Category Archives: Recipes

Holiday Recipe~Lu’s Candy Bark 

YAY we have a Featured #HolidayDessert #Recipe today…Candy Bark by Hannah Hogner AKA Lu

You will need: Candy canes (flavor of your choosing – I like the plain peppermint canes) 8 oz Almond Bark mix 8 oz semi sweet chocolate chips Holiday sprinkles Rolling Pin Parchment paper

Unwrap the candy canes and place a few in a zippered bag. For the amount of bark that we made, we used three candy canes.

The next step is really fun for kids. Have them smash the bark into small pieces using a rolling pin. When smashing the candy canes, be sure to leave some large chunks as well as smaller pieces.

 Place a piece of parchment paper onto a cookie sheet. Melt the chocolate chips in the microwave and pour into the parchment paper covered cookie sheet. Spread the chocolate in an even layer. It will not cover the entire pan. You just want to create a square or rectangle of chocolate.

Next, melt the white chocolate in the microwave. Pour it on top of the semi sweet chocolate. Spread it over the chocolate layer evenly until the chocolate layer is covered. Now it’s time to sprinkle the candy cane pieces on the bark. The kids had lots of fun with this step. We also added some festive holiday sprinkles to the bark. Press the candy cane pieces and sprinkles into the bark a bit so they will not fall out when it hardens. Then put the cookie sheet in the refrigerator so that the bark could harden. This took about an hour to completely harden. Once it hardens, you can remove it from the parchment paper and break it into chunks.
Hey y’all Hannah Hogner has a website you should check out!
Dream Catcher 3:20

Cassie Nations 

Holiday Recipe~Moms Pumpkin Pie 

Today’s featured #HolidayDessert #Recipe by Becky GilmanPumpkin Pie

1–unbaked pie crust of your choice (I prefer home made)

1–can pumpkin purée


1-1/2 cup–non alcohol egg nog

3/4 cup–sugar

2tsp–pumpkin pie spice


1/2 tsp salt

Preheat oven to 425

Mix all ingredient (besides crust) well and pour in unbaked crust

Place in oven for 15 minutes–reduce heat to 350 and continue baking 45-50 minutes or until tooth pick inserted near center comes out clean. 

Place on rack to cool–serve with a dollop of whipped cream or cool whip. 


1–cup flour 

1/2–cup crisco

1/2 tsp salt

1/4 cup water

Put flour in bowl mixing in salt 

Add crisco by cutting in pieces– take a fork or pastry tool and cut shortening into flour until flour resembles a course meal–begin adding water until you can shape mixture into a smooth ball –use only amt needed for that. 

Place on floured surface and roll out thin–place in pie pan and use your fingers or fork or what ever method to crimp the edges of crust.

Dream Catcher 3:20

Cassie Nations 

Holiday Recipe~Velvetta Fudge 

Today’s Featured #HolidayDessert #Recipe by Becky GilmanVELVEETA FUDGE


1/2 pound Velveeta cheese, sliced

1 cup butter

1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract

1 cup chopped nuts, pecans, walnuts

2 (16-ounce) boxes confectioners’ sugar

1/2 cup cocoa powder


Spray lightly the bottom of a 9 by 2-inch square pan with a nonstick spray. In a saucepan over medium heat, melt the cheese and butter together, stirring constantly until smooth. Remove from heat and add the vanilla and nuts. In a large bowl sift together the sugar and cocoa. Pour the cheese mixture into the sugar and cocoa mixture and stir until completely mixed. The candy will be very stiff. Using your hands, remove candy from bowl and press evenly and firmly into pan. Because of the amount of butter in this recipe, pat the top of the candy with a paper towel to remove the excess oil. Place pan in refrigerator until candy is firm. To serve candy, cut into squares.

I have to admit when my mom said she made Fudge out if cheese I was not impressed. Then oh then when I slowly bit into a piece, well let’s say the fudge started disappearing fast lol
Dream Catcher 3:20

Cassie Nations 

Holiday Recipe~Chocolate Covered Cranberries 

I have skipped a few days because I am needing some recipe submissions lol but todays featured #HolidayDessert #Recipe is by Kelly Hutchinson. Kelly shared this treat with me last year and we had a great time in the kitchen making these.CHOCOLATE COVERED CRANBERRIES

It Just takes a package of whatever favorite flavor of chocolate you like and one package of fresh cranberries.

Melt your chocolate in a microwave safe bowl and then take a few cranberries at a time and put in chocolate once covered take and drop by spoon onto wax paper to set up.

These are great to make ahead of time and freeze them for later. I personally like eating them straight out of the freezer.

Dream Catcher 3:20

Cassie Nations 

Holiday Recipe~Five Minute Fudge 

This is my favorite fudge to make!! Super easy and no standing over the hot stove. 
Five Minute Fudge 

16 oz Chocolate Chips (any kind)

1 can of sweetened condensed milk

1 tsp vanilla 

Melt your chocolate chips in microwave. Keep stirring as you are melting them. Takes 3-5 minutes depending on power of microwave 

Stir in vanilla and sweetened condensed milk and then pour into pan to set up. 

For quicker set up stick in fridge. 

You can add nuts if desired as well. 

Dream Catcher 3:20

Cassie Nations