Category Archives: Interviews

Interview with Dave Powers

I have been doing interviews for a few months now.  I have to say it is one of my favorite things I have ever been blessed to do.

My sweet friend Richard Frazier introduced me to a great Southern Gospel singer named Dave Powers.  I feel very blessed to introduce Dave and his ministry and music to you.


Dave Powers, Southern/Country Gospel Singer
Dave is spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ through songs and personal
testimony.  Dave was born and raised in West Chester, PA, and now resides in
Lemasters, Pennsylvania.  Dave has been singing for over 25+ years.  He grew
up singing in his home town church and fell in love with the “old time”
hymns that the church sang.  In his teen years,  he heard many southern
gospel singers and began to love the sound of the quartet style music.  He
attended a Gold City Quartet concert that was made up of Brian, Ivan, Mike,
and Tim, and knew during that concert he wanted to sing for the Lord.  At
that concert, he prayed that the Lord would use him to spread the gospel in
song.   When he moved to Chambersburg, PA, in 1988, he started singing bass
with The Towne Singers, a local vocal group.   With the Towne Singers,  he
had the opportunity to travel over seas and do many concerts.  Then in 2003,
he began singing background with David (King) Grove doing numerous “Elvis”
concerts and had the honor to share the stage with the legendary
Jordanairres.  In 2005, he continued with David, but they were led by the
Lord to do outreaches to win souls for the Lord.  When David accepted a
pastor’s position in 2009, Dave continued on his own because he loves
singing about his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  In 2013, Dave was asked and
honored to open up for the respected southern gospel quartet, The Kingsmen,
at the 38th PA State Singing Convention.  In December of 2014 he had the
opportunity to travel to Nashville Tenn. To record Amazing Grace with Doc
Holiday and his A-team production company.  2015 is shaping up to be a great
year of sharing the Gospel in song.


How long have you been singing Southern Gospel Music?
A: Pretty much my whole life,  I fell in love with it when I was around 12
years old  but started to really sing it on my own around 4 yrs ago.

What artist would you say has influenced your music the most?
A: The Kingsmen Quarter was the first group I ever listened to, but Gold
City and Mr. Tim Riley  has been a big influence on my life.  Mr. David
Grove (King) my pastor has also been a big influence in my Ministry.

What was your first song to hit the air waves? And which station started
your adventure on air?
A: The first station to ever play my music was WURL 760 AM out of Alabama.
I befriend DJ Richard Frazier from the Richard Frazier Show via Facebook.
He included a song of mine on his hour program and for the first time ever I
heard myself singing “Thanks To Calvary”.  Needless to say, I did tear up
and thanked God for that moment in time.

What would you say was the defining moment in your music ministry that you
knew that this was what you wanted to do?
A:  I have been singing pretty much all my life, in Church choirs, groups
from around our area and then on my own, but felt God’s calling to sing
around 14 yrs ago at a Southern Gospel Concert in Lancaster Pa. sitting in
the back row I really felt God’s calling on my life to go and share the
Gospel in song.  This wouldn’t happen for a few more years, but believe me
it has been worth the wait.

What motivates you to keep going when your tired?
A:  My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  It’s because of Him why I sing.

Do you have any new projects in the making?
A:  Looking at doing a new CD sometime this year.

What’s your current single on the air waves that we might hear?
Right now I have the Song Amazing Grace which I recorded in Nashville in
December.  It is on Amazon and Google play.  Digital download,
with in around 2 weeks going out to different radio stations.



Thank you Dave for this interview.
Dream Catcher 3:20
Cassie Gilman