Author Archives: Cassgilman

Kickn It Java Style with Cassie 3-14-15


This is my second week with recording this program.  I have to say it has been one wild recording session today.  From interruptions to tongue tied, a crash of the system lol.  I am so glad that I finally got this one up…


This weeks episode is brought to you by Rodney Morss Ministries!  Check out his website below.





  1. “Maybe”  Russ Nottingham
  2. “Holding On”  Kimberly Dawn
  3. “Faith”  Carol
  4. “I’ve Got a Bottle”  Gail Cogburn
  5. “Don’t Be Afraid”  Dwayne Williams
  6. “Headed Home, Almost There” Rodney Morss
  7. “Drinking From My Saucer”  Brian Mace
  8. “I’m Glad I Heard The Call”  Bart Fortenbery









If you would like more information about any of the artist please email me at [email protected]



Dream Catcher 3:20

Cassie G

Journey On!

I have to say I am kind of excited about this Journey I am on!! All though there are days it would be easier to go the easy path or just sit down on the sidelines and quit. I will Journey On!!

What is a journey?

ˈan act of traveling from one place to another.

God says we are being changed and going from glory to glory.  

2 Corinthians 3:18 But we all, with unveiled face beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are transformed into the same image from glory to glory, even as from the Lord the Spirit. 
Now when you hear the word glory im sure you don’t always picture your life. 
We think glory is basking in up beat, exciting and always warm fuzzy feelings. God’s glory isn’t shown through our goodness. God’s Glory that we are moving from one place to the other in; well it’s through our weakest moments. 
2 Corinthians 12:9 But He said to me, My grace My favor and loving-kindness and mercy is enough for you sufficient against any danger and enables you to bear the trouble manfully; for My strength and power are made perfect fulfilled and completed and show themselves most effective in your weakness. Therefore, I will all the more gladly glory in my weaknesses and infirmities, that the strength and power of Christ the Messiah may rest yes, may pitch a tent over and dwell upon me! 

No matter what you are going through today, know that He is always with you. 

Kickn It Java Style with Cassie 3-7-15


Well today is the day to kick off Kickn It Java Style with Cassie I am still learning the system and had a couple of issues.  However after re doing it 4 times I said GO FOR IT!!!  I know it can only get better from here!!! So here it is Kickn It Java Style with Cassie 3-7-15.


This weeks episode is brought to you by Amazing Grace Photos!!!  Check out their website.  They do amazing photos.  You will see some great ones of my kiddos and myself.  They have taken our family photos, senior pictures for kids, engagement photos for my daughter and SOON wedding shoot for her.


Click Here for Amazing Grace Photos


  1. “Let Me Ride” Diana Williams
  2. “The Broken One” True Heart
  3. “Keep on Riding” Mo Howard
  4. “Secret” Carol Hogner
  5. “If it Satisfies You Lord”  Wyatt Nations
  6. “Sweep the Golden Street” Taylon Hope
  7. “Jesus Hold My Hand” Chris Hayle


Featured Artist of the Week

Chris Hayle


Click Here for Chris Hayle Music




I hope you enjoyed this weeks KIJS.

If there is a song or artist you want to know more about; email me at [email protected]

Dream Catcher 3:20

Cassie G

Just sayin! 

Which would you rather hear from God” How’s that working out for you?” Or ” That dog will hunt”. Ever heard Dr Phil use these two sayings?. I’ll stick with the hunting dog!. If a He’s involved, nothing can stop me!!!

Dream Catcher 3:20

Cassie G

Interview with Kimberly Dawn


I met Kimberly Dawn at the 2014 ICM Awards.  She is such a sweet woman of God.  I enjoyed her showcase and loved her true country sound.

Kimberly and I have a sweet mutual friend; Richard Frazier.  Richard Plays Kimberly’s music on The Richard Frazier Show.  He networked and connected us together.  I am so glad he did.

Kimberly called me the other night and we talked for over an hour.  She shared her heart with me and what God is done in her life.  She blessed me with this interview.


Kimberly Dawn Nutter, a native of Greenbrier County, WV, is a comparatively new edition to the Country/Gospel music industry. Since professionally beginning her career in 2013, her singing and songwriting abilities have made her one of the most influential voices of “this generation’ of Country/Gospel music. Kim always strives to reach out lyrically to the sick, afflicted, and broken-hearted, and her efforts have gotten noticed, often resulting in her music being described with words like: joyful, uplifting, inspiring, affirmative, exuberant,and universal in its appeal and intention. Her message is quite abundant with love, faith, rhythm, wisdom and soul.

Kim has striven to rise from the shy young vocalist she started as to where she is today. She whole-heartedly believes that her career is an answered prayer and an opportunity to use her combination of talent, extraordinary work-ethic, and girl-next-door likeability to continue both her artistic growth and growth with her ministry.

Bio taken from her website below

Interview with Kimberly Dawn

 How long have you been singing Country and Inspirational Country Music?   I’ve been singing and writing all my life. However it wasn’t until after my children and myself experienced an enormous tragedy in 2011, I began to pursue my singing possibilities in the year 2013, I was encouraged by a professional friend to submit four of my songs to Internet Radio and in two days they charted in at #1, and remained in the top 20’s for over three weeks.


Are you an independent artist?  Yes.


What artist would you say has influenced your music the most?  I have several influences from different genres: Elvis Presley, Patsy Cline, Loretta Lynn, Louie Armstrong, Jason Crabb, Allyson Krauss. The most influential in recent times would have to be Carrie Underwood.


What was your first song to hit the air waves?  “Holding On “


And which station started your adventure on air?   Wow, I started out on hundreds of different radio stations, thanks to HMG Christian Country Radio. 

Click on link below to listen to this great song by Kimberly Dawn

Holding On


What would you say was the defining moment in your music ministry that you knew that this was what you wanted to do?  It was on a memorial day weekend, “Kimberly Dawn had been scheduled to perform for the Veterans and POW’s . We had several sound problems , not to mention my lead guitarist was stuck in a wreck just a few miles away, no one was hurt of course.  He called in and said he could not make it to play, I was feeling very discouraged , but the show must go on.  I looked up and saw a special needs couple raising their hands toward the heavens with smiles on their faces and tears of joy for the Lord streaming down from their eyes as they danced in circles all around the area while we played. Of course I was crying too, but I saw the love of God at work. That’s one of the most memorable times on this journey. But there have been many blessings almost too many to count.


What motivates you to keep going when you’re tired?  I think about the calling God has placed on my life. I think of how Jesus died for us and He never gave up on us.  Lord willing I will press through and keep on keeping on!

Do you have any new projects in the making?  Absolutely , in just a few weeks we will have a complete album of twelve songs “ Reaching Higher “, as well as a single called “ Can’t have Me”.


Click on link below to listen to Cant Have Me

Cant Have Me


What’s your current single on the air waves that we might hear? “Rain on me” just debuted about three weeks ago.


Click on Rain on Me to listen to her new single

Rain On Me


Do you write any of your own songs?  Yes, I write all of my songs and my husband helps me with music arrangements on a lot of them.


What is your personal favorite out of all the songs you have recorded or sing? “Reaching Higher “
is one of my favorites, it brought me through one of the hardest times in my life. All of my songs relate to an experience God has brought me through.


Can you share one of your funniest memories of Singing on stage or while recording?
There have been several; however everyone in the band got big kick out of me biting the mic, while we were on the air live at the Floyd Country Store in Floyd Virginia. I will share with you that my dress seam ripped straight up my leg at the Nashville Palace in Nashville Tennessee, while preforming and anyone that commented on my dress thought it was made that way.   I just kept on singing however,  I laughed half the night over that one.


Can you tell us about the clothing and accessories you have on your website?  Yes, the line of clothing and accessories are designed to represent the lyrics from various songs recorded. Proceeds go to a non-profit organization recently founded called Solomon’s Porch. For families, who have been and are afflicted by Drug Addiction, Loss and or Abuse. That’s another project I am working on.


Check out Kimberly’s Online Store Below



What is your favorite scripture and what does it mean to you? 
Isaiah 59:1 Behold the Lord’s hand is not too short to save, and his ear is not too deaf to hear.
As long as we cry to God with sincerity , He can hear us and He will save us.
I share that scripture with people that feel they are unworthy of God’s love and mercy .

To learn more about Kimberly Dawn and her music please check out her website below.


Click here to enter Kimberly Dawn Ministries



Thank You Kimberly Dawn!!!!!


Dream Catcher 3:20

Cassie G