Author Archives: Cassgilman

“Why Don’t You?” ~Susie McEntire


Why Don’t You

I met Susie McEntire when I was in Jr High.  That was well a few years ago lol.  I will never forget the first time I was asked to babysit for Susie.  Pastor Wade Markham from Cowboy Junction Cowboy Church had asked me if I would like to babysit for her while she sang at our church.  I of course said YES….I was upstairs changing clothes, and changing and changing lol. My mom hollered up stairs and asked what in the world I was doing.  I told her I don’t know what to wear.  She said “She puts her pants on the same way you do, she don’t care what you wear”  This was not reality to me as a kid of course.  As I grew up and learned about life, heartaches, ministry hurts and such I knew what she meant.

We sometimes get it in our head that ministers, singers, sports heroes and public figures do not have the same life we do. We think somehow they are immune to things from the small dilemmas of figuring out what outfit to wear for the day to abusive relationships and divorce.

As I was growing up Susie and her music got me through a lot.  I remember standing in front of my mirror with a hairbrush or curling iron in my hand as my mic and her music blaring.  Of course I was singing at the top of my lungs with her.  I always kept her autographed photo in my locker at school to remind me to make good choices.   I had big dreams to be involved with Cowboy church ministry and music.  Susie was my inspiration to not give up on those dreams.


I was blessed to interview Susie yesterday and she said a very powerful thing to me.  When she asked God why He didn’t do something about a situation, He said “Why Don’t You”  Those words really hit home for me.  We find ourselves wondering why God doesn’t do something about a lot of different situations in our lives, when sometimes all He is waiting on is us.  Susie shared that she was at a point in her life where it was time for her to take a leap of faith and do something big.  Sometimes it takes big and bold movement on our part to get to the other side.  If we look at the miracles in the Bible God always had them do something bold and big.  Noah built an ark, Moses threw down his rod, Daniel refused to bow to the king and Jesus said Yes!  So today as you listen to Susie’s testimony of overcoming and answering God’s question, ask yourself if God ask me Why Dont You are you ready to say I will.

When I started doing interviews with artist I had a dream to interview the one lady who inspired me to doing what I was doing.  I have said many times I sure would like to interview Susie.   A couple of weeks ago I finally after asking God to help me with my dreams many times decided it was time for me to take a bold step and just ask. Imagine that.  If we do not ask we can not get…I emailed her office and we set up the interview.  This is a big part of God’s dreams in my life coming to pass.  When God says Why Don’t You I want to always say I will do whatever it is.

Below is my interview with Susie McEntire.  Please take sometime to listen to this powerful interview as well as a testimony.  Susie shares how she began her music career, how she overcame an abusive marriage, to how God continues to make her dreams come true.  Susie gives some great advice to those who are in ministry and trying to keep their marriage and families strong. This was something she said in the interview about marriage that will forever be with me.

  “If you two are not right, then the ministry is not right”

Interview with Susie McEntire Part 1

Interview with Susie McEntire Part2

Susie and I at the ICM Awards on the Red Carpet

Susie and I at the ICM Awards on the Red Carpet
Thank you so much Susie for this interview.

Dream Catcher 3:20

Cassie G


What’s New With Taylon Hope?  


Last year I was blessed to do an interview with Miss Taylon Hope. I decided it was time to catch up with this young lady and see what Gods doing in her life in 2016.

Taylon I was so blessed to be able to interview you last year. Can you share with us what you have been up to since we last talked?

My current single “She Prayed Anyway” is #17 on the Power Source Inspirational Charts for March. This year I am super excited to be planning to record a new EP with all new songs! Hoping to have that out in early Fall of 2016. I can’t wait to be back in the studio and working on some new music. I am really praying about the songs that I choose for my new EP as I really want them to make a difference when others listen to them. 


Do you have a hobby outside of your music?

Yes, I do have several hobbies. I am a clogger and dance with a great team of cloggers. I have always loved dance and in past years I did ballet, tap, and jazz. Now that I am traveling so much performing with my music I had to choose one area for dance and I chose my clogging team. I also do Tennis in the Summer and its a really fun sport. 

I love the outfits you where at your events!  Do you have a favorite brand or store you like to shop at?

Thanks so much on the clothes! I really love shopping and looking for unique clothes for performances. There is a local shop in my hometown called Sophia Grace and I love to shop there especially for their dresses. I love to shop at Rue 21, Aeropostale, and Gap. I have an amazing friend in my hometown here in West Jefferson, NC. Her name is Angel and she is an amazing seamstress and she has been so great to help me design my dresses for special formal events. My hometown is great and they have been so supportive with my music and I love them all very much!



Where will you be at over the next couple of months?
4. The next few months are going to be busy. I have several performances coming up at churches and festivals will begin in the Spring which makes for busy weekends. I will also be back in Nashville performing in April. I can’t wait to be back in Music City!

I am super excited about this upcoming year. You just never know what God has planned. He has blessed me so much as I have been able to do sing and travel which is what I love to do. I have met so many amazing friends along the way. Its pretty cool how music is such a great way to connect with other people!
Thank you so much Cassie! Your the best. Hope you are doing great!!! Big Hugs!

Who are The Baggy Bottom Boys? Find Out Here


I have not got to meet every one of these guys. However Wyatt Nations (AKA my future husband) speaks very highly of them. I have listened to their music and watched them on Facebook for over a year. They are one amazing group of guys. I am looking forward to the day we do an event together. 

Wyatt has recorded two of their songs that Eugene Montgomery wrote. 

Too Busy and WWJD!

I am grateful for their influence on Wyatt and his music and he is as well. 


The Baggy Bottom Boys are a Country Gospel Music Ministry, dedicated in serving our Lord Jesus Christ and to glorify His Name with the talents He has given us. We lift Him up and praise His Name whenever and wherever He leads us.We Believe that Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven,We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and that He came into the world to die for us ,and rose from the dead on the third day, so that we can have eternal life with Him.We believe that you must have a personal relationship with Him. You must confess to Him that you are a sinner and ask Him to forgive your sin and ask Him to come into your heart and save you. Believers baptism follows salvation which symbolizes His death ,burial, and ressurection. Our faith and hope is in Jesus Christ.
Dedicated to spreading God’s word through their music has become more rewarding than they could have ever imagined. The groups founder and leader Eugene Montgomery, started with a passion for music from a legacy that was left by his dad. They have been inspired by their christian families and friends, loved by all their audiences, and blessed to have met so many wonderful people with a love for Jesus Christ. Each one of them have a deep love for Country Gospel Music. And, through the message of their songs, it is their desire for people to come to know Christ, and to have a close relationship with Him. “We can relate the songs to our lives and enjoy singing them, and seeing others relate too”. “Just being able to minister thru song is such a great and rewarding experience”. God continues to use them in ways they never thought possible. He has opened many doors and they have had the opportunity to go to many different kinds of churches and fellowship with such loving christian people. “People respond to Country Gospel Music because the songs are about things in life that most people understand”. Wherever God leads them is where they go and enjoy it while having fun.They are all truly good friends and they all have the same goal: To see Christ Glorifyed through their personal testimonies and talents to encourage others to live for Jesus Christ.


How long have you been writing and singing Country Gospel Music?

I started writing and singing country gospel music in 2006 .


Do you write all of your music?

I have written the words and music to 21 songs, and another 12 songs we have recorded I have written the music to. These were songs that friends of mine had given me words to . Some were poems others were written to be a song but had no music. They just felt like we could do something with them and we did. The words had a great message in them and I was thrilled to get them. I come up with a melody and arrange the words, Steve comes up with a bass line and Jerry comes up with the lead break. The friends that shared their songs with me included David Hancock, Bob Montgomery, Janice Hutto, Bill Donnely, Chris Hubbard, Dorman Pullen, J.D. Walters, and my wife Sandra Montgomery. We also sing a lot of older hymns that everyone loves.

Where did the name Baggy Bottom Boys come from?

We were asked to sing 4 songs at our church to kick off a Gospel Fest where several groups and indivduals would be singing. So we thought it would be funny if we dressed up in overalls and 3 of us lived in Hideaway Bay, so we thought it would be funny to be called ” The Hideaway Bay Baggy Bottom Boys”. We later dropped the Hideaway Bay part because it was too much of a tongue twister LOL. As it turned out about 300 people showed up from several churches, and I began getting calls to come sing at their church. They are still calling 10 years later. God took our funny little joke and began to use it for His glory. We share our testimonies about how we came to know Jesus Christ as our Savior and we sing about it in our songs and I believe that is why God has blessed our ministry.

Who are the Baggy Bottom Boys?

The Baggy Bottom Boys consist of Paul Bolton singing bass, Glenn Wylie singing tenor, Steve Doody playing bass guitar, Jerry Robinson playing lead guitar, and myself, Eugene Montgomery playing rhythm guitar and singing lead.

How long have y’all been together as a group?

We 5 have been together since 2008 and we all believe that the Lord put us together. Each of us has a different personality but we all have the same calling.

Do you sing on your own or always with the group? 

I always sing with the Baggy Bottom Boys. Only on a few occasions have I sang without them. We are booked pretty much every week of the year. We already have 46 bookings for 2016 , so that keeps us pretty busy . Also we are working on a new CD. Occasionally we get a week or two off and try to enjoy that time.

What is a funny story you can share with us about being on the road or on stage?

One Sunday morning I woke up with the police knocking on my door. I jumped up and went to the door, The officer was checking to see if I was alright. I said yes sir I’m fine, He said well there’s about 500 people at the Cowboy Church worried about you. I looked at the clock and the first service was just starting ! I made it for the second service ! It was funny afterward but boy it wasn’t funny at the time . The Boys got a friend of ours at the church to sing with them for the first service, then when I got there they all laughed and made a big announcement that I was alive and well . 

Then one Sunday I was about to sing God on the Mountain and I was telling how God is always there for us whether we are up on the mountain or down in the valley, and about that time I tripped over a step on the stage and fell down, I hopped up and said well I was down , now I’m up !

What is the most difficult situations you face out there on the roads? 

The most difficult situations we face on the roads are of course the traffic these days and trying to find the churches we are going to. Other difficult situations are getting the sound set in places with terrible acoustics, such as a gym !

If you could share three tips with other artist that would encourage them to keep pushing forward what would those be?  

(a) If it is in God’s plan for you to minister through your music, He will make it happen , Not You. (b) sing songs that speak to your heart, that have a message that you want to share with others. (c) I do not believe that I am a good singer, but I do the best that I can, and that is all God wants us to do. The rest is up to the Lord. Share the gospel then look and listen to see what the Lord is doing with it and you will be surprised . He can take nothing and make something out of it.


Thank you Eugene Montgomery for this interview and letting us be a part of your ministry. 
To learn more about The Baggy Bottom Boys check out their website below.

Dream Catcher 3:20

Cassie G 

His Dreams Are Bigger Than Mine!

I just finished a blog on my Mending Fences N Hearts site about some of my dreams. Please click on it to see how God has far surpassed my dreams.
God has placed me right in the middle of His dreams for my life!  I could never have dreamed this big. And what is really great is this is just the beginning. 

I just started as a dj for Inspirational Country Radio 94.1. I have my very own program M-F night.  

I have people asking for my help with their social media and that is ALL GOD!  He has taught me so much in this area. 
I am still part of the God Squad with Carol and Hannah Hogner and Michele Nolte. We are doing weekly bible studies and growing closer. That’s is such a God kiss. 
The biggest one yet is I am marrying my God Man!  Wyatt Nations and I will be getting married in April. He sings Christian Country music and our ministries are becoming a ministry!!  How much better can it get!

I have a new program on my computer because of the new dj position. This means I can launch my KIJS with Cassie as a syndicated program. I will be working on all that!  

I have written a book that will be published. However I do need prayer on that one. I have to type it all out again because the program it was under messed it up. ?. 


So as you can see all this is far more than I ever dreamed. ❤️
Dream Catcher 3:20

Cassie G