Author Archives: Cassgilman

KIJS with Cassie~Why Did Jesus Weep


I have been praying about what way to go with my Kickn It Java Style with Cassie Program.  In the beginning I was doing more teaching and I believe this is the area I am to focus my weekly programming on.  I will also do a once a month music program featuring several artist.

I hope you enjoy this weeks program.


KIJS with Cassie~Why Did Jesus Weep









Thank you for listening to this weeks #KIJS With Cassie

Dream Catcher 3:20

Cassie G

Wake up that inner joy!


This weekend I traded purses with a very dear friend of mine.  I asked my daughter what she thought of it and she said mom that  purse is not your personality it doesn’t fit you. I told her that in my past when I was younger my friends would say where in the world did you get that purse and laugh at me.  I would come up with some eccentric purses that did not really meet my normal personality.  This morning I’ve been thinking about that. 
Who defines my personality?  I believe that sometimes we let circumstances and false thinking determine our personality and our likes and dislikes. I believe we stuff our self in a box and tell ourselves what we can and cannot like or do or be because it’s expected of us. 

I think in my life I put myself in a box in so many areas physically, mentally, spiritually, and personality wise. When I was in high school I remember having friends tell me that I made them laugh. In years that have gone by hurts, trials, anger and bitterness’s have put me in a place where I’ve been too serious about life.  Oh  I have my moments of cutting up and letting loose and letting my walls down.  I think for the most part I pushed too hard, been too intense, forgot to laugh and forgot to find that eccentric personality that I knew was in there. 

Life should be fun!  God says a merry heart does good like a medicine.  I watch Sandy Krakowski and I could never pull off hot pink bangs but that’s part of her personality that is fun and upbeat. I CAN pull off a polkadotted purse lol. I can make life fun and find areas that make me  smile.  

It’s time to wake up that inner joy!  It’s time for me to stop making excuses and start making changes. I want to be known as that person who makes people smile and laugh by just being me. My favorite character on Criminal Minds is Penelope. She is so eccentric. Everyone loves her for her. She has her personality right out there in the open for all to see. 

Today my prayer for myself and you is that you wake up that inner joy!  God gives us joy through His life. He created you to be who you are.  Those thoughts, ideas, dreams, personality trades that make you eccentric, unique, special to God and society come alive and wake up today!!!  

Dream Catcher 3:20

Cassie G. 

Who’s Chasing You

Ladies!!! It is not your role to pursue after a man. It is your role to pursue God and be pursuable!
We have gotten away from old fashion courting and developing Godly relationships and spend all our time trying to figure out who’s chasing who. I can’t help but think about a scene in “My Best Friends Wedding” 1-It is not going well! 2-Where are you? 1-I have stolen a bread van and I am chasing Michael down Michigan Avenue. 2-You’re chasing Michael? 1-Yes 2-Michael’s chasing Kimmy 1-Yes! 2-Who’s chasing you? NOBODY! Get it? There’s your answer Kimmy! 1-NO! 2-Yes! Jules you are not the one! 


God pursues and calls you everyday!  

 “Your beauty and love chase after me every day of my life” (Psalm 23:6a, 

Dream Catcher 3:20 

Cassie G


It’s War Time! 

It’s War time!  When you have done everything in the natural you know to do and your still falling short you can give up or recognize you can not win this battle or war alone. 

A couple of months ago I begin to be stirred up about the fullness of the calling on my life. I begin to realize it was time to step into that calling 100%. As soon as I made this decision a war began to rage inside me and all around me. I have seen old parts of me try to raise from the dead and act ugly. I had fears pop up out of somewhere dark. I literally had a person from my past that is dangerous to me mentally and physically appear back on the scene.  I watched as I begin to throw walls up and push people out and wondering what is happening?  Seemed things were spinning out of control in every area of my life. Can you say ITS WAR TIME!


The week War Room was out on theatre I went to see it. That day I went home and I made a place to declare war. I got out my Prayers Avail Much book and I started praying. That’s when the heat of the battle increased. I have to admit instead of charging on towards enemy lines I began to retreat. If you don’t think the enemy won’t follow you in retreat you are deceived. The enemy comes to kill, steal and destroy!!  Through the past few days I realized it was time to re group. Rally my allies and fight!!  I said FIGHT!!!  It’s war time!!


I am a warrior!!!  I am not a casualty of war. I am not a victim of war!! I AM A WARRIOR!!

In the natural it may look like chaos but in the spiritual the warring angels are lined up to fight this war!!  

I am physically having to relocate because of a financial matter. At first I have been sad, angry, and confused about all that’s going on. I felt like a failure because in the natural I’m back where I was 4 years ago. God reminded me that I (Cassie) am no where near who I was 4 years ago so it is not the same. A church family asked if they could help me and give me a room. I didn’t know what to say because I have so many places to go and to call home with loved ones. I felt in my heart that I’m in a raging battle and that I needed a place to retreat to. A place to regroup and be totally alone with the ONE  who gives me the battle strategies and strength to fight on. It’s time for war!!!
I went up yesterday to look at my room. It’s huge and it’s a place to regroup and retreat for sure. It’s quiet, it’s shut off from the rest of the world. It’s across from another room called a Comm room. A room that is painted with sky blue clouds and a throne set up up to remind you that The King of Kings is present with you. A WAR ROOM!! 


Last night I was talking to a dear friend who said I hope your not going to be mad at me. I said why lol. She said I started praying for you back in August that all that was hindering you from walking in your healing ministry would be stripped away and you would be whole inside and out. I said well that is what is happening Thanks lol. Truly though thank you. I can not be a great warrior and stand in the gap for anyone if I cant with stand the attacks. I can not be weak or have an open wound in this battle!!  I Am A Warrior!! It’s time for war.  As we continued to talk and I told her about this room at the church, she said girl you asked God to make you a war room woman.  Girl He literally has put you in a war room!  WOW is all I could think. IT IS TIME FOR WAR!

I was thinking about the mistakes I had made in the fight. The words I have spoken that were from a place other than God.  I thought about my actions that were not part of His battle plans but my own. He said He even has that covered. God has my back as well as my future. He said He makes ALL THINGS NEW!  I was given that word this last Wednesday  then yesterday went to look at the room and look what was outside my room and as well written in the Comm room.  

“If He makes all things new, then the OLD things MUST pass away” 

The things that have been coming up that are not of God are old and the things of yesterday are old. God is breaking off the old Cassie and making ALL THINGS NEW!  I AM A WARRIOR! ITS TIME FOR WAR!!  

ITS TIME FOR WAR!  I’m praying for any casualties and fatalities  wounded from my being a weak warrior that they will be restored and healed and join me in this war. When we get out of our flesh it no longer becomes our battle or our war!  The battle belongs to the Lord!  1 Samuel 17:47


Dream Catcher 3:20

Cassie G

Interview with Robert Stowell




Robert Stowell has accomplished many things in the years he has been singing and entertaining all over the southeastern United States. However, Robert didn’t always dream of being a famous musician. Growing up in the little town of Lehigh Acres Florida, a small town just outside of Fort Myers in the southwest part of the state, Robert dreamed of playing baseball in the big leagues. After making it to the AA Red Sox as a pitcher, Robert broke his ankle, ending his baseball career.

During this period after his baseball career, Robert’s friends and family pushed him to become a country singer. Eventually he agreed, and started on a journey that changed his life forever. After a few years of playing fairs, festivals and many opening act spots, Robert created the Mud and Music movement that still is going strong today. He has played in more Mud Bogs than any other artist in The United States and still holds the nickname “King Of The Mud People.”

Around 2011 He started playing shows with The Bellamy Brothers and Brantley Gilbert, at that time a very little known artist . In 2011 Robert moved to Texas to spread his love for country music in the Lone Star State, and build his fan base through the Texas music community. That year He won East Texas Country Artist of the year, a huge achievement for a new Texas artist.

After hiring a whole new band, Robert amped his shows up another notch, and in 2012 won both Album of the Year and Entertainer of the Year. With his growing fan base and numerous awards under his belt, Robert Stowell was starting to live the dream. He had met with several record labels in Nashville and things were really starting to take off.

Robert took a short break from music, during which he got married to Christy Stowell and started to get his plans in place to return from his short hiatus. Robert and His new Wife Christy moved temporarily back to South Florida during this time. In the Summer of 2013, however, things took a tragic turn. Robert was diagnosed with a tumor on His pancreas, leaving him devastated and unable to pursue his love for music with any level of enthusiasm.

After this heartbreaking news Robert went to his long time friend and spiritual father, Tim Lighthall, and told his story to the entire church. They all gathered around Robert and prayed for him to recover. At this point, two strangers that Robert and his wife hadn’t explained the situation to pointed at Robert’s stomach and said, “Whatever is going on with you, it’s a lie and God says it’s gone.” Several days later Robert went for another CAT scan and MRI.

After reviewing his tumor for a second time with the doctor, on a computer in the doctor’s office, Robert was full of fear. But Robert went back to the cancer doctor a couple days later, and the the doctor told him enthusiastically, “It’s gone! There’s nothing there and we have no scientific reason as to where it went!” .

At that moment Robert gave his life and his career 100% to God. For the first time he could write songs and play his guitar, and God used him to create an entirely new sound called, “Country Worship.”


The summer of 2015 Robert’s brand new CD ” Fire Fall” was released.   A refreshed and healthy Robert Stowell, filled with The Holy Spirit, was able to deliver it. Robert truly believes this is going to change the world for the better, and bring God’s grace and will to every listener.

Robert says, “Above all things, I want to see the name of Jesus Glorified from my music, all over the Earth. That is my goal.”



Who was your inspiration in the music world?  I begin singing in the backseat of Moms car as a child….when I was a teenager I heard Garth Brooks and was amazed at his live show.


Robert you were a country singer for many years, now your sound and your lyrics have changed up. Can you share with us what happened in your life to prompt this change?  I have always known the Lord but when I was in my prime in the country music world I just had a feeling of uncomfort and not fulfilled, then one day I had went to the doctor and they found a tumor on my pancreas, I took it to my church family and they prayed over me, a few weeks later the doctor told me it had disappeared and he had no medical reason on where it went, praise God!. From that day on I told God I’m His and I am all in. God changed my sound and music totally to Glorify Him.


What genre of music do you feel you fit in?  I’m not sure how I fit in to any genre, God told me this new sound he has my ushering in is “Country Worship Music”

Your cd Firefall is full of some powerful worship songs. Did you write your own songs?  I’ve never been able to write music my whole life until my encounter with the Lord, then he gave me the words to write the Fire Fall cd.


What is your favorite song on this cd and why?  My favorite song on the cd is “Fire Fall” I can just feel the anointing on it so strong.


Robert can you share with us your vision for the next year?  My vision for the next year is to get this new sound out, get back on the road full time and to  see people’s lives changed and people healed by having an encounter with the Lord through this music.


If people want to book you into their church what can they expect to experience in one of your services?  People who want to book us in their church can expect an evening of the presence of the Holy Spirit and people being delivered, set free and healed through an encounter with God.


What is your founding scripture?  Luke 3:16. “I baptize you with water, but one comes after me who I’m not even worthy to un tie his sandals, and He will Baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with Fire”


For those out there feeling a call into a new area in ministry; what advice would you give them?  If you’re feeling a calling into ministry or a new area of ministry I say pray about it and Run into it! The Lord is telling the Body of Christ all over the World that “the time is now”…He’s putting all of His Chess pieces in strategic order and where He wants them for the last great revival, Praise God, pray pray pray and if your sure Gods telling you to do it….Do It!….



Robert has just released his first single “All That I Am” to go out to radio stations all over the world.  We are excited. Start requesting it today at your local stations.



Thank you Robert for this interview.




Dream Catcher 3:20

Cassie G