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Drop your burdens and RUN to JESUS

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” ~ Matthew 11:28-30

One day I was so over loaded emotionally and mentally with life. I felt like I was being taken under by a heavy weight around my neck. Like I was carrying luggage filled with rocks and I was going to drown in life.

There was a period in my life where I was living in a situation that was not bringing me peace at all. I was under attack spiritually, mentally and physically. My Mommajo AKA Carol Hogner came for a visit one weekend. I was helping her carry in her luggage and she went to hug me, my hands were too full to just melt into that loving hug. I suddenly realized I was holding onto baggage that was keeping me from being embraced fully by loving parental arms. I dropped all the luggage on the ground and said, okay now I’m ready.

A year went by from this moment that happened in the physical, when God showed me my life in the spiritual. He took me back to that moment in my mind. I realized I was carrying too much baggage with me. It’s not easy to drop baggage 🧳 and walk or run in the other direction. We can start thinking about the value that it has served us to keep it. That very baggage might have provided protection from more rejection, pain, being let down and avoiding walking in an area we are called because of fear. So many reasons it’s hard to drop the burdens or baggage and RUN into HIS ARMS! OH BUT IT IS WELL WORTH IT! See our Father God will never ever LET US GO! He will give us a light load of peace, joy, comfort…

Below is a video with a song sang by Carol Hogner that came out of that baggage moment. Please take a few minutes to check it out.

Dream Catcher 3:20

Cassie Gilman

Mary Magdalene

This was our week 3 from the email list!

I was thinking about how so many things in our past hold us back from ALL HE HAS FOR US!
Mary Magdalene was a woman possessed by not 1 but 7 demons. She was known as someone insane. It only took ONE touch from His love to set her free. 

Luke 8:2 New International Version (NIV

and also some women who had been cured of evil spirits and diseases: Mary (called Magdalene) from whom seven demons had come out;

I wonder when she was worshiping Jesus, ministering to His needs and sharing His resurrection was she thinking: oh I can not be doing this! I had 7 demons so I am not qualified.
Oh BUT she was!! Jesus qualified her just like you and I. The first one to declare His resurrection was Mary Magdalene!
John 20:1-18 New International Version (NIV)
The Empty Tomb
20 Early on the first day of the week, while it was still dark, Mary Magdalene went to the tomb and saw that the stone had been removed from the entrance. 2 So she came running to Simon Peter and the other disciple, the one Jesus loved, and said, “They have taken the Lord out of the tomb, and we don’t know where they have put him!”
Just like Mary Magdalene we have ALL been touched with Christ love! We have been set free from our own demons and issues. If we have issues remaining we know the ONE who will set us free!
Never give up! Never shut up from the truth! Never put up with the enemies lies!
Worship like Mary! Spread His love and resurrection power like Mary!
Cassie G

Risk It All

Sharing from the 5 week email list!

It is week 2! Today’s woman may not have a name but when I think of her I think of myself. 

How desperate for God and ALL He has for us are we?  

The woman with the issue of blood!… Oh we all have our issues in life, but how many of us are so desperate in life to risk our lives to reach out for ALL of Jesus? 

The woman with the issue of blood found in Luke chapter 8:43-48 had been suffering for 12 years.  She had spent every last penny she had on a cure, relief and anything that would change her issue.  This issue made her unclean and she was not legally allowed to even be in the public.  In the Bible times she could have been stoned for going into a public setting. This woman only known by her issue was searching for THE ONE who she had heard would heal her and replace the issue with His love. 

Imagine your issue or issues that you have been struggling for years with!!!  You know deep down in your heart that there has to be an answer, a fix, a healing, a restoring love to take them away.  So how far have you already gone to get this?  Have you turned to alcohol, anger, fear, co-dependency, relationships…?  Have you crawled away feeling only weaker and hopeless?  

Now picture this!  You like this woman are fed up feeling void of the true answer!!!  You do not care about the risk anymore!  You do not care what others will think of you!!!  You in your weak moments, frailness in your battle and lack of answers crawl through all the lies of the enemy and you grab ahold of JESUS! 

There were hundreds of people touching Jesus that day BUT He felt the answer to her issue flow out of Him!  He said WHO TOUCHED ME?  I want Him to ask that of me?  To know I risked it all just to touch Him!  I want Him to feel my expectation of the answers I need from Him.

Not only did Jesus heal her physically but He touched her soul!  He called her my Beloved daughter and said now go in PEACE!  He sees past our symptoms and into our hurting hearts. He fills us with ALL we need to be whole! 

Please take a few minutes and go to your Bible or if you have the Bible app read this passage! My favorite is in the TPT PASSION VERSION.  

I am ready to risk it all to have it ALL!

Who is with me?  

I love y’all!


Cassie Gilman

What does being whole look like to you?

Have you ever went to get a pair of socks and one is missing? Have you ever went to get that piece of pie out of a fridge to find half of it has been devoured by someone else?

Our instincts to something missing, broken or damaged is to discard what’s left!

In life there are many things that steal pieces of our being. There are things in life that shatter our hearts, our emotions and our minds. We begin to look at ourselves as broken, useless and not whole!

Many times in our own lives we listen to others opinions of our “missing pieces” and decide we have nothing to offer! What IF we changed that mindset in our lives? What if we saw ourselves the way JESUS does? What if we saw the WHOLE picture?

Jesus Christ is the only WHOLE person to ever walk this earth! Guess what HE LIVES IN US! Guess what else??? That makes us WHOLE! He fills every gap, He heals up the broken pieces! IN HIM WE CAN DO ALL THINGS!

So now let’s think about those socks… when I find a sock with out a mate it becomes a dust rag! The single sock in itself, now has it’s very own purpose! That piece of pie in the fridge… hmm do you think that a missing bite or 2 out of it will keep me from enjoying the leftovers? NO WAY!!!!

Now are you getting the idea? 💡 it’s ALL in how you SEE yourself!


“And our own completeness is now found in him. We are completely filled with God as Christ’s fullness overflows within us. He is the Head of every kingdom and authority in the universe!”

‭‭Colossians‬ ‭2:10‬ ‭TPT‬‬

“For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.”

‭‭Philippians‬ ‭4:13‬ ‭NLT‬‬

“But the one who is united and joined to the Lord is one spirit with Him.”

‭‭1 CORINTHIANS‬ ‭6:17‬ ‭AMP‬‬

Dream Catcher 3:20

Cassie G


I have been thinking about the different women of the Bible. There are a few that stand out to me. So I have decided to visit their journeys.

I want to encourage each of you in your walk wherever that might be.

My First Lady that I find fascinating is Abigail. You can read about Abigail in 1 Samuel chapter 25.

Abigail was married to a very evil man. Now I can only imagine the evil that she herself had to endure. Verse 3 says she was a woman of good understanding, and beautiful. But he was a rough man and had evil doings.

As many of you may already know, I have been addressing domestic violence. I have especially been addressing it this month for domestic violence awareness month.

Now the passage doesn’t necessarily say Abigails husband was abusing her but when it said how she was beautiful and then said he was rough, it felt implied to me.

Basiaclly what happened is Nabel does not honor David and his place of authority. So David could have easily wiped him off the face of the earth.

Here is what blows me away about Abigail. Her husband is evil!! She serves the Lord we serve and he his empty vain gods. Abigail goes in the name of the Lord to seek out David. She takes with her bread, wine, sheep, grain, raisins and figs to give to David.

Why does Abigail do this? She could have went and told David Nabals secret weaknesses or exposed when he would be most vulnerable to attack. She had a way to pay back her evil husband but yet chose an act of love and sacrifice.

Guess what ends up happening in the end. Oh meanie meanie poo poo head (as my son use to say) lol. Well when he finds out what Abigail did he basically falls out like maybe a stroke. In a few days God smite Him dead. I’m sorry I like the word SMOTE lol. I am glad I don’t have that power. I know some I would smote 🤣. BUT GOD!

Wait the story doesn’t end there! Guess who Abigail ends up marrying. YEP YOU GOT IT! King David.

Now let me see she went from and evil abusive man to a man after God’s own heart.

So this has me thinking about a lot of different areas in our lives. If we will not repay hurt with hurt, make the Lord Lord of our lives what will God have next for us? I bet you it will be way better than the mess we have been in!

It doesn’t matter if it’s a marriage, friendship or family member who has done us wrong… GOD is still the one who takes vengeance. He is still the ONE who shows up and shows out! He takes us from the pit right into the KINGS PALACE!

Derived from the word ab, “father”, and the root g-y-l, “to rejoice,” the name Abigail has a variety of possible meanings including “my father’s joy” and “source of joy”.[4]

Copied from

God wants us all to have a little Abigail in us. The Fathers Joy!

Thank you for signing up for this email journey with me. I feel God is moving in my life in some areas of ministry. It can be scary stepping out in faith when you don’t feel qualified! I have the ONE who is the qualifier living inside of me so here WE go!!

Dream Wild!!!,

Cassie Gilman