Category Archives: Blog

Kickn It Java Style With Cassie~Dont Let The Sun Go Down On It


Kickn It Java Style With Cassie

 Featured Song : Don’t Let The Sun Set On It by Hunter Cook


Featured Video

If you or anyone you know is struggling with anger, fear, depression and feel like giving up please take a moment and watch this video!!


God Bless Y’all

Cassie Nations

Kickn It Java Style With Cassie~Podcast~Secrets


We never know what someone else is going through or have gone through.  We all have our secrets.  This weeks podcast features Secret by Carol Hogner.  This song touched my heart in a time when I had so much going on inside me.  I pray it touches you as well.


Click On Photo To Learn More About Carol Hogner


To learn more about me and my ministry click photo below


Featured Video By Sheree Gailey


Dream Catcher 3:20

Cassie Nations


Kicking It Java Style With Cassie~Adopted Into God’s Family



This is the second episode of Kickn It Java Style with Cassie TV program.  Hannah Hogner designed me an intro video.  I am so excited about it.  I am even more excited about my guest for this episode as well as my co-host Carol Hogner.  Carol and I got to sit down with our Pastor Kathleen Simmons as she shared her story with us over a cup of coffee.  Kathleen and her husband Dave Simmons pastor at our home church; Silverado Cowboy Church in Weatherford TX.


This episode will inspire you in so many ways.  You never know what another person has or is walking through.  We learned so much about Kathleen.  How she went from no family in to the largest family unit ever…”God’s Family”

One of my favorite quotes from this episode is:

I understood that I don’t understand anything

We are still in the process of working out some kinks and learning the best ways to make these videos with great quality.  It is our goal to have fun and set a relaxed atmosphere for y’all as well as us.  I hope you enjoy the journey and believe with us to do nothing but continue to grow in ideas, technology, supporters and God’s divine appointments.

Click on the You-tube below to watch this inspiring message.




Dream Catcher 3:20

Cassie Nations
