Category Archives: Blog

What’s New with Russ Nottingham

I was so blessed last year to interview Russ Nottingham as one of my first artist.  I met Russ and his wife Jeri last year at the 2014 ICM Awards.  I am blessed to call them my friends.

I asked Russ a few questions to see what’s new with Russ Nottingham in 2015.  If you have not already read his interview from last year please take a moment and click on this link below.



1.  Russ what would you say has been your biggest achievement over this last year since we first met at the 2014 ICM Awards?

We met a lot of great new Christian friends during the ICM Awards last year and have also been able to minister with them since then.  Just recently, the door has been opened for us to step into a full time music ministry.
2.  Where do you feel like this next year will be taking you in your ministry and music?
Prayerfully, we are believing that God will allow us to travel across the U.S. to help spread the good news of hope and salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ.
3.  Do you have any new projects you are working on as far as a new cd or single release?
Not at this time, but once we get moved and settled in, we are hoping to get back into the recording studio
4.  If you could encourage the other artist out there with one thing you have learned over this last year; what would you say to them?
Well, I’ve seen the enemy attack many others throughout this past year in one way or another and have actually experienced it for ourselves, but one thing that I’ve learned and would like to encourage others with, is Don’t give up!!! No matter what obstacles he (the devil) may through our way, God is in control! He’s got our back! As it says in Rom. 8:28  And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
A word from Russ and Jeri on some exciting news they have been telling everyone they had for them:  Well, here’s the news that we told you we’d share! We feel that God has opened this door for us, so we are going to step out by faith and see where He leads. We are excited to announce that we have sold our place here in Ohio and are planning on moving to Florida, Oct. 1st. If all things go as planned, we’re also going to purchase an RV and prayerfully pursue a full time music ministry. YeeHaw!!! It has always been a prayer and a dream of ours to do this. So we are asking that all of you pastors, fairs, festivals, special event coordinators, campground owners and etc, (also friends and family members as well) please prayerfully consider having us in to minister, because we are looking for and scheduling places to share the positive message of hope and salvation though song, testimony and His word. We will travel anywhere that God opens the doors. Please help us spread the word about our ministry to others. Also, please keep us in your prayers as we get about the fathers business and step into this new and exciting chapter of our lives. To learn more about our ministry or to hear some of our music, please visit our website at Thank you all so much for your continued prayers and support! We love you all!!!
God bless,
Russ and Jeri
Here is an interview with my sweet friends from A Christian Talk of The Town and Russ Nottingham.

Click Here for Russ Nottingham’s Reverbnation

Thank you so much Russ and Jeri for allowing me to be a part of your lives.
Dream Catcher 3:20
Cassie G

Kickn It Java Style with Cassie 8/2/15


Kickn It Java Style with Cassie 8/2/15

This Weeks Line Up:

  1. I Thank God For My Woman~Chuck Day
  2. There’s a Reason~Carol Hogner
  3. A Better Way~Danny Ray Harris
  4. Somebody Loved~Gail Cogburn
  5. Double Dose of Country~Isaac Cole
  6. No Wound Too Deep~Mary James
  7. Christian Rock and Roll~Tommy Brandt Jr
  8. I Love You~Wyatt Nations


Featured Video Of The Week



Dream Catcher 3:20

Cassie G

Interview with Rendall Caviness


Last year in October I was blessed to help Carol Hogner put on her First Anual Carol’s Benefit Concert.  I was in charge of lining up artist.  I invited a group from a church we had been to for her to sing.  There was an amazing harmonica player there with this band.  When I watched him playing with his leather harmonica strap on with all those harmonicas I was very impressed.  One I had no idea there was more than one key of harmonicas not to mention enough you had to have a belt on that looked like a large ammo belt.  Two they call harmonicas harps! HUH LOL

You know I do not believe in coincidences but I do believe in divine connections.  It was not long after this event that Rendall started playing back up harp for Carol and we all started traveling together.  We have been blessed to go to many churches and events and Rendall keeps people mesmerized with his big ammo belt and harp playing.


Rendall picked up harp playing about 40 years ago.  He was told it would help put babies to sleep. “I had three sons.  I wanted some peace of mind. It worked, kinda sorta.” Their mom would play the piano, and I would play the harp along with her.  At that time we mostly played church music.  Back in that day folks entertained themselves with music.

Rendall accidentally taught himself to play harp upside down.  He said “its like a left handed guitar player playing a right handed guitar.”  His dad was a pastor and they moved pretty often.  Rendall grew up from about 5th grade in the Mississippi Delta.  In the Mississippi Delta area there was always a lot of harp players and guitar players.  In the 50’s the color barrier meant that he was not allowed to attend most of the shows.  Rendall would listen to these programs on the radio and fell in love with this style of music.  Rendall learned to practice with the radio and does this even today.


I was able to do a live interview with Rendall at an event a few weeks back.  I hope you all will take a short moment and listen in.


Rendall is available for recording with artist and playing back up for you or in your band.  Be sure to check out a few of these videos.  He recently backed up Jimmy Jones in concert.  I have added a video of one of their songs as well as few others.

Be sure to go like Rendall’s Facebook page at Harping4U.  Be watching for more videos and recordings coming soon.



Click here to enter Harping4U


Dream Catcher 3:20

Cassie G

Kickn It Java Style With Cassie 6-14-15


This weeks Kickn it Java Style with Cassie is a little different.  I was blessed to attend the Cowboy Connection Outreach concert hosted by Cotton and Joy Roberts last night.  We had a great MC from Heaven’s Country named Mr Marty Smith.  There was an outstanding line up and fantastic music.


11535842_1035888143088085_7142526473761294426_nI hope you enjoy listening to the interviews and some clips of the great music from last night.


Cowboy Connection Outreach Part 1

Cowboy Connection Outreach Part 2

Cowboy Connection Outreach Part 3 Interview with Joy Roberts

To learn more about each artist and Heaven’s Country click on the photos below


Joy Roberts



Kevin Rowe





Mike Manuel




Chuck Day

Not Just A Chair!

I once heard my Pastor preach a message titled “It’s Just A Chair”.  It was talking about the things we make into a big deal that really are not. He based it on a time he woke up in middle of night and thought someone was in his room and he got scared. When the Light shone on it he saw it was JUST A CHAIR!
Today my  message is its NOT JUST A CHAIR!

Here’s the story behind my new chair. My grandparents had some leather furniture with brads that I wanted to have some like. It was the brads on it that I always loved. “The western look”. 

I saw this chair and I sat in at the GW store and fell in love. It’s already been broke in and was all ready for me to use. I looked up the “value” of my $25.00 chair and found it was once a $699.00 chair. Now seen as having little or no value, yet it was once someone’s dream chair.

When you think your life has no value, just remember that to someone else you are an answer to a desire or a prayer. 

For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth.  Psalms 139:13-15

Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? And not one of them is forgotten before God. Why, even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not; you are of more value than many sparrows.  Luke 12:6-7

Dream Catcher 3:20

Cassie G