Category Archives: Blog

Build It And They Will Com


Oh the fields of dreams that our out there to be built…God says Build it and they will come!!!  The Field of Dreams is one of my favorite movies and I had forgotten about it.  I have been awake off and on for hours with thoughts swarming in my head.  I grabbed a cup of coffee and God put them together for me using this movie.

There are so many fields of dreams out there that need built.  Some of you have had a dream since you were a small child, some of you God just dropped one into you.  No matter how small that dream or how big that dream is, it is still a God given dream.  Really in His eyes there are no small or big dreams.  You might think your dream is insignificant to God and others, this is far from the truth.  Your dream=your purpose=touching someones life!  Rather it is a business or ministry, there will be people.

In the movie Field of Dreams Ray heard a voice that said Build It and He Will Come. The he that the voice was referring to was his father whom he had a strained relationship with.  Now as we well know this is a fictional story.  However the Lord is saying the same thing to us today.  If you will build it they will come.

When we have a dream or vision from God, there will be other voices that argue with you.  They will tell you that no one cares, no one will come, you can not afford that…..  This is not what God says to us.  He tells us ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE.


Watch this video of Ray being faced with the negative voice and the voice telling him to keep on going forward with this dream.


When you have a dream from God the very first thing you should do is write it down!  The Bible tells us to write the vision and make it clear so that others who read it might run with it.  Hab 2:2  If you write it down where you can see it, then it will remind you to keep your eyes on the goal.  Then it will inspire those around you to run with your dream and cheer you along.  It is very important we have others.  You maybe afraid to share your dream because you do not want the negative voices.  Take time and ask God to show you who to trust with these dreams.  It maybe your pastor, best friend, children spouse, congregation, etc…  After you have shared this with your inner circle that God gives you, then you must help keep the dream clear and before them.

I believe once God has given you a team no matter how small or large that we should constantly be in prayer and communication with each other regarding the steps and the long term goals.  This keeps the dream alive in them as well as you.  If you let it die out then they will follow your lead.  However if you keep your passion they will be your biggest cheerleaders ever.  In The Field of Dreams Ray’s wife Annie and his daughter Karin were his biggest fans.  It did not start out this way.  Sometimes it takes a little while for others to catch on to the vision.  There are some who never will but in the end God always wins.

If you have been following my blog for very long you know my founding scripture is Eph 3:20.  God can do anything you know!! Far ABOVE AND BEYOND YOUR WILDEST DREAMS AND IMAGINATIONS.

Do you see your field?  Do you see the people?  GOD CAN DO THIS!! YOU BUILD IT AND THEY WILL COME!!!

Below is a word for you.  Inspired by the speech that Mann gave to Ray.

People will come!  They’ll come to your churches, your events and your businesses for reasons they can’t fathom. They will fall in love with your FIELD OF DREAMS. They’ll turn into your parking lots not knowing for sure why they’re doing it. They will arrive at your door as innocent children, longing for Hope, love, acceptance, forgiveness, joy, peace …GOD. Of course we won’t mind they are here, after all this is what we have been praying and dreaming for. They will sow seed money into the ground you have plowed with out even thinking about it, for it is money they have and peace they lack. They will run down to the altars, spread the good news they heard, share about your amazing business and the opportunities given by God. They will participate in your dreams as if it’s their own while God plants dreams of their own for them to build. The anointing will be so thick they will have to brush it away from their faces. People will come!!  The one constant through all the years, has been God. The past of failures have been erased like a blackboard and rebuilt with a great future. One of hope and blessings. The cross that stands before us reminds us of all that’s love and hope!!  PEOPLE WILL COME. THEY WILL MOST DEFINITELY COME!!



Today throw off those fears and start building those fields of dreams.


I am here to be on your team.  I would love to hear about your dreams, pray with you and even help you build them.


Cassie Gilman

Step by Step

Have you ever found yourself just stuck in a place of what is next?  You know God has a purpose and a plan and you have all these ideas and dreams….But you are just not sure how to go forward with them.

For several years I have had a desire to help others.  I can look back over my childhood and my youth and see where these desires were there.  I have been involved in many different avenues of ministry through my local church, community and outreaches.  I have had jobs that taught me many different skills.  When I was not working for someone else I had my own business.  I had a daycare in my home at one point(this will teach you many life skills lol).  I have been cleaning homes since I as in the 8th grade(many moons ago).  I started my own cleaning business after a divorce that left me in need of income.  I have had times when this business was slow and I had to take a job.  Each time I attained more training and more life skills in each job I had.  I always came back to my cleaning business.

Someone might ask why would you clean houses if you can have a desk job?  The reasons I love cleaning houses are:

  1. I was helping others
  2. I set my own hours
  3. I was my own boss
  4. I was able to listen to Christian Music and Teaching to build myself up in God
  5. It was a skill I could teach others.

Cleaning houses is not what my long term goals are.  However it has been a tool to achieve those goals.

One day recently I was so frustrated trying to figure out why I seem to have all these skills but yet felt stuck in a place of what now?  My hearts desire like I stated before is to help people.  My passion is ministry and encouraging others to pursue their dreams and goals.  As I began to look over my life I began to see that step by step I have been being prepared to do exactly this.  Each skill I have learned will help me in ministry.

In 2010 I developed Mending Fences N Hearts Ministries and in 2013 I began another level of that ministry called Dream Catcher 3:20.  Mending Fences N Hearts is about helping others heal from their brokenness and to be restored and set free.  The next level of this ministry is Dream Catcher 3:20, where I help encourage, promote and coach others to purse their God given dreams and purposes.

Ultimately I want to be a life coach.  What is a Life Coach?

life coach
ˈlīf ˌkōCH/
noun: life coach; plural noun: life coaches
  1. a person who counsels and encourages clients on matters having to do with careers or personal challenges.

I want to be a Spiritual Life Coach.  I want to catch your dreams and help you run with them.  If that means we start with walking through past hurts and mindsets to get you to dream, then we start there.  If it means coaching through believing you can then that is what we will do.

Sometimes when we start looking at all the reasons why we cant do something like for me:

  1. I need to have it all together(never gonna happen only Jesus did that)
  2. Be healthier
  3. Be financially more stable
  4. ……..

So these excuses were holding me back.  So step by step I have began my journey to grow in these areas.  To be a life coach I only have to be one step ahead of someone to pull them up with me.  So if the steps I have taken now can help someone else take those steps why would I keep making excuses?

So step by step as I am on my journey, learning life skills then I will be coaching others to do the same.  I will be coaching others to walk with me step by step.

So if you have found yourself trying to put it all together and get un stuck… be encouraged and start stepping…

Dream Catcher 3:20

Cassie Nations

Kickn It Java Style With Cassie~Dont Let The Sun Go Down On It


Kickn It Java Style With Cassie

 Featured Song : Don’t Let The Sun Set On It by Hunter Cook


Featured Video

If you or anyone you know is struggling with anger, fear, depression and feel like giving up please take a moment and watch this video!!


God Bless Y’all

Cassie Nations

Kickn It Java Style With Cassie~Podcast~Secrets


We never know what someone else is going through or have gone through.  We all have our secrets.  This weeks podcast features Secret by Carol Hogner.  This song touched my heart in a time when I had so much going on inside me.  I pray it touches you as well.


Click On Photo To Learn More About Carol Hogner


To learn more about me and my ministry click photo below


Featured Video By Sheree Gailey


Dream Catcher 3:20

Cassie Nations


Kicking It Java Style With Cassie~Adopted Into God’s Family



This is the second episode of Kickn It Java Style with Cassie TV program.  Hannah Hogner designed me an intro video.  I am so excited about it.  I am even more excited about my guest for this episode as well as my co-host Carol Hogner.  Carol and I got to sit down with our Pastor Kathleen Simmons as she shared her story with us over a cup of coffee.  Kathleen and her husband Dave Simmons pastor at our home church; Silverado Cowboy Church in Weatherford TX.


This episode will inspire you in so many ways.  You never know what another person has or is walking through.  We learned so much about Kathleen.  How she went from no family in to the largest family unit ever…”God’s Family”

One of my favorite quotes from this episode is:

I understood that I don’t understand anything

We are still in the process of working out some kinks and learning the best ways to make these videos with great quality.  It is our goal to have fun and set a relaxed atmosphere for y’all as well as us.  I hope you enjoy the journey and believe with us to do nothing but continue to grow in ideas, technology, supporters and God’s divine appointments.

Click on the You-tube below to watch this inspiring message.




Dream Catcher 3:20

Cassie Nations
