Category Archives: Blog

10 Things That Make Me Happy

**This post contains affiliate links, and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links.

Wow 😳

So this is my 30 day writing challenge kick off. ♥️. Now I have to think 🤔

1. Okay let’s start with my favorite cleaning products. I mean after all, I am now a partner with Grove! So I have my very own affiliate link. I am excited. I get to use it on my blogs and in my podcast. You can check out these amazing products yourself. Click on the photo below ♥️

2. Fire Pits. I absolutely love fire pits and outdoor bonfires. I have a small chiminea that my neighbor gave me as a gift. I actually had it going tonight. I sit on my back porch and enjoy a relaxing morning or night as often as I can.

3. Coffee. Who doesn’t love coffee? I know there are those who do not 🙃. I love coffee with creamer in it. I like the foo foo creamer lol. You know, something like pumpkin spice, salted caramel…

4. Christmas. I love decorating, shopping for my kids and their families, filling my kids stockings up. Then I love watching them pull out every single item from their stockings. I love our traditions. We always take communion and read the birth of Jesus. We never have it on a certain date or time. I am always flexible so we don’t have to feel rushed or too tired.

5. The Beach. Oh my word there is nothing like the beach. I have a trip planned in May to Port Aransas. You bet your bottom dollar I will be blogging about it. This is a photo of my kids at the beach. We had went to Corey and Josh’s graduation for the Army National Guard. We all went as a family to the beach in Florida.

6. Trying New Foods. I love to go eat India Food, Tia, Sushi and would love to try other ethnic foods.

7. Historical Markers. One of my favorite things to do that makes me happy is stop at historical markers when I’m traveling. No photos for this one. They were all lost on an old Facebook account. I guess that means it’s time to stop some more.

8. Being around cattle and horses, rather it’s at a rodeo event or just hanging out around my friends farms. I love the smell of the animals. Just seeing them makes me happy.

9. Sunsets. This is a Sunset at Speer Farms. That’s where I was feeding the bottle calf above.

10. My family and friends. Last but not least for sure. I am so thankful to be so close to my kids and grandbabies. I love the family and framily I have. Framily is friends that are more like family. I am making new friends and ready for lots more happy memories.

Okay well… this challenge wasn’t so hard after all. That was fun. I hope y’all enjoyed getting to know more about me.

Dream Catcher 3:20

Cassie Gilman

Pressing Towards The Goal 2020

It’s that time of year when we are thinking about those New Years goals. Well for the most part my goals are carrying over from 2019. I really did not hit them like I wanted. Life gets so crazy and so easy to lose focus.

I declare today to forget what is behind me and press towards the high prize!!! I will not allow condemnation to set in over failed goals. So today if this resonates with you and your goals falling short, I encourage you to do the same!

2020 GOALS

  • Study His Word more
  • Talk more with God. Not just formal prayer but as my Father, Husband, Counselor, and Friend.
  • Ask Daily for God to search my heart and show me things that need healed and removed from my life.
  • Have 20 speaking/ministry bookings in 2020
  • Keep my family covered in prayer and continued handing them back to God when I want to worry.
  • Start a once a month family dinner with my children and grandchildren
  • Drink more water
  • Work on a physical routine that fits my life.
  • Do not compare my routines to others
  • Eat healthier for me!
  • Go hiking, join a group of safe hikers
  • Go to gun range and shoot for fun and skills
  • Take a martial arts class
  • Go to the beach 3 times
  • Make new friends
  • Focus on my blogging again
  • Start my interviews back up
  • Start my KIJS videos back up
  • Perfect my podcast and syndicate it for radio

I would love for you to share a few of your goals with me. I want to encourage you, pray for you and help you anyway I can!

Remember His word says write the vision and make it clear so all who reads it can run with it!

Dream Catcher 3:20

Cassie Gilman

2020 Perfected Vision

In 2013 I started this blog, it has been filled with encouragement, interviews, pain, gain,music, recipes and God thoughts. Over the last couple of years, there has not been as many post. I sort of lost myself in early spring of 2017. If you have followed my blog you know that I walked through a divorce after experiencing domestic violence for a year. I have been healing, restoring and growing over the last almost 3 years. So today I write this blog to share with you that I believe in 2020 all that was lost and became blurry in my life is being perfected and restored.

I opened my cabinet in my bathroom yesterday where I had my 2019 goals typed on a piece of paper. I forgot it was in there, and brought it out to see where I was at with them. I realized I had lost some focus, but I also realized that God was bringing all of those into my vision again. God has been working on me in some areas so that the goals I had written down could become realities. I could have looked at them and felt like a failure, but instead I decided to look at them through God’s eyes which have 2020 vision. God’s eyes see perfection because they SEE Jesus Christ when they SEE us.

When I lost myself and my vision for my life in 2017 I was traveling and doing ministry, blogging, doing podcast, radio and so much. All of those things I just mentioned are part of who I am and what I love. When my heart was broken, those things also seemed to have shattered. I could not figure out how to piece them back together. I could not figure out how I was going to travel and do ministry because you see, I always traveled with someone else. I could not seem to get a groove going for my KIJS show, blogging or podcast. I would see a glimpse of that desire and try to do those things, then I would get distracted with my pain. But God never left me in my pain and the distractions have been healing one by one.

Now that we are ending another year and entering into 2020, I believe God told me that this will be my year of perfection. No not being perfect… I believe He is perfecting those things that concern me. Psalm 138:8! I believe the brokenness that I experienced, that the very last little pieces are being mended and put back into their place and sealed by God’s love. The vision that was given to me in 2010 for ministry, the passion to encourage others to dream through my blogs and interviews in 2013 and even all the childhood dreams, are all coming into perfected 2020 clear vision.

God’s word says He takes all things and turns them around for His good and glory. The mess I lived off and on in my past is now my message of God’s love, healing, restoration, sustaining hand and so on. I have wondered where to start, how to get back to the passions in my heart, God says start now, start today. So my goal is to take one day at a time, one opportunity at a time and walk into 2020 with an overwhelming excitement. Doors of opportunity have already began to open up. Last month I was asked to share a little of my story at a fundraiser. The two minutes I had to share opened a door to many things to come. In early 2020 I will be traveling with our Community Crisis Center and working with churches to bring awareness to domestic violence and make churches a safe place for both victims and hurting people who find themselves hurting others. I also believe that this door that opened will open up more and more doors.

So my advice to you, is no matter what all the years of the past has brought you, that you do not let go of hope, love, peace, healing and your vision and dreams. Let 2020 be your year of perfected vision. Ask Him to perfect all that concerns you!

Dream Catcher 3:20

Cassie Gilman


I saw this on a friends post this morning.

My entire life, I have held on to people like they were some kind of life line.

I have allowed myself to be consumed with others needs over my own, over my spouses, and over my own children’s needs. I was so codependent. I was always so afraid to be left behind and rejected.

I have allowed toxic people to control my life for way too long. I have allowed their drama and darkness to be my drama and darkness. I created my own world of toxicity and darkness by living for others.

There are just a few days left in 2019, I am leaving this part of my life behind. I have grown so much in this area over the last few years but today I am flat out DONE!

I am done compromising who I am so that I have friends to hang out with. I won’t be less than so I can date someone that’s intimidated by my purpose. I will no longer surround myself with people who drain the life out of me, that create an atmosphere where I weaken my morals, words, actions and love walk.

I am DONE!

His word says He has great plans for me! Plans to prosper me and not to harm me. If it doesn’t line up with that then I AM DONE!

Maybe today it is time for you to take this stand with me.

Lets all go into 2020 ready for the BEST DAYS OF OUR LIVES!


Cassie Gilman

Laura’s Favorite Holiday Recipe

This is my friends favorite Holiday pie recipe to use. Click on the photo to go the recipe. Oh and she also makes homemade pie crust. You will also find that below.



Click here

Pie Crust

Click Here

Now you want to know how you can make your home even more homey and smell like the Holidays????

Check out my friends business link here. ♥️

Thank You Laura for these yummy recipes.

Dream Catcher 3:20

Cassie Gilman