Category Archives: Blog


Some of you maybe thinking SAY WHAT?

I grew up hearing this word in the Word and was told it meant PAUSE and meditate on this. So if I said you are beautiful, called and anointed SELAH! I would be telling you, now think about this before we finish talking.

The name is derived from the term commonly used in the Book of Psalms, which has a many Hebrew scholars in confusion over its meaning. Given its context in the Bible, Selah is likely to mean “to praise” or “pause and reflect upon what has just been said.” LaurynHill used this name for her daughter.

I found another definition that said it means exclamation!!!!! What I think it means is GOD MEANS IT!!!!

If God thinks it’s important enough to remind us to take a pause in life and dwell on His words or what He is doing in our lives, maybe we should be learning this trait.

We are in a world that pushes hard to go go go go. I think this is the enemy’s plan to keep us too busy to hear God. This mindset keeps Gods kids worn out and unable to do all He has created us for. I just wonder when God speaks to us by word or even in nature, if we would SELAH for a little while wouldn’t we be refreshed? It would be like taking a nap in the natural!

Let’s just look at a few of the amazing SELAH passages.

Psalm 62:8 ESV / 7

Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your heart before him; God is a refuge for us. SELAH

WOW I can pour my heart out to Him and trust Him because He is my safe place. ♥️

Psalm 57:6 ESV

They set a net for my steps; my soul was bowed down. They dug a pit in my way, but they have fallen into it themselves. SELAH

SWEET if someone tries to dig a pit and try to trap me into something not of God, we’ll look out lol. They will find theirselves in that evil dark pit theirselves.

We should treat every word God speaks to us, rather written or rhema word and SELAH! Pause, don’t jump on to the next thing until you really hear what He is saying!

Maybe just maybe we should take an entire day to SELAH! Enjoy our families and pause to enjoy the moments. Take a walk in nature and SELAH! Pause and enjoy the creation that our creator made for us to enjoy.

I am speaking to myself in every area that I typed out. My challenge word today was PAUSE! I know God is telling me to enjoy my words, my purpose for you, your loved ones around you… I pray you do the same.

Dream Catcher 3:20

Cassie G

Are you Asking?

Well somehow I managed to skip a day on my 31 day challenge.  I guess that is okay since I started in the challenge a few days late anyway.  I will circle back around and catch the other words and journey on lol.

I am really enjoying having a prompt to get me back into blogging on a steady basis.  I am not a professional writer or English major so this is not always easy for me.  So yesterdays word which is now going to be our today’s word is ASK!

  1. 1.
    say something in order to obtain an answer or some information.
    “he asked if she wanted coffee”
    synonyms: inquire, query, want to know; More

  2. 2.
    request (someone) to do or give something.
    “Mary asked her father for money”
    synonyms: request, demand; More

    Copied from

    Ask is one of the most powerful 3 letter words we have been given by our Papa God.  Most of us walk around acting like we serve a God who we cant ask for anything.  Maybe some are walking around with a Doris Day attitude singing Casara Sara Oh whatever will be will be.  I will just go on through life and take it as it comes and hope God knows what I am really wanting and waves a magic wand one day and gives it to me.


    Matthew 7:7-11

    “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. “For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened. “Or what man is there among you who, when his son asks for a loaf, will give him a stone?

    What is it you want out of life?  What are your deepest secret desires in life?  If they line up with the word and are not something that is going to take you away from God then they will take you closer to God.  Just Ask Him and Watch Him do above and beyond your wildest dreams and imaginations.

    Ephesians 3:20-21 The Message (MSG)

    20-21 God can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams!

    Oh but wait my darlings!!!  There is a key here to unlock this power!

    Matthew 21:22

    “And all things you ask in prayer,BELIEVING, you will receive.”
    You ask believing that this is your God given power to receive ALL HE HAS FOR YOU!
    Now if you take this gift of power He has given you and add the most powerful name ever spoken to it KABOOM, LOOK OUT!
    John 14:13-14“Whatever you ask in My name, that will I do, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son

    What are you asking for today?  I believe with you that you will receive!

    Dream Catcher 3:20

    Cassie Gilman

What kind of self talk do you use?

Today’s 31 day word challenge was TALK! So I want to discuss Self Talk!

selftalk. noun. the act or practice of talking to oneself, either aloud or silently and mentallypositive selftalk.

How do you talk to yourself? Do you say nice things to yourself and about yourself? Or do you speak to and about yourself negatively?

If you would not allow someone to speak agonist you or someone you loved the way you do in your own mind… it’s time to shut it down. Stop the negative self talk and start speaking what God says about you!

If you are struggling in a certain area look up Bible verses about that subject and speak those about yourself. Write down the opposite of the bad thought and speak that! I promise you if the enemy who is raging war agains your mind is saying something negative the opposite is the real truth.

Dream Catcher 3:20

Cassie G


So I started a challenge today. It’s to write for 5 minutes. I was given the word door!

  1. a hinged, sliding, or revolving barrier at the entrance to a building, room, or vehicle, or in the framework of a cupboard.
    • a doorway.
    • “she walked through the door”
    • synonyms: doorway, portal, opening, entrance, entry, exit
It made me wonder and ponder on how many doors I have walked through in my life emotionally and spiritually.
It made me think about those moments I thought I was going a direction and the door slammed shut on me.
I thought of times I never thought something would happen or the relief would come when SUDDENLY… yep you got it!! THE DOOR SWUNG WIDE OPEN.
The most impactful time in my life was when He stood at the door of my heart and knocked and knocked until I opened it!
Now here is where my thoughts end. There is someone very important to me who has a wall and a door between us! I am going to keep knocking until they let me in, all the way in! That’s what Jesus does, so why would I do any less.
So there you have my thoughts on the word door!
Dream Catcher 3:20
Cassie Gilman

Can you feel the season change?


Today the weather got a little hairy and the storms were breaking out across NE Oklahoma.  The final summer temperatures were holding on as long as they could while the fall winds and cool temperatures were blowing in.  You can literally feel the season’s changing in your body, sinuses, and some in their joints.  You can feel the temperature changing and smell the fall air.  If you look into the trees you will begin to see the leaves are starting to turn and some even fall off to the ground.

As I scan Facebook, I see those who are so excited for this change in seasons(ME)… As I scan a little further down my feed, I see those who are not so happy about the change.

Now how many times do we hold on to the old seasons in our lives?  We can feel the changes in the air around us.  We can see the changes all around us.  Our spirit man yells out to us saying JUST EMBRACE THE CHANGES. What do we find ourselves doing?  Whining about the downside of the changes or basking in the season we have been in!  We are stuck in our comfortable seat on the beach with our sunscreen and umbrella.  We are holding onto our empty little drink with the tiny umbrella and hoping fall will go away!


NEWS FLASH!!!  Fall is coming with or with out your cooperation.  So you can go into fall in your bathing suits and sunglasses with no preparation for the changes OR…

It is time to prepare in the word for the changes you are sensing in your spiritual life as well as physical.  It is time to put on the proper armor, take the position needed to embrace the changes.  Get into the word and learn what God says about this new season in your life.  Google ideas to help you transition into the new season.  I totally change what I cook and bake in this season verses summer.  I spend hours looking up recipes on Pinterest and ideas to decorate for fall.  If we can put this much time into our everyday changes then why not do the same for our spiritual ones?


I said all this to myself while I was typing this out to share.  This is a word to me for today!  I pray it helps encourage you as well.

To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the haven.  Ecc 3:1

Dream Catcher 3:20

Cassie Gilman