Author Archives: Cassgilman

Tell Your Heart To Beat Again

Have you ever walked through a deep loss, hurt or disappointment?

I have. I have had times I thought my heart had stopped beating. I have felt I was literally holding my breath because I was afraid I would experience that level of pain again and I would literally die.


God is our heartbeat. He is the one who holds out broken hearts tears in a bottle.

“You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book.”

‭‭Psalms‬ ‭56:8‬ ‭NLT‬‬

This song has gotten me through so many tears. Read the words and then go listen to the song. It’s powerful.

Song by Danny Gokey

“You’re shattered
Like you’ve never been before
The life you knew
In a thousand pieces on the floor
And words fall short in times like these
When this world drives you to your knees
You think you’re never gonna get back
To the you that used to be
Tell your heart to beat again
Close your eyes and breathe it in
Let the shadows fall away
Step into the light of grace
Yesterday’s a closing door
You don’t live there anymore
Say goodbye to where you’ve been
And tell your heart to beat again
Just let that word wash over you
It’s alright now
Love’s healing hands have pulled you through
So get back up, take step one
Leave the darkness, feel the sun
‘Cause your story’s far from over
And your journey’s just begun
Tell your heart to beat again
Close your


Cassie G

The Empowering List

When you make a list of what you have done verses what you haven’t done 💥

I SURVIVED!! I set my goals last year on this day for 2018 When I set them I was still walking out a deep time of grief and healing. I look back now and see I really didn’t do most of what was on my list. BUT what did I do.

I survived loss of friends

I survived betrayal

I survived domestic violence

I survived uprooting and relocation

I survived a divorce

I survived broken dreams

I survived a life I had come to know day in and day out haunting to a total end

I spent 2018 doing what I needed to do to make 2019 the best year yet! I DID NOT GIVE UP AND QUIT.

2018 might have been a year of survival but 2018 will be a year of ARRIVAL!

Now 2019 look out! My words for 2019 are Refreshing and Inspiring!

#Aboveandbeyond #newyear #refreshninspire #lookout2019 #mendingfencesnhearts



Dream Catcher 3:20

Cassie Gilman

Time is running out LET IT GO

The hour glass is running out as I am at the ending of another year in my life. Instead of hearing tick tock tick tock, I hear the words screaming in my head “LET IT GO”!  I need to let go of all the junk from days, weeks, months and even years of the past behind me. But how?


How does a person leave behind past failures, hurts, words and bad memories?  I am learning daily to do this very thing and it is not easy at all. I have found myself feeling irritable and angry for no reason. Hmmm, is that no reason or lots of reasons? I am realizing that I am carrying years of hurt, disappointments and even fear with me into each new day. So the question still remains: how do I change this?  


I am creating a safe place in my life to accept all the past hurts as just that…the PAST.  I am allowing myself to acknowledge my failures and those bad things that happened to me and because of me. What’s next?  What did I learn from them? Maybe I learned what my strengths were and my weaknesses. Maybe I learned what others strengths and weaknesses are. I have to look at the situations and the people involved in those past hurts and failures. After I have taken a long in-depth look at the situations and people involved, it’s time to ask myself if I need to take those same people with me into my future. The people we have in our lives may always go with us on some level because they are family or people we can’t avoid. However, are they VIP level or balcony level people?  Do you want them so closely involved in your life that they have access to continue to hurt you or maybe to have the fear they will?  Or do they belong up in the balcony level where they don’t have that direct access? Deeply evaluating these people will categorize them in their appropriate categories.


I am finding for myself to forgive those who hurt me I need to move some of them to balcony seats. Usually for me those are the ones who never make a life change to assure they will no longer continue the hurting. This way I assure myself once I’ve moved them to the balcony area I can then heal and forgive. 


Forgive!!!  What a word. I find this word sometimes impossible. But God tells me to do it and that ALL things are possible IN HIM!  So I am asking God to help me do the thing He tells me to do. The best way I am finding to do this is to change my thoughts. When something triggers the hurt, I have to think of something positive from that situation or person. I also find that saying out loud I forgive them helps immensely. For out of the mouth is where action starts. I have better things to do with my energy and heart. One very powerful thing I am doing to forgive me or others is pray!  Praying for the person that hurt me or for even myself assures God is for sure right in the middle of this process. 


I am going to spend the next few days of 2018 working on LETTING IT GO!  Leaving some hurts, failures, bad memoriesand disappointments in my past. 2019 will be filled with peace, love, joy, new memories and NO MORE FEAR! 


Acknowledge. Evaluate. Forgive. Pray.


I pray that what I am walking through will inspire you on your walk. 


“No, dear brothers and sisters, I have not achieved it, but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead,”

‭‭Philippians‬ ‭3:13‬ ‭NLT‬‬

“Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, and slander, as well as all types of evil behavior. Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you.”

‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭4:31-32‬ ‭NLT‬‬

“The tongue can bring death or life; those who love to talk will reap the consequences.”

‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭18:21‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Dream Catcher 3:20

Cassie Gilman

One tiny BB creates one gigantic problem

So yesterday we was cleaning a house and sucked up a BB into the vacuum. Somehow that little tiny BB fell out of the hose and down into a space that seems impossible to get it out. Now the hose will not go back into its connector therefor the vacuum can not serve its full purpose!!

Hmm can you already see where I’m going with this tiny little BB story?

This morning as I was already trying to stay out of panic mode when my grandsons birthday cupcakes fell through lol now I have this BB issue. I loaded up my vacuum and headed on a mission to fix the problem no matter the cost. Oh the same on the cupcakes as well lol. My cupcake maker has a sick baby and so best to get some made elsewhere.

I ran by the the vacuum repair shop to find they was not open yet at 9 am! GOOD time to go to the bakery and order my cupcakes. I ordered my cupcakes 🧁 and had one issue solved. Now back to this tiny little pain called a BB. I took the vacuum in and he says there’s no way to get that out unless he takes it all the way apart. He continues to tell me since he is doing that he will clean it inside and out so it will perform better.

You with me yet? Bet you know where I’m heading with this!!!

I am currently sitting in a cafe evaluating why my life isn’t fitting exactly into place. Why I don’t feel I am serving my full purpose and potential! I began to think of this tiny BB causing such major issues. I wonder how many tiny BB’s are stuck in areas of my life that don’t belong? Tiny mindsets, tiny attitudes, tiny little sins that are causing great big issues!!!

Today I am asking God to do a service call on my heart and mind! Clean me inside and out and remove tiny obstacles from my heart and life! You see when a vacuum is serviced it has full potential and power back again! With God I want to walk in His power and purpose in my life.

Well I went there!!! I know y’all some this coming probably before I did lol

It’s amazing what one tiny BB spoke to my heart. $100 later I will have cupcakes and a like new vacuum! It will cost me as well spiritually, mentally and maybe even others areas to clean up my life. Time with God, time to heal, time to learn and time to mature. I just have to be willing to pay the price! After all HE DID! He’s already done the hard part!

Love y’all

Dream Catcher 3:20

Cassie Gilman


Well I had this blog I was going to write out this morning and I ended up making it as a comment on someone’s post. Their post was exactly about this.

When people are walking through their own pain and messes we can look pretty on outside and spray out crap like a skunk.

I’ve been beating myself up because I keep making bad choices, acting ways I don’t want to act like, always Letting people down and letting myself down. This morning I walked out into a skunk spray. Skunks are so pretty but when they are startled they spray stink everywhere. That’s what I feel I have been doing for years.

Trying to look good to everyone around me but then something happens to set off my defense mechanism and look out :::

Ugly words, ugly actions, ugly thoughts and spraying stink all around me.

I have to let go of all that junk from my past all the way up to today. Junk that keeps me on the defense has to go. That junk that keeps me trying to look so pretty and all together but all the while stinking up my life and those around me.

I am tired of trying to look good while inside I’m filled with this stink that comes out at all the wrong times. It’s time for my stink producer to be clipped! I want to let things go, let people go, let the past go and even the future! I want to Smell like JESUS!

To all of those I have sprayed my stink on or someone else has sprayed theirs on you…

You keep living for God and you. Don’t let us skunks get any of our spray on you.

God is the only one who has it all together.

Love y’all

Dream Catcher 3:20

Cassie Gilman