Life Goes On

Many of you know Carol Hogner and knew her late husband Jeff Hogner.  They traveled for many years together to bring Christ love to the Cowboys and Cowgirls out at the NFR.  In 2008 while out in Vegas for the NFR Jeff suddenly passed away. Though there have been many tears and memories shared over the years just like the NFR goes on each year so Life goes on.   Jeff Hogner will never be forgotten. Jeff’s legacy lives on in Carol, their children, grandchildren and many of these Cowboys and Cowgirls hearts. 

Carol has continued to travel to Vegas each year. She is always hugging necks, praying with and for many of the NFR Cowboys and Cowgirls and their families. 
I was blessed to ask Carol a few questions, that I pray the answers will touch many hearts. 

Carol I understand that for many years you traveled together with your late husband Jeff Hogner. Jeff passed away when y’all were out at the NFR. Can you share with us a little about this time in your life and how you got through this?

Well we were all devastated to say the least. I’m blessed with some very very good friends that are more like family. I’m not sure what we would have done without them. I know they are a gift from God. The girls and I felt like God just surrounded us with love. Gave us the resources through those people to get Jeff back home and keep our wits about us. We were offered a flight back home but decided to drive because we wanted that time together to share our memories of Jeff. It was a great loss for all of us not just our family. There’s peace in knowing he is with the Lord tho… And that we are all grateful for.

Carol each year you go back to the place where you lost your husband and not only is it NFR time but also the Holiday season. How do you get through this time of year? 

I’m not gonna lie I see Jeff’s fingerprints everywhere when I’m here. He loved the Cowboys and the NFR. I’m so grateful for God and my family. We have a lot of wonderful memories of Jeff that we are always ready to share. I felt like God told me a few years ago that when the memories make you smile instead of cry then your heart is healing. I tell people that busy looks good on me… So I stay busy, lol!
What is one of your fondest memories out at the NFR with Jeff?

It was the last year he was with us. We were standing in the hotel room about to leave to go somewhere. He was never big on compliments, I guess he just figured I knew, ha. He looked at me and said you really are a beautiful women. I’ll never forget it.

Carol what comforting advice would you give to someone else who is going though life with out a loved one today? 
I’ve come to realize our biggest enemy is not having any life in our home. What I mean is nothing living to take care of. So get a pet. If you don’t want that kind of responsibility then get a plant. It helps when you get home to have something living to care for. Stay busy and help others it takes your mind off of the grieving. Let me say this tho, there is no time limit on grieving. Take your time and grieve. I’m a firm believer that it’s ok to get down … But it is never ok to stay down!
Thank you Carol AKA MommaJo

Dream Catcher 3:20

Cassie G