
If you have ever raised cattle or any form of livestock, you more than likely have hunted down and chased after a wondering stray! If you have had livestock, you may have not only chased a wandering stray, but you also had to go after a full blown runaway at full speed.
I can see God doing just this in our lives!
I have wondered off the path so many times in my life. I have ran away at full speed, from God and His call on my life. God has always went after me. Sometimes God has just had to go after me with a little nudge or direction for me to get back on the path He had for me. There have been many times God has had to run after me at full speed and get ahead of me! He had to wave His arms in front of me to get me to stop and return to my path.
Check out this video! This has been me for sure lol
Psalm 23:6The Message (MSG)
6 Your beauty and love chase after me
every day of my life.
I’m back home in the house of God
for the rest of my life.
His BEAUTY and His LOVE chase after you!
Maybe it’s time we measure all things in our life with His kind of love!
New International Version
“What do you think? If a man owns a hundred sheep, and one of them wanders away, will he not leave the ninety-nine on the hills and go to look for the one that wandered off?
Matthew 18:12
Are we chasing after the strays and pursuing them with Gods love? Or are we driving them further away with our judgment and ridiculing?
Here is another thought for all the single ladies out there! Do you SEE the Fathers Love? He gave His only son to chase you down and make you His own!!! So is that man your chasing after chasing you down with Gods love????
Are we chasing our loved ones down with Gods pursuing love? Are we making sure they don’t wonder off the path with out being covered in prayer and unconditional love?
Let’s love one another back into the Kingdom and family of God!!
He’s still in the mending business and He is always pursuing you!!!
Dream Catcher 3:20
Cassie Nations
Dream Catcher 3:20
Ever been on a trail ride and it seems you got the slowest horse of the bunch?
Sometimes our life and our dreams can feel the very same way! So what do you do when your feeling like your falling farther and farther behind? You give yourself a little kick and and little spurring, just like you would do with that slow horse!
How do you kick it up and spur yourself a little and get to moving forward?
Now this speed is what I’m talking about right here!!!
Dream Catcher 3:20
Cassie Nations 💃👢💃👢💃👢
Johnnys message is about getting real with yourself and digging in deeper with God. He teaches that its about a deep non-superficial relationship with a God, that needs us to be whole and complete, so that He can use us fully to reach the lost with His message. Johnny Rowlett was Born in Tulia Tx, but lived most of his life in southern Arizona near Tombstone. In 2015 he has been nominated for the Inspirational Country Music Associations Male Vocalist and Evangelist of the year. Johnny is able to take his experiences with the western culture and his horse knowledge, along with his home spun humor and bring a different yet very compelling message to young and old alike. With his unique testimony and many original songs, his desire is to inspire people with the restorative message of Gods mercy and grace. His latest album “The Restoration Narrative” was released in September of 2015. It includes the Powersource Chart top 5 Singles “Turn Around” and “The Truth Is”. The Single “Turn Around was also nominated by the ICMAs for video of the year with almost 50,000 views in a year on Youtube.
To Learn more about Johnny Rowlett click here http://www.johnnyrowlett.com/bio
Thank You Johnny for a powerful interview!!!
Dream Catcher 3:20
Cassie Nations