Morning Rawness

Some tell me I shouldn’t care anymore! Some say your better off! Some say I never should have! For those who truly know me, you know how deeply I love, how I go in and give all I can until I lose myself in a person.

They say time heals but I say GOD HEALS. Time only tells how far along in that healing I am.

This is a rough week for me. See I always have hope in me. I always have wild imaginations that the total disaster will turn into a huge walking testimony somehow. AND IT ALWAYS WILL. Just not always the way we think it will.

A word of advice to those helping someone overcome trauma, loss, hurt of any kind. Don’t try dismissing their emotions with cliche comments. People heal in their own time and their own ways. If they don’t feel they can be honest with those around them, they will close off and fake it. That is not healthy in anyway. We may think we are making them feel better when we say our little easily thrown out words BUT we are not. Unfortunately I’ve said all these things to others. I never knew how it made them feel. I did it because their pain made me uncomfortable because I didn’t understand. I am finding it is way easier to say “I don’t have a clue what you must be feeling but I love you and I’m here for you”.

So I’m being honest today with y’all. I’m experiencing a new level of emotions and a new level of healing. I’ve felt angry over the last few days at myself for having any feelings about certain areas at all. But I decided to embrace them so I can finish my healing process.

There are so many people my story will impact so they can heal as well. So onward I go! I won’t fake it till I make it. I will process it and allow God to finish the work HE started.


Cassie Gilman