Pressing Towards The Goal 2020

It’s that time of year when we are thinking about those New Years goals. Well for the most part my goals are carrying over from 2019. I really did not hit them like I wanted. Life gets so crazy and so easy to lose focus.

I declare today to forget what is behind me and press towards the high prize!!! I will not allow condemnation to set in over failed goals. So today if this resonates with you and your goals falling short, I encourage you to do the same!

2020 GOALS

  • Study His Word more
  • Talk more with God. Not just formal prayer but as my Father, Husband, Counselor, and Friend.
  • Ask Daily for God to search my heart and show me things that need healed and removed from my life.
  • Have 20 speaking/ministry bookings in 2020
  • Keep my family covered in prayer and continued handing them back to God when I want to worry.
  • Start a once a month family dinner with my children and grandchildren
  • Drink more water
  • Work on a physical routine that fits my life.
  • Do not compare my routines to others
  • Eat healthier for me!
  • Go hiking, join a group of safe hikers
  • Go to gun range and shoot for fun and skills
  • Take a martial arts class
  • Go to the beach 3 times
  • Make new friends
  • Focus on my blogging again
  • Start my interviews back up
  • Start my KIJS videos back up
  • Perfect my podcast and syndicate it for radio

I would love for you to share a few of your goals with me. I want to encourage you, pray for you and help you anyway I can!

Remember His word says write the vision and make it clear so all who reads it can run with it!

Dream Catcher 3:20

Cassie Gilman