Author Archives: Cassgilman

Interview with Jake Long

Dreams just keep coming true for this rodeo cowboy

Known as Jake Long


Jake is married to the beautiful Tasha Long and they have two beautiful children.  I have not ever met them personally but I’ve heard such wonderful things about each of them. I have been blessed to get an interview with him. I had the help of his awesome mom, Pam Weatherby.


Jake grew up in Coffeyville, Kansas.  In town I am very familiar with, growing up in North East Oklahoma myself. Jake is the son of Crickett Long  and Pam Weatherby.  He began his career roping at Junior rodeo’s in Kansas and Northeast Oklahoma. Jake won his first buckle at the young age of eight years old. He won two horse trailers in 1999 team roping in Guthrie and Pawhuska Oklahoma.  I 2007 Jake  won his first truck. It was a Dodge so you know it was a good one (of course writers opinion).  He won his truck at the Dodge finals in Pocatella, ID.


Jake won the Champion Heeler  at the George Strait team roping in San Antonio in 2007  this time he won another nice new shiny truck this one was a Chevy truck and he also won a horse trailer as well as his earnings


In 2010 Jake’s dreams just continued coming true.  He was roping with Brady Tryan, of  Huntley, Montana.  They took first in St. Paul, Oregon and Silver City, New Mexico and placed in a lot of other big rodeos.  Jake also became a 2010 WNFR qualified contestant!  Making it a dream come true!


It is now 2014 and once again Jake Long as made it back to the National Finals Rodeo.   Jake has answered a few questions for this blog and I hope that you enjoy getting to know a little bit more about him.


Thank you Jake Long and Pam Weatherby for helping me get the word out to others that dreams really do come true!!



It’s that time of year again!! It’s the WNFR14! How many years does this make for you as a NFR qualifying contestant Jake?

Jake:  4 years


At what age did you know that this was the dream you would follow?

Jake:  As long  as I can remember


Who has influenced you the most in your career?

Jake:  Clay O’Brien Cooper, also I have had several friends who help me learn to rope and progress. My family has always been a huge influence and great support for me.


What would you say the most difficult situations are that you face out on the road?

Jake:  All night drives and schedule conflicts


If you could tell us what it takes to be a winner what would you say?

Jake:  To be a winner have faith, dedication, lots of practice, and confidence in yourself!

How does your faith play a role in your Roping Career?

Jake:  God blessed me with an amazing talent and I am so thankful for it. I have to have faith and know He will help me every step along the way.


Is there one main piece of advice you can give to all of those kids and adults out there who want to pursue their dreams?

Jake:  Stay focused and keep your eye on the goal.


There are a lot of Team Ropers out there that watch you close and want to learn all they can from you; what are three tips you would have for them in their Roping years ahead?

Jake:  Maintain your game plan. Do not conform to others. Keep strong and focused staying mentally ready.


**Be be sure to check out this YouTube video to learn more about**

**Jake Long and his faith and how it plays a role in his roping.**








Interview with Cesar de la Cruz

I am so excited about this interview with Cesar de la Cruz.  I hope my readers enjoy this as much as I do.  It’s always nice to get to know these guys a little more and see what’s behind their dreams and goals.


Cesar de la Cruz

Cesar de la Cruz grew up in Tuscan, AZ. He has a long line of Cowboy roots and grew up roping steers. His uncle, George Aros, a 4-time NFR qualifier, was a big influence on his rodeo career.

Cesar and his wife Arena were married in 2008. They have two adorable boys, Camilo and Gio. I have seen them in the stands many times at the US Finals cheering him on.

Cesar qualified for his first NFR at the age of 22. He is now 31 and continuing to watch his dreams come true

How many years does this make for you as a  NFR qualifying contestant Cesar?
Cesar:  This is my 9th Year!

At what age did you know that this was the dream you would follow?
Cesar:  I was about 15 when I decided this is what I wanted to do!

Who has influenced you the most in your career?
Cesar:  My Uncle George Aros.

What would you say the most difficult situations are that you face out on the road?
Cesar:  Finances and being away from home.

If you could tell us what it takes to be a winner what would you say?
Cesar:  You need to have a short term memory and have to expect yourself to win!

How does your faith play a role in your Roping Career?
Cesar:  For me I have have to have faith that God has a plan for me and I have to trust him with my roping career!

Is there one main piece of advice you can give to all of those kids and adults out there who want to pursue their dreams?
Cesar:Refuse to Lose, Never give up, and Hard work pays off.

There are a lot of Team Ropers out there that watch you close and want to learn all they can from you; what are three tips you would have for them in their Roping years ahead?
Cesar:  Lots of practice, you need a good horse, Set and try to achieve your goals.

For more on Cesar de la Cruz be sure to check out this Youtube video.

Thank you Cesar for letting me do this interview with you.

Above and Beyond,

Dream Catcher 3:20

Cassie Gilman

Interview with Brian Mace

I got to know Mr. Brian Mace last year while doing PR for Carol Hogner.  At that time Brian was with Gospel Hour Radio.  It was a divine connection from the start.  We have worked together in ministry with his programing on GHR.  I was very blessed by his big heart for Southern Gospel Music and His love for God.

Thank you Brian for doing this interview with me.  I hope you all enjoy my interview with Brian Mace.



Name: Brian Mace Date of Birth: January 7th, 1962
Brian accepted Christ at the young age of 8. Brian was called into this ministry many years ago but wasted many years running from what he knew was his calling, to share the word & love of God through song and testimony. Brian has a heart for God and a desire to see many come to know Jesus as their personal savior. Brian has been singing for many years but just a few years ago he stopped running and gave it all over to God. Brian has had opportunity to share the stage with some of the who’s who in Gospel music such as Ron Blackwood & The Blackwood Quartet , The Lester’s, Gold City and Brian Free & Assurance, and legends Ron Pauly, Bill Shaw & Naomi & the Segos. Brian was a two time Male vocalist of the year nominee at the Music City Gospel Show Case in Pigeon Forge TN. which aired on Dish Network & Sky Angle’s, Angle 2 and was shown into over 40 million homes. This is where Brian was picked up and signed to The C & C Music Groups Revelation Records label.
Brian is also honored to be a Ministry Partner with Mo-Kan Gospel Music Asso., Country Gospel Ministries & Alpha Omega Christian Music Association. These things are nice and Brian does appreciate it. However, this is not really about Brian it is about the ministry that God has entrusted to him and the work that is to be accomplished. To quote Brian “The thing about ministry is this, you just have to be “called”, that’s all; from there on out it’s up to the Lord to make everything happen the way it’s supposed to happen. That’s the way he set it up and that’s the way we try to do things around here.”

How long have you been singing Southern Gospel Music?
Brian:  about 45 years
What artist would you say has influenced your music the most?
Brian:  I can’t really say which artist. It was more of a “genre” ,That would be, Southern Gospel.
What was your first song to hit the air waves? And which station started your adventure on air?
Brian:  How Much Love, As far as a stations, it was a mass release over approx. 1200 stations, However, it was a small station in KY where it was aired the most reaching their #1 spot for almost 3 months.
What would you say was the defining moment in your music ministry that you knew that this was what you wanted to do?
Brian:  When I sang and an alter call was given. Souls came to know Jesus

What motivates you to keep going when your tired?
Brian:  My motivation is, I know that what I am doing opens up souls so that they might hear the message of Jesus and His salvation through song and personal testimony. Bottom line seeing souls come to know Christ and His love.

Do you have any new projects in the making?
Brian:  Yes, there is a project in the works. I am still waiting on tracks to be completed.I am not sure of a release date at this time.

What’s your current single on the air waves that we might hear?
Brian:  I actually have a couple of songs rotating through the air wave. How Much Love, and My Faith.
To learn more about Brian Mace you can go to his Facebook website link on my page.  Brian is available for Bookings in your area.
Above and Beyond,
Dream Catcher 3:20
Cassie Gilman

Just Breathe; It’s Not Your Past! It’s Your Future!!!

Have you ever been trucking along and everything was going wonderful and all of a sudden you found yourself feeling dread and wondering if it was going too wonderful?  Change is never easy and when you have been accustomed to let downs, or maybe even letting others down, that past can try to creep into your future.  My life has taken many changes over the years and this is one of my biggest years yet to come.  My daughter is getting married and my son is graduating from highschool.  I have been blessed beyond words this last year and especially in the last few months.  All of a sudden I found myself feeling overwhelmed with emotions and second guessing myself and if I was worthy to be having such an amazing life.  I talked to Mommajo and like always she gave me wonderful advice. “Just Breathe Baby.  This isn’t your past this is your future”. 


Psalms 15:15 All the days of the desponding and afflicted are made evil [by anxious thoughts and forebodings], but he who has a glad heart has a continual feast [regardless of circumstances].

I don’t know about you but I think I like the second half of this verse way better than the first half.  If we have a glad heart we will have a continual feast in the great things of God.  If your past is haunting your today it will ruin your tomorrow.  The only hold the past has on you is the past you hold onto.


Philippians 3:13 Brothers and sisters, I myself don’t think I’ve reached it, but I do this one thing: I forget about the things behind me and reach out for the things ahead of me.

The years past when things did not go the way that I wanted them to for my kids or myself are over.  The days that I am grateful for to live right now are here.  The days to come that I can stand on His word and know that He has great plans to prosper us and not to harm us; those are all ahead of me.  Do I deserve great things?  Not in myself NO…But because of what God gave for me and the fact Jesus Christ gave Himself for me says I get the Grace of God to have them anyway.


Don’t let your thoughts go backwards!  Keep your eyes on HIM!!!  JUST BREATHE!! THIS IS NOT YOUR PAST!! IT’S YOUR FUTURE!!!!!!


Please take a moment and listen to this song by Carol Hogner.  With Him


Above and Beyond,

Dream Catcher 3:20

Cassie Gilman

Interview with Russ Nottingham

I became friends with Russ Nottingham last year on Facebook.  I really enjoyed his music as well as found him to have such  a heart for God and ministry.  I was blessed to meet Russ and his beautiful wife Jeri in Nashville at the Inspirational Country Music Awards week.  I am very blessed to be connected with them.  I believe God has orchestrated one of His divine connections once again in my life and the ministries I am involved with.  I was so blessed to be able do this interview with Russ Nottingham.

I believe that you will fall in love with Russ Nottingham Ministries after you read this blog.  When you are finished reading this please go straight to his links provided here.  Listen to his music on reverberation and then go to his website and order your own Russ Nottingham cds.

Russ Nottingham is a Christian singer, songwriter and musician. His inspirational music is a blend of his lifelong influences, from Country to Southern Rock, from Bluegrass to Jazz, and just about everything in between.

Russ: “I was raised in a Christian home with a praying and believing mom and dad. But as I grew older, I decided to do my own thing, and I began playing out in bars and nightclubs”. After a few years, Russ joined a Country band, which shortly began growing with recognition. They spent weekends opening for stars such as Conway Twitty, Johnny Cash, Diamond Rio, Charlie Daniels, Vince Gill and many others. It was looking like the Country music dream was becoming reality. Things were looking pretty good! “I must honestly say that it was exciting at times. But as time went by, I began to realize that I had an uneasy feeling inside. I felt emptiness, like there was something missing. The worst part was, deep down, I knew what that something was, but I just wasn’t ready to accept it”.

As achieving the dream drew closer, God’s calling on Russ’s life became clear. “The more we traveled, the more I began to get homesick and miss my wife and kids. The more exposure we gained, the less exciting it became. That’s when I realized that even though I had turned my back on God, He still cared for and wanted me back. So, over a period of a few months, I ended up resigning from the band and both my wife (Jeri) and I along with our two boys (Rusty & Michael), rededicated our lives back to God and here I am today, years later”!

Russ’ catchy music and encouraging lyrics in his original songs reflect on the unconditional love and relentless pursuit of our Heavenly Father. Through all of our faults and failures, we are never out of God’s reach. This is the lifelong testimony of Russ Nottingham.

Russ Nottingham Ministries goals and objectives are to make a positive impact in people’s lives through his songs on how God forgave him for all his sins in his past and to encourage the loss to change their lives by letting them know that it is never too late to ask for forgiveness and that God is waiting to accept them back into his fold. Russ’ goal is to travel from state to state and country to country singing about God’s great love for all of us.



How long have you been singing Inspirational Country Music?
 Russ: Since 2008
What artist would you say has influenced your music the most?   
Russ: Actually my music is a blend of all the different genres that I grew up listening to. It’s a little bit of Bluegrass, Country and Southern Rock all rolled into one. As far as influences. I definitely liked the Eagles, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Alabama, Diamond Rio, Ricky Skaggs.
What was your first song to hit the air waves? And which station started your adventure on air?
 Russ: My song “Maybe”. Not sure what radio station. The song was released through HMG/Power Source and they sent it out to over 1000 different stations.
What would you say was the defining moment in your music ministry that you knew that this was what you wanted to do? 
 Russ: The first time I seen someone give their heart to God through my music, I knew that’s what my calling was.
What motivates you to keep going when your tired? 
 Russ: The desire to serve God and the joy of singing and playing music.
Do you have any new projects in the making? 
Russ: Yes, I am working on songs for a new cd. It’s not titled yet though.
What’s your current single on the air waves that we might hear?
 Russ: “Maybe”
Do you write any of your own songs?
 Russ: Yes, I do all original music.
What is your personal favorite out of all the songs you have recorded or sing?
Russ: At this time I would have to say “Maybe’. Just because it’s my current single.
Can you share one of your funniest memories of Singing on stage or while recording?
Russ: When I went to Nashville to record a couple of years ago, I was given the address to the studio which I thought was in a house. So I knocked on the door and a few minutes later an elderly gentleman answered. When I looked up there stood this guy in an old pair of them old, real short, gym shorts. It appeared, I had awaken them. The man is a well known singer (I won’t mention his name). Anyway he said the studio was around back. Later in the day he came out to the studio and said he had better introduce himself since I practically seen him naked. I must admit it was a little awkward, but we all had a good laugh.
What is your favorite scripture and what does it mean to you? 
 Russ: John 3:16 God loved me so much that He let His only Son die for me. The best part is He died not only for me but for everyone who believes.
Thank you so much Russ for sharing your heart and ministry with us.
Russ Nottingham Photo (2)
Above and Beyond
Cassie Gilman