
Some of you maybe thinking SAY WHAT?

I grew up hearing this word in the Word and was told it meant PAUSE and meditate on this. So if I said you are beautiful, called and anointed SELAH! I would be telling you, now think about this before we finish talking.

The name is derived from the term commonly used in the Book of Psalms, which has a many Hebrew scholars in confusion over its meaning. Given its context in the Bible, Selah is likely to mean “to praise” or “pause and reflect upon what has just been said.” LaurynHill used this name for her daughter.

I found another definition that said it means exclamation!!!!! What I think it means is GOD MEANS IT!!!!

If God thinks it’s important enough to remind us to take a pause in life and dwell on His words or what He is doing in our lives, maybe we should be learning this trait.

We are in a world that pushes hard to go go go go. I think this is the enemy’s plan to keep us too busy to hear God. This mindset keeps Gods kids worn out and unable to do all He has created us for. I just wonder when God speaks to us by word or even in nature, if we would SELAH for a little while wouldn’t we be refreshed? It would be like taking a nap in the natural!

Let’s just look at a few of the amazing SELAH passages.

Psalm 62:8 ESV / 7

Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your heart before him; God is a refuge for us. SELAH

WOW I can pour my heart out to Him and trust Him because He is my safe place. ♥️

Psalm 57:6 ESV

They set a net for my steps; my soul was bowed down. They dug a pit in my way, but they have fallen into it themselves. SELAH

SWEET if someone tries to dig a pit and try to trap me into something not of God, we’ll look out lol. They will find theirselves in that evil dark pit theirselves.

We should treat every word God speaks to us, rather written or rhema word and SELAH! Pause, don’t jump on to the next thing until you really hear what He is saying!

Maybe just maybe we should take an entire day to SELAH! Enjoy our families and pause to enjoy the moments. Take a walk in nature and SELAH! Pause and enjoy the creation that our creator made for us to enjoy.

I am speaking to myself in every area that I typed out. My challenge word today was PAUSE! I know God is telling me to enjoy my words, my purpose for you, your loved ones around you… I pray you do the same.

Dream Catcher 3:20

Cassie G