Category Archives: Blog

Shaking going on

Right now there are so many thoughts, emotions, questions and concerns in our lives.

I believe we are being shaken as the body of Christ, Families, Nation and even the world.

In order to wake us up and pull us into His safety, the shaking has began.

We must unite together as His children and run into His arms together. We need each other.

As He begins shaking His children into awareness and action, the shake will ripple into the darkness. There will be exposure in His light!

Walls of injustice are going to crumble. His light that’s shaking the atmosphere will bring more of His children into His arms while exposing the enemy behind his veil.

We must stay hidden in Him. He will expose His bride as a restored, United, Body that no one can deny His glory.

This battle will not be won in words of “righteous anger” marches, protest or debates. This battle will be won in His might and His power. No one will
be able to say look what we did. All eyes will be upon His Bride and will know the glory of God swept through this Nation and spread across the world.


Dream Catcher Eph 3:20

#mendingfencesnhearts #aboveandbeyond

Domestic Violence Awareness Month

When I was at conference this year I shared with the ladies 2 situations about domestic violence that was in homes.

One was a home filled with meth and addiction. A very sad situation that even when there was intervention the cycle continued.

The second was about a couple who loved God with all their heart. They stood on a stage in front of church members who loved them and got engaged, then had a wedding filled with ministers and loved ones. They loved each other with all their BROKEN hearts. Anger, bad self images, jealousy, confusion, fear and strife grew stronger than their faith and love. Verbal, Emotional and Physical violence became a habit. Anywhere from throwing things to threats and manhandling.

Don’t think this only happens in low income, drug addicts, and “non believers” homes.

This couple didn’t survive. They now both thrive in their own walks and God has taken their broken hearts 💔 and mended them in His way and timing.

Don’t wait until it gets to the point of breaking apart what you have or who you are. Get help, reach out!

Most of all safety is your first step.
Then get help from Godly men and women who will speak truth, give accountability and LOVE beyond the shock factor and LOVE you through your brokenness to a mended heart ❤️.

It doesn’t have to end in divorce but if it does don’t you walk around in shame like I did for so long.

God still will mend
God will still love
God will still forgive

#domesticviolenceawareness #dvam 💜💜💜



In today’s world and all that’s going on we have to take time to disconnect so that we can connect. We need to disconnect with media, news and any and all negativity around us.

I feel the most relaxed and peaceful when I turn all the noise off and connect with nature. I will sit outside by A fire pit and connect with God. Sometimes I will get up early in the morning and light an old fashion lantern so that I can connect with peace before I start my day.

I pray that each of you reading this will take a moment each day to connect. Connect with God, connect with your true self and connect with your loved ones around you.

hopewriterlife life #connect #aboveandbeyond #mendingfencesnhearts


There are so many situations in our lives that take courage. I think one of the most courageous moments in my life was leaving the man I loved more than life itself.
I married in 2016 and shortly after our wedding it became apparent that we had a toxic relationship situation. The very first heated argument we had became physical real fast.
I have to say that I loved him and I believe he loved me. I believe people love out of their own hurts and what they know. I however didn’t love myself enough to see that love wasn’t enough.
I stayed and did this crazy cycle we had going on for 11 months. A month before our anniversary things escalated beyond anything I could imagine. I then realized that this was not only destroying me, but him and his ministry. Yes I said ministry. It takes a lot of courage to tell this story but I know God wants it told. So many behind church doors need the courage to make a change and get help. So I am sharing my story.
So one month from our anniversary, I put on my courage and drove away leaving him standing there crying and saying once again how sorry he was. I believe he truly meant that. However he knew he went too far, I knew he went too far.
I thought in my heart as I drove to Oklahoma to be with my children, this will be all right. I thought we will get help. I wanted to be somewhere I felt safe and get help for each of us.

Over the weeks and months to come I had to have courage to get out of bed and face the day knowing things were not going to be all right. I started my cleaning business here in Oklahoma as I kept hoping for a miracle. God blessed it so much that I was full time in 3 months. 
Long story short is, we divorced. He met another woman and life goes on. 
Now I walk in the courage to hold my head high and know God has great Big plans for CASSIE!  
I have made some pretty big decisions lately that has taken a lot of courage. If you keep following me here on Instagram or my blog, you will get to read all about them. 

““Be strong. Take courage. Don’t be intimidated. Don’t give them a second thought because GOD, your God, is striding ahead of you. He’s right there with you. He won’t let you down; he won’t leave you.””‭‭Deuteronomy‬ ‭31:6‬ ‭MSG‬‬
Dream Catcher 3:20Eph 3:20
Cassie Gilman


The word craft has a few meanings. The one I love the most is the fact that it means to exercise a skill of making something.

So today I choose to craft my life into the one I dream of.

I have crafted my life from being a victim of domestic violence, divorce, financial ruins to one of success.

God has given me the ability to craft my life according to His word. He says in His word that His plans are for good, not evil, Jeremiah 29:11. It is up to me to follow His plans and walk away from evil and destruction.

God gave me the craft of creating my own cleaning business. Through this craft and His grace, I have went from bankruptcy to success. I have been able to pay off what debt was left, go on vacation, help others and enjoy life. There are more exciting things happening as well. Maybe those will be shared here in the near future. Wink wink 😉

I will continue to craft my life, one dream, one goal and one step at a time.

I believe you can also craft your life according to His plans for you.

Dream Catcher 3:20

Cassie Gilman
