Author Archives: Cassgilman

Trapped or Protected?

Do you ever feel like you are trapped in the same ol things? Do you feel like your dreams aren’t moving along fast enough? Are we really Trapped or Protected? God gave me a whole new outlook.

LU and I were talking yesterday because I’ve felt like I was stuck in a place that I didn’t really understand lately. I said I guess if I look back over my victory and where I have come from then I don’t feel so stuck or trapped. It’s when I can’t figure out how to get where I want to be that I start looking at the regrets and lack and hurts again.

In our lives There are times of deep hurt and betrayal and disappointments. What I am learning in my life is you have to Saddle up and Ride on!! You can not remain in the past. This last few months the Lord has been showing me that it is time to let it all go. To forgive myself for the mistakes I have made as a parent. To stop dwelling on the failed marriage and relationships and to Saddle up and Ride on with Him.

In my reading I’ve been reading in Psalm 139. I had a light bulb moment in HIM!!

O Lord, you have searched me and known me!
2 You know when I sit down and when I rise up;
you discern my thoughts from afar.
3 You search out my path and my lying down
and are acquainted with all my ways.
4 Even before a word is on my tongue,
behold, O Lord, you know it altogether.
5 You hem me in, behind and before,
and lay your hand upon me.
6 Such knowledge is too wonderful for me;
it is high; I cannot attain it.

Before I ever said or did anything that I was not suppose to do or I neglected to do what I was suppose to do and before any sin I committed HE ALREADY KNEW IT!! HE CHOSE ME ANYWAY!! Not only did He choose me but He locked and secured the gate behind me just like we do our prize horse. He knew I would try to stray and go check out the grass down the road. He knew I would kick and throw fits because I thought I was trapped when in reality I was being protected… Have you ever seen a horse after he tried to kick the stall door behind? Bloody and all banged up because he thought he knew best? Well we all go through that. The good news is He knew we would and He already had the healing balm we needed ready for us.

Is 61:1 The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord has anointed and qualified me to preach the Gospel of good tidings to the meek, the poor, and afflicted; He has sent me to bind up and heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the [physical and spiritual] captives and the opening of the prison and of the eyes to those who are bound,

He sent Jesus Christ to heal our broken hearts and wounds that we caused and others caused.

We don’t see ourselves the way He does and when we do we Will touch nations.
His word says
Before I formed you in the womb I knew [and] approved of you [as My chosen instrument], and before you were born I separated and set you apart, consecrating you; [and] I appointed you as a prophet to the nations. [Exod. 33:12; Isa. 49:1, 5;
Today I ask you to take some time and read Psalm 139. Then you Saddle Up and Ride on. Leave the past behind you and know that He knows what you need today and tomorrow and He has you safely locked in.

Dream Catcher 3:20
Cassie Gilman

Get Salty!

One of my favorite things in life is to promote others dreams, purposes, ministries and businesses.  I was looking through my feed on Facebook and saw a page called Get Salty!  I stopped and decided to take a look.  I had once done a teaching on being the salt of the earth and the different uses of salt.  God tells us to be the Salt of the Earth in Matthew 5:13.  As I read the about section for Get Salty I realized this was their founding scripture.

I entered a contest on Facebook and won a t shirt with Get Salty’s logo and was so excited.  I asked them to change the size of the shirt so I could give it as a gift to a special friend.  When I received their reply they said they would just send me two.  When I opened my box they blessed me with 4 t shirts.  I was able to bless two other people and get their brand and their vision out there for others to see.

I am so excited to share their vision with you.


As a team roper and coming from a ranching family I have heard the slang “Salty” from my granddad down to my dad as describing someone that is good at something. As I was competing at a roping a pro team roper JOJO Lemond ran a super fast time and out of my mouth comes …”that cat is salty”. As I get home I tell my wife that I want to start a rodeo apparel, GET SALTY.  As my wife is a very devout Christian she says sure, but only if it glorifies God. Keep in mind that before I met my wife 13 years ago my life was black and white. I thought life was grand chasing the hwy and hitting all the rodeos I could… Boy was I wrong. She showed me what life was like in color as she introduced me to truly knowing the Lord. As she stated there are several verses in the bible referring to SALT she was reading the bible and came across MATT 5:13 ” Ye Are The SALT of The Earth…” We both thought that was very fitting to our clothing line. As we sell and explain our product we let them know both meanings of GET SALTY…describing ones God given talent and Biblical Reference MATT 5:13 ye are the Salt of the earth… We do not put the entire verse as we hope people will have the curiosity to open the Bible and read further than the remainder of Matt 5:13.
Our vision for Get Salty is to produce a trendy clothing line that will help spread the message of the Lord and praying it leads people to Christ.
Thank you all so much for sharing your vision with me.
Y’all be sure to check out their website and go like their Facebook page.  Order your Get Salty apparel today.
Click on the Photo below to go directly to their website. You all so much for sharing your vision with me.
Dream Catcher 3:20
Cassie Gilman

Interview with Steve Roberson

Interview Steve Roberson
Steve Roberson

While doing some PR for Carol Hogner I started listening to and following HLE Radio. I heard a song called Jesus Was A Rebel. I fell in love with that song. Sometimes we can get so caught up in stuffy old religion and forget that Jesus didn’t go with the flow.  Jesus hung out with the Rebels and outcast. He took His Light to them.


I friend requested Steve Roberson in October 2013. I realized then he has such a sweet heart and wants people to see the fun loving side of Jesus. Throug out this last year I have watched his Social Media post and peoples interaction with him. This Novemebr I traveled with Carol Hogner to the ICM Awards in Nashville and was blessed to meet Steve in person. Steve is just as personable and fun in person as he is on Social Media. I asked him if he would participate in my interview for my blogs. I’m so glad he said yes.

I hope you enjoy getting to know a little more about Mr. Steve Roberson. Be sure to check out the links I’ve inserted into this blog to listen to his music and follow him on social media.

Bio:  Diversity is the word that comes to mind when the name Steve Roberson comes up. Steve grew up in Montgomery, Alabama with the sounds of Elvis, Buddy Holly, The Rolling Stones, Hank Williams and Tom T Hall flowing through the speakers of his momma’s orange suitcase record player! He had a love for great music of all genres, and you can tell when you hear Steve’s music
Steve is on the road full time performing at venues such as fairs, festivals, rodeo’s, and churches all across the country, and is also a staff songwriter at Oden’s Row Publishing in Nashville, Tennessee. He has had numerous cuts in Southern Gospel, Christian Country and Mainstream Country Music.
2014 has proved to be a successful year for Steve, as he has been blessed with three number one songs on several Independent Country and Christian Country Charts, including the ever popular “Jesus Was A Rebel” and current chart topper “Letting Angels Down Easy”.



Q.How long have you been singing Country and Inspirational Country Music?

Steve:  I’ve been singing Country Music all of my life it seems! After I got saved and in church in 2005, I thought that the country side of music was over for me. I knew very little about Gospel Music, but I was asked to audition for the lead singer position in a Southern Gospel Quartet based out of Clanton, Alabama. I sang with “The Samaritans” for about four years. Then for almost another year with “Broken Vessels”. Then in the summer of 2006, we were booked to sing at an outdoor festival near Montgomery, Alabama. And that is where I was introduced to Christian Country Music! Tommy Brandt and Danny Ray Harris were the headliners for this event and I was in heaven! I’m sure that I asked those two guys a thousand questions that day! I ended up with both of their CD’s and Danny even gave me some of his tracks to sing with. In 2012, Danny would also introduce me to playing in Cowboy Churches around the country while we toured together for a year as “The Southern Boys”. I’m forever grateful to Danny, Tommy and everyone else who has had a hand helping me on my musical journey!


Q. What artist would you say has influenced your music the most?
Steve:  WOW! That’s a loaded question!! Where do I start? There are so many that I could truthfully say, but I’ll narrow it down to a few. I always loved the smooth, powerful voice of Travis Tritt. He’s still one of my heroes in music. The great Marty Raybon is another! I still get chills hearing him and Shenandoah sing “The Moon Over Georgia”!. The other is Scott Roberts of Broken Vessels. There are so many artists on stage nowadays that in my opinion, are trying to put on a show for the sake of entertaining someone. Scott doesn’t have to do that because he is real. He truly wants God to use him to make a difference in the life’s of others, and it shows through on stage. And I’m thankful for the difference that he has made in my life!


Q. What was your first song to hit the air waves? And which station started your adventure on air?
Steve:The first one would be with The Samaritans. We did a song called “Joy In The Morning” that got some local airplay at Gospel Station WKLF in Clanton, Alabama. The first one for me as a soloist was a song that I wrote with my brother Frankie called “Pretty, Pretty Angels”, also at WKLF.


Q. What would you say was the defining moment in your music ministry that you knew that this was what you wanted to do?
Steve:  Defining moment?…. I don’t think that I can recall one. I’ve just always known that this was it for me!


Q. What motivates you to keep going when your tired?
Steve:  There are people out there in the world that are hurting, and I believe that God can use me, and the music that He gives me to reach them, ease their pain and lead them to Him.


Q. Do you have any new projects in the making?
Steve:  Yep, a new CD packed with Crank Down Christian Country, and Positive Country is due out in late January with a new radio release to go along with it!


Q. What’s your current single on the air waves that we might hear?
Steve:   “Letting Angels Down Easy” written by Randy Finchum and Chuck Oden is still going strong at Independent Country Radio and almost a year after it’s radio release, “Jesus Was A Rebel” (Finchum-Gibson) is still one of the most requested song at a lot of stations! And let’s not forget about “God Gave His Gift To Me” (Finchum-Batts-Roberson) My Christmas single.


Q. Can you share one of your funniest memories of Singing on stage or while recording?

Steve:WOW again! I have a lot to choose from! It has to be the time when I was singing at an old country church somewhere in Georgia. The church was in serious need of major repair and stage floor was very unstable to say the least! And to make things worse, I was weighing in at around the 400 lb mark! The service was almost over when the floor busted open and I fell through it into the baptismal tank, a tank that the church had no idea was there! Here’s the funny part. The Pastor said that they had been praying that The Lord would provide them with a way to baptize their church folks! I guess that The Lord does indeed work in mysterious ways!



Thank you Steve Robberson for this great interview!!!

To contact Steve for your next event….

[email protected]


Above and Beyond

Dream Catcher 3:20

Cassie Gilman

From a Mommas Heart!




From a Mommas Heart

From a Mommas Heart


From a Mommas Heart 


As a mom of two young adult children I thought it would be very interesting to take a look at what it’s like from a mommas heart to watch her child achieve his dreams. Earlier this week I interviewed Jake Long a 2014 NFR qualified contestant.   Jake is a team roper who is competing at  the NFR this year. Jake’s mom Pam Weatherby is out at Vegas for the finals  cheering her son on.  I was able to interview her and ask her what it’s like to be Jake’s mom and to be there cheering him on and behind the scenes in a mommas eyes.




It’s that time of year again!! The WNFR is upon us. What is it like for you as a momma of one of the qualified NFR contestants (Mr Jake Long), to be out there in all the excitement?

Pam:  It’s just so neat to see Jake fulfill his dreams after all the hard work that he has done. I love taking care of the horses and meeting wonderful people in the rodeo world.

How many years does this make for you all to be out there as participants?

Pam:  This is our 4th year to be out here with Jake.

What is your very first memory of Jake picking up a rope and beginning the many years of fulfilling his purpose and dreams?

Pam:  When Jake was just a toddler he carried around a small piece of rope, wore an old felt hat and he carried it with him everywhere.  Jake has roped in junior rodeos since the age of 6.

Have you found it difficult at times to watch the process of his Dreams becoming reality?

Pam:  No, I haven’t found it difficult to watch good progress he has been his own self teacher at many times he was always had his eyes set on his goals and never took them off.

What’s some key advice you have been able to give him over the years?

Pam: The key advice I used to always give Jake is I would always just tell him have fun and there’s always another roping.

As one mom to another, what advice can you give a mother to help them encourage their child along the path of their goals and dreams?

Pam:  Key advice for other mothers is let your child pick what they want to do if they want to rope that’s fine but if they want to play basketball that’s fine too. But let them fulfill their own dreams not your own dreams do not live though your kid.

Can you share a funny memory that sticks out in your mind of Jake?

Pam:  A funny story on Jake is he is a heck of a barrel racer. He always out ran me on my own horse, but I think doing different events just made a better horseman.

For my last question and probably one of the most important, how has your faith played a role in all of this?

Pam:  My faith has really been tested, I would pray protection,  to have good cattle, and to win good every night.  I would pray and pray. Then finally God said when are you going to let me have control and have faith, and that’s when I finally turned over the reins to the Almighty God.


Thank you so much Pam for doing this interview with me.




 Above and Beyond
Dream Catcher 3:20
Cassie Gilman