
The word craft has a few meanings. The one I love the most is the fact that it means to exercise a skill of making something.

So today I choose to craft my life into the one I dream of.

I have crafted my life from being a victim of domestic violence, divorce, financial ruins to one of success.

God has given me the ability to craft my life according to His word. He says in His word that His plans are for good, not evil, Jeremiah 29:11. It is up to me to follow His plans and walk away from evil and destruction.

God gave me the craft of creating my own cleaning business. Through this craft and His grace, I have went from bankruptcy to success. I have been able to pay off what debt was left, go on vacation, help others and enjoy life. There are more exciting things happening as well. Maybe those will be shared here in the near future. Wink wink 😉

I will continue to craft my life, one dream, one goal and one step at a time.

I believe you can also craft your life according to His plans for you.

Dream Catcher 3:20

Cassie Gilman
