Drop your burdens and RUN to JESUS

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” ~ Matthew 11:28-30

One day I was so over loaded emotionally and mentally with life. I felt like I was being taken under by a heavy weight around my neck. Like I was carrying luggage filled with rocks and I was going to drown in life.

There was a period in my life where I was living in a situation that was not bringing me peace at all. I was under attack spiritually, mentally and physically. My Mommajo AKA Carol Hogner came for a visit one weekend. I was helping her carry in her luggage and she went to hug me, my hands were too full to just melt into that loving hug. I suddenly realized I was holding onto baggage that was keeping me from being embraced fully by loving parental arms. I dropped all the luggage on the ground and said, okay now I’m ready.

A year went by from this moment that happened in the physical, when God showed me my life in the spiritual. He took me back to that moment in my mind. I realized I was carrying too much baggage with me. It’s not easy to drop baggage 🧳 and walk or run in the other direction. We can start thinking about the value that it has served us to keep it. That very baggage might have provided protection from more rejection, pain, being let down and avoiding walking in an area we are called because of fear. So many reasons it’s hard to drop the burdens or baggage and RUN into HIS ARMS! OH BUT IT IS WELL WORTH IT! See our Father God will never ever LET US GO! He will give us a light load of peace, joy, comfort…

Below is a video with a song sang by Carol Hogner that came out of that baggage moment. Please take a few minutes to check it out.

Dream Catcher 3:20

Cassie Gilman