Category Archives: Blog


So today I got a couple of text, asking me about the challenges I talk about on the podcast show.  I was asked if I could explain in more detail what challenges I am doing.

I am going to post photos of the 30 day challenges that I am overcoming!!! LOL!!!  I am going to stop saying I am struggling with these.  The challenges below are not difficult to do, however staying consistent in them is my battle.

The first challenge is the pushups.  At this time I can not do a floor push up.  I do this challenge as a wall push up.  I will insert a video to show how to do those.

The second challenge I do is the wall sit!

The third challenge is my hardest.  It is a plank.  Now there is an even easier level to start with on planks but I chose this one.  I will insert the level before this one in video format.

Challenge 4 is Yoga moves for beginners.  I am not really into Yoga on a spiritual level.  I am using the physical aspect for my body.  I have a lot of lower back issues and also tension in my body.  I have found that these moves are very helpful for me before and at the end of my work day.


Okay so these are the challenges in which you hear me vent about on the Kickn It Java Style Podcast or see me posting about on social media.


I would love to have you join me in this journey and challenges.


Dream Catcher 3:20

Cassie Gilman

Hannah Hogner! She’s Living Her Dreams

I am beyond blessed to be a part of today’s blog. Huge thank you to Cassie for allowing me to share today. One of the biggest things I know about Cassie is her desire to Dream Big! Dreaming Big is contagious and I want to share my Dream Big story. A little over 3 years ago I headed out on a dream of mine. I have had this love of fashion since I was in high school, I think when I began getting the fashion itch. I wanted a Roxy top, Lucky Jeans and Dr Martins because that’s what the cool kids wore and had. Here is where I insert a huge thank you to my parents because that Christmas that’s what I got. It might have been all I got. I don’t remember but I was so happy. I also desired to model but I lacked the confidence to try and it was always that secret desire stuck in the back of my mind. So now fast forward to January 2015. 2015 found my love for fashion growing and my desire to help and inspire others mixed in with my confidence in who I am and (more importantly) who I am in Christ. I set out on my blogging dreams and started Living In Grace & Style with Hannah Leigh.

It is a little bit of a leap of faith to put yourself out there for the world to see and for them to read your pieces. More like a little scary, but I told myself if I can help one person then it was worth it. Over the past 3 years God truly has blessed me with meeting some incredible people and given me some amazing opportunities. You see when you finally decide to go for your goals and dreams there are a few key elements to help you along the way.

1. Believe in the dream God put in your heart and strive for it each day.

2. Knowing who you are in Christ (this will only continue to grow)

3. Never ever give up.

Some paths are harder than others and things and doubt will try to come up against you. But you have to keep pushing towards your goals and what God put on your heart. Let me show you a little how it worked for me. I did my own blogging thing for about a year and tried to stay consistent and learned as I went. As the NFR came around that year I then began to struggle a little with my confidence. The western fashion blogging/ influencing was really starting to take off and I struggled trying to be me and be different. I didn’t want to step on anyone’s toes or have them think I was copying them even if we might have had the same idea. They just acted on it before me. About 3 days in I finally took a chill pill and took it to God instead of trying to fix it myself or continue to feel the poor pitiful me’s. I took a turn for the better and kept doing my thing. About a year and half later I saw a dear friends post about wanting to start a group of bloggers and influencers called The Bleacher Babe Squad. I sent in my request and was elated to be selected along with some pretty amazing other women. I was beyond grateful for the opportunity that Brianna gave all of us. It helped me get out of my shell some and begin to talk to other brands and people. I was then given a huge opportunity to work with Wrangler and Cowgirl magazine on a fun shopping style commercial by the next NFR. I can not even begin to tell you how amazingly fun and what a cool opportunity God blessed me with. See, instead of having the poor pitiful me’s and giving up at the first NFR, I sucked it up and prayed. I gave it to God and continued on the path He laid on my heart. Not only did it bless me, it blessed so many other people as well. They saw a plus size, curvy girl, real size whatever you want to call it girl rocking what she’s got and it inspired them that they can do it too!

See, our dream big goals are not only to bless us but to bless others as well. Our journeys may all be different but, in the end, inspiring others and helping others in my opinion is what it is all about. I am now up to 2 years in and year two was another growth year for me and another huge blessing. I saw another opportunity to be a part of a Style Team that was part of the Boutique Hub. This team got to write blogs and style outfits and collaborate with an amazing amount of boutiques and brands. I was blessed to be selected and a part of this team put together by Ashley Alderson and Jessie Jarvis. It helped me in so many ways by growing and learning more about being a great fashion blogger and influencer. Along the way in year 2 a dear friend of mine along with her best friend started up a marketing and design business. Well this awesome business need models of course and guess who finally got the call to be a paid model! Yes this girl right here!!! I was completely elated as it had been a secret dream of mine since I was probably a sophomore/junior in high school. I remember my first shoot like it was yesterday! This again opened up another door of opportunity and by the NFR last year I was completely blessed to model in my very first fashion show!

I know this little blog has gotten lengthy but I wanted you to see what God did and is doing in my life, that He can do in yours too. If you see an opportunity and have peace. follow it! You don’t have dreams and desires on your heart just because God put them there so run with them. He said He will never leave or forsake you so even if you feel alone on your journey just know you are not. He loves you and believes in you and so do I! So keep dreaming big and never give up, for your journey will inspire not only you, but many!



Wisdom and Knowledge are God’s to Give

WOW I can not believe it is March of 2018 already.  I have been back in Oklahoma for a year this month.

I have learned a lot about myself in a year. Wisdom and Knowledge are God’s to Give and boy has He given it!

I have learned that it was okay to forgive myself for shortcomings as a mom, daughter, wife, and as God’s kid.  This is something I have to remind myself of often but such a freeing place to be.

I learned that my inability to SEE GODS LOVE for me aborted the ability to truly LOVE others the way God designed.

I have learned that nothing here on this earth really matters outside of God’s LOVE and the people He gave us to love.  The things that we make into a big deal in relationships are nothing compared to loving each other right here in the moment.

I have learned that once you speak words into existence you can never take them back.  God says life and death are in the tongue.  God also tells us I set before you life and death, NOW CHOOSE LIFE!

I have learned that I cared way too much what others think.  I allowed my circle to be way too wide and listened to voices that may have had good intentions but bottom line they are not God.

I have learned that each thought, each circumstances I find myself in God has faced it through His Son!  He gives me strength, mercy and grace to face it as well.

I learned that all I have to do is ask God!  One day recently He said to me; You have never asked me what I think and what I have to say about this.  It was an area that I had many thoughts on, others had many thoughts on but GOD HAD A WORD ON!  God’s word always trumps!

I learned that I in myself am not capable of any of this!!!  I am not capable of surviving life, loving myself, loving others or even loving God.

I learned that I can love beyond hurt, pain, and disappointment in myself and others.  How can a person do this?  God!  The word says GOD is LOVE! I am in God and He is in me so therefore I can love and I am LOVE.

I learned that I do not have to be angry to protect myself from being vulnerable.  God protects me with His loving arms.

I learned that I can love so much more than I thought possible even if it is never returned by human love.  God fills up what He gives me to pour out so I am never bankrupt!

I am sure there is much more that I have learned but these are the most significant areas in my life.

I wished I could take the knowledge I have learned this year and go back in time to some significant places, before specific people and have a redo.  I can not do this but what I can do is live in the now and love in the now!  I can say I am sorry and love beyond the past!

Dream Catcher 3:20

Cassie Nations