Can you feel the season change?


Today the weather got a little hairy and the storms were breaking out across NE Oklahoma.  The final summer temperatures were holding on as long as they could while the fall winds and cool temperatures were blowing in.  You can literally feel the season’s changing in your body, sinuses, and some in their joints.  You can feel the temperature changing and smell the fall air.  If you look into the trees you will begin to see the leaves are starting to turn and some even fall off to the ground.

As I scan Facebook, I see those who are so excited for this change in seasons(ME)… As I scan a little further down my feed, I see those who are not so happy about the change.

Now how many times do we hold on to the old seasons in our lives?  We can feel the changes in the air around us.  We can see the changes all around us.  Our spirit man yells out to us saying JUST EMBRACE THE CHANGES. What do we find ourselves doing?  Whining about the downside of the changes or basking in the season we have been in!  We are stuck in our comfortable seat on the beach with our sunscreen and umbrella.  We are holding onto our empty little drink with the tiny umbrella and hoping fall will go away!


NEWS FLASH!!!  Fall is coming with or with out your cooperation.  So you can go into fall in your bathing suits and sunglasses with no preparation for the changes OR…

It is time to prepare in the word for the changes you are sensing in your spiritual life as well as physical.  It is time to put on the proper armor, take the position needed to embrace the changes.  Get into the word and learn what God says about this new season in your life.  Google ideas to help you transition into the new season.  I totally change what I cook and bake in this season verses summer.  I spend hours looking up recipes on Pinterest and ideas to decorate for fall.  If we can put this much time into our everyday changes then why not do the same for our spiritual ones?


I said all this to myself while I was typing this out to share.  This is a word to me for today!  I pray it helps encourage you as well.

To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the haven.  Ecc 3:1

Dream Catcher 3:20

Cassie Gilman