedom to walk away from you but they were never out of your reach of safety?  God is the same way. Your never out of His reach!!!!

When I put on my right glasses I saw I have come a long long ways. Yes I still fall down but I get back up. I have a loving God, amazing husband and children. I am daily growing in HIM and in the process of ministering. 

Our walk is a process! Our purpose and dreams they are a process. When Jesus was 12 He thought He was ready to go out and do His ministry. He ran off from His parents and was found in the temple.  I am sure He very well could have been ready but Gods timing for Him wasn’t. Maybe you feel your where you need to be and something is holding you back. It could be that someone else isn’t ready for their part in your journey. 

So what are you ready for?  Today! Gods grace and mercy are new each morning.  So today you ask God what am I processesing for today?  Show me what you want me to do today!  He might have you praying for others, smile at the cashier or preaching on a street corner. Whatever He has for you today say YES!  If we can’t say yes to today how will be be processed for tomorrow?

Do you have dreams for a business, to do something big like climb Mt Everest or a vision for your ministry?  Ask God what is that one thing WE can process together today?  Maybe He will have you write it down, tell a close friend, work out your physical body to prepare, research or study to be ready.  Whatever it is DO IT!  It’s a process that will prepare you for tomorrow! 
Just never ever forget 

It’s A Process


Cassie Nations

Dream Catcher 3:20

Kickn It Java Style With Cassie Radio Show


For those of you who are subscribed to my blog and receive my mail out… You get to listen to my program a little earlier than those who follow me just on social media.  So now for the social media peeps out there if you would like to get an early listen you can subscribe to my blog here or go to and enroll for my newsletter.

This weeks programming featured artist:

  1. Bart Fortenbery
  2. Wyatt Nations
  3. Carol Hogner
  4. Joy Roberts
  5. Chad Williams
  6. Robert Stowell


Kickn It Java Style With Cassie Radio Show


Dream Catcher 3:20

Cassie Nations