From a Mommas Heart!




From a Mommas Heart

From a Mommas Heart


From a Mommas Heart 


As a mom of two young adult children I thought it would be very interesting to take a look at what it’s like from a mommas heart to watch her child achieve his dreams. Earlier this week I interviewed Jake Long a 2014 NFR qualified contestant.   Jake is a team roper who is competing at  the NFR this year. Jake’s mom Pam Weatherby is out at Vegas for the finals  cheering her son on.  I was able to interview her and ask her what it’s like to be Jake’s mom and to be there cheering him on and behind the scenes in a mommas eyes.




It’s that time of year again!! The WNFR is upon us. What is it like for you as a momma of one of the qualified NFR contestants (Mr Jake Long), to be out there in all the excitement?

Pam:  It’s just so neat to see Jake fulfill his dreams after all the hard work that he has done. I love taking care of the horses and meeting wonderful people in the rodeo world.

How many years does this make for you all to be out there as participants?

Pam:  This is our 4th year to be out here with Jake.

What is your very first memory of Jake picking up a rope and beginning the many years of fulfilling his purpose and dreams?

Pam:  When Jake was just a toddler he carried around a small piece of rope, wore an old felt hat and he carried it with him everywhere.  Jake has roped in junior rodeos since the age of 6.

Have you found it difficult at times to watch the process of his Dreams becoming reality?

Pam:  No, I haven’t found it difficult to watch good progress he has been his own self teacher at many times he was always had his eyes set on his goals and never took them off.

What’s some key advice you have been able to give him over the years?

Pam: The key advice I used to always give Jake is I would always just tell him have fun and there’s always another roping.

As one mom to another, what advice can you give a mother to help them encourage their child along the path of their goals and dreams?

Pam:  Key advice for other mothers is let your child pick what they want to do if they want to rope that’s fine but if they want to play basketball that’s fine too. But let them fulfill their own dreams not your own dreams do not live though your kid.

Can you share a funny memory that sticks out in your mind of Jake?

Pam:  A funny story on Jake is he is a heck of a barrel racer. He always out ran me on my own horse, but I think doing different events just made a better horseman.

For my last question and probably one of the most important, how has your faith played a role in all of this?

Pam:  My faith has really been tested, I would pray protection,  to have good cattle, and to win good every night.  I would pray and pray. Then finally God said when are you going to let me have control and have faith, and that’s when I finally turned over the reins to the Almighty God.


Thank you so much Pam for doing this interview with me.




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