Tag Archives: BigDreams

Interview with Bart Fortenbery




I am really excited about this interview with Bart Fortenbery.   I have been reading Bart’s website information, listening to him minister and listening to his jams…Loving what I am reading and hearing.


Check out this Video of Bart Ministering on Living to Please God



In 1993 Bart gave his life to Christ. Since then, he knew that God had a special plan for him. Bart has always had a love for music. Once he discovered Christian music, he knew that was where God wanted him to be. Bart’s mission, is to help the lost get saved but also help the saved stay encouraged in their walk. With the message in his songs and his testimony of money struggles, going through a divorce, losing a home, yet never giving up; most people can relate to his life. Bart says, We often try so hard to do what is right and yet, Satan keeps trying to wear us down. Personally I have wanted to give up many times. Through the love and encouragement of others I have continued to follow Gods will. That is the same thing I want to send to others.
In Roman’s 13:10 ;Love does no wrong to anyone, so love satisfies all of God’s requirements;, and Ephesians 5:1-2 ;Therefore be imitators of God as beloved children, And walk in Love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God;. Bart says that we need to show more love and understanding towards each other and to be that reflection of Jesus Christ, so that others will want what we have , as Christians.

Bart is from the small town in Cherryville, North Carolina. He has 2 kids who is grown, daughter graduated from Sacramento State in California currently going for her masters at Appalachian University in NC  and son who graduated from UNC Asheville and married living in Gastonia NC.




What artist would you say has influenced your music the most?
Steven Curtis Chapman and I was introduced to Christian country by listening to Del Way
What was your first song to hit the air waves? And which station started your adventure on air?
My first song released to radio was “The Power of Prayer” which went to #1 on the Inspirational Country Music Charts in May of 2003, which was written about a little boy who was dignosed with Spinal Bifada. And how The Lord has healed him through prayer. And station I am not sure.
What would you say was the defining moment in your music ministry that you knew that this was what you wanted to do?
It has not been one thing but a list of things that the Lord has placed me in and the learning experience has been overwhelming. Like, started leading praise and worship in a few churches, then started a youth band that went to different places and played, and then was offered the position as Youth Pastor at a church and I am still doing that and loving it, and was asked to fill in as a pastor and turning out to be a 4 month long event bringing the message every Sunday and leading praise and worship, and then being asked to speak in this church and that. I feel that The Lord was working in my life to do this, even without having an education to be a pastor. The pastor of the church where I am the Youth Pastor, has guided me and gave me advice along the way. And it helps when he is also a teacher at Gordon Conwell Seminary in Charlotte NC, a school that Billy Graham had a part in starting. And through the response from all the places that I have sung and spoke has reassured me to follow this calling.
What motivates you to keep going when your tired?
Just knowing what God has done in my life and used me in the life of others keeps me going even when the thought of giving up occurs.
Do you have any projects in the making?
I just finished a project, but am working on a Bluegrass project and Contemparary Project, and will be next year before those are complete.
What’s your current single on the air waves that we might hear?
“He’s working on Making it Better”
Do you write any of your own songs?
I write all my songs,
What is your personal favorite out of all the songs you have recorded or sung?
I would have to say The Power of Prayer since it was my first release and #1
Can you share one of your funniest memories of Singing on stage or while recording?
I was not on a stage but I was singing in a Nursing home and the nurse had rolled a sweet ole man close to me as I was singing and he started coughing and he could not stop. As I was singing he coughed and his teeth come bouncing across the floor and I motioned for the nurse and never missed a beat singing. But afterwards it was a good laugh.
Can you tell us about Apple Lane Music Group?
I started this a few years ago, trying to learn about the song promotion part of the industry so I could help those starting out. I know how hard it was for me to come up with the money that some ask for, which is fine and they have done a great job for me in the past but it is hard to come up with alot of money. So I am learning as I promote myself. And my son had gone to College at UNC Asheville for Music production and he is helping me getting the studio up and running. I also give music lessons to students and used to have a music store.
What is your favorite scripture and what does it mean to you?
That one is easy, and it is Galations 5, 22-23. If everyone had love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control, this would be such a better place to live!
Thank you Bart for this interview
This has been one of my favorite songs so far.  Recently I have been helping another artist on a project that has made my heart so tender towards our soldiers.




Interview with Jake Long

Dreams just keep coming true for this rodeo cowboy

Known as Jake Long


Jake is married to the beautiful Tasha Long and they have two beautiful children.  I have not ever met them personally but I’ve heard such wonderful things about each of them. I have been blessed to get an interview with him. I had the help of his awesome mom, Pam Weatherby.


Jake grew up in Coffeyville, Kansas.  In town I am very familiar with, growing up in North East Oklahoma myself. Jake is the son of Crickett Long  and Pam Weatherby.  He began his career roping at Junior rodeo’s in Kansas and Northeast Oklahoma. Jake won his first buckle at the young age of eight years old. He won two horse trailers in 1999 team roping in Guthrie and Pawhuska Oklahoma.  I 2007 Jake  won his first truck. It was a Dodge so you know it was a good one (of course writers opinion).  He won his truck at the Dodge finals in Pocatella, ID.


Jake won the Champion Heeler  at the George Strait team roping in San Antonio in 2007  this time he won another nice new shiny truck this one was a Chevy truck and he also won a horse trailer as well as his earnings


In 2010 Jake’s dreams just continued coming true.  He was roping with Brady Tryan, of  Huntley, Montana.  They took first in St. Paul, Oregon and Silver City, New Mexico and placed in a lot of other big rodeos.  Jake also became a 2010 WNFR qualified contestant!  Making it a dream come true!


It is now 2014 and once again Jake Long as made it back to the National Finals Rodeo.   Jake has answered a few questions for this blog and I hope that you enjoy getting to know a little bit more about him.


Thank you Jake Long and Pam Weatherby for helping me get the word out to others that dreams really do come true!!



It’s that time of year again!! It’s the WNFR14! How many years does this make for you as a NFR qualifying contestant Jake?

Jake:  4 years


At what age did you know that this was the dream you would follow?

Jake:  As long  as I can remember


Who has influenced you the most in your career?

Jake:  Clay O’Brien Cooper, also I have had several friends who help me learn to rope and progress. My family has always been a huge influence and great support for me.


What would you say the most difficult situations are that you face out on the road?

Jake:  All night drives and schedule conflicts


If you could tell us what it takes to be a winner what would you say?

Jake:  To be a winner have faith, dedication, lots of practice, and confidence in yourself!

How does your faith play a role in your Roping Career?

Jake:  God blessed me with an amazing talent and I am so thankful for it. I have to have faith and know He will help me every step along the way.


Is there one main piece of advice you can give to all of those kids and adults out there who want to pursue their dreams?

Jake:  Stay focused and keep your eye on the goal.


There are a lot of Team Ropers out there that watch you close and want to learn all they can from you; what are three tips you would have for them in their Roping years ahead?

Jake:  Maintain your game plan. Do not conform to others. Keep strong and focused staying mentally ready.


**Be be sure to check out this YouTube video to learn more about**

**Jake Long and his faith and how it plays a role in his roping.**








Interview with Cesar de la Cruz

I am so excited about this interview with Cesar de la Cruz.  I hope my readers enjoy this as much as I do.  It’s always nice to get to know these guys a little more and see what’s behind their dreams and goals.


Cesar de la Cruz

Cesar de la Cruz grew up in Tuscan, AZ. He has a long line of Cowboy roots and grew up roping steers. His uncle, George Aros, a 4-time NFR qualifier, was a big influence on his rodeo career.

Cesar and his wife Arena were married in 2008. They have two adorable boys, Camilo and Gio. I have seen them in the stands many times at the US Finals cheering him on.

Cesar qualified for his first NFR at the age of 22. He is now 31 and continuing to watch his dreams come true

How many years does this make for you as a  NFR qualifying contestant Cesar?
Cesar:  This is my 9th Year!

At what age did you know that this was the dream you would follow?
Cesar:  I was about 15 when I decided this is what I wanted to do!

Who has influenced you the most in your career?
Cesar:  My Uncle George Aros.

What would you say the most difficult situations are that you face out on the road?
Cesar:  Finances and being away from home.

If you could tell us what it takes to be a winner what would you say?
Cesar:  You need to have a short term memory and have to expect yourself to win!

How does your faith play a role in your Roping Career?
Cesar:  For me I have have to have faith that God has a plan for me and I have to trust him with my roping career!

Is there one main piece of advice you can give to all of those kids and adults out there who want to pursue their dreams?
Cesar:Refuse to Lose, Never give up, and Hard work pays off.

There are a lot of Team Ropers out there that watch you close and want to learn all they can from you; what are three tips you would have for them in their Roping years ahead?
Cesar:  Lots of practice, you need a good horse, Set and try to achieve your goals.

For more on Cesar de la Cruz be sure to check out this Youtube video.

Thank you Cesar for letting me do this interview with you.

Above and Beyond,

Dream Catcher 3:20

Cassie Gilman

What does God have to say about having Dreams and Goals?

What does God have to say about having Dreams and Goals?  A lot!!!!!

God Himself has Dreams and Goals for us.  Sometimes we start looking at our hurts, and lack instead of what God has planned for you.  We have to believe He wants big things for us before we can believe for those big things for ourselves.

Jeremiah 29:11 ESV

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.

How do we know What God has to say about having Dreams and Goals?  We have to search out His words.  We have to stay in prayer and seek the things God has for us.

But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.

The great things He has for us will only be added to us when we are putting Him and His ways before our own.


What do you do when you don’t know exactly where He wants you or what He wants you doing?  You do the last thing you know He told you to do.  You step out in Faith and then you listen for His direction step by step for your Dreams and Goals….

Genesis 12:1-3 ESV

Now the Lord said to Abram, “Go from your country and your kindred and your father’s house to the land that I will show you. And I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse, and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”

Abram had no idea what was next for him.  He kept wanting God to show him the entire lay out of the plan.  God wanted Abram to trust Him for the directions one step at a time.  So just like Abram when God tells you what to do even if that first step is just to SEEK HIM then you go and you do as He has told you.  The rest will follow.  Many times God directed Abram to go and he obeyed and was blessed abundantly.


There are times in our lives that no one from the outside can advice us or teach us what to do.  The people around you  may not understand exactly what it is God has called you to do.  You need to remember you have the GREAT TEACHER LIVING RIGHT INSIDE YOU!!!

1 John 2:27 ESV

But the anointing that you received from him abides in you, and you have no need that anyone should teach you. But as his anointing teaches you about everything, and is true, and is no lie—just as it has taught you, abide in him.

This is not to say that we cant have help from those God placed in outlives.  Just make sure their advice aligns up with what God is saying to you and that they are not Dream Thieves.  Joseph’s own brothers were dream thieves.

What does God say about those lost years, or finances or hopes and dreams?  He says He is in the restoration business….

 Joel 2:25 ESV

I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten, the hopper, the destroyer, and the cutter, my great army, which I sent among you.

Start thanking God for restoring your hopes and Dreams.  Ask Him to help you be a goal setter and not to live a  life regretted.


So What does God say about Dreams and Goals?

We now know that He has lots to say and it now depends upon us to LISTEN!!!


Dreaming Above and Beyond

Cassie Gilman

Three Dream Thieves That Need Destroyed In Your Life!!

Three Dream Thieves That Need Destroyed In Your Life!!

  1. Fear:  Fear is one of the top Dream Killers that I believe we deal with on a daily basis.  We have fear of failure.  We have fear of comparison .  We even have fear of success.  So how do I deal with this fear you ask?  Well first of all you acknowledge the fear.  Once you have taken that step then it is time to deal with the fear.

    2 Timothy 1:7

    For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.(NKJV)  Fear is a real thing but it is an emotion.  Emotions can be changed, they can be dealt with and they can even be used to propel you forward.  You have acknowledged your fear to yourself, now talk to God about that fear.  Build yourself up in His promises.  He has some great ones like Jeremiah 29:11 that says He has great plans for you plans to prosper you and not to EVER HARM YOU..  Write down exactly what your fears are and then if they are from lack of knowledge you know you can research and learn about your dream and kill that dream thief.  If it is fear of success, ask yourself what it is that you feel you might lose if you are successful.  Make a list, then on the other side of that list write down what you will gain if you are successful.  If it is fear of failure then remember that failure is only when one stops trying to succeed. We should never compare ourselves to anyone else.  So this fear here we need to find out who we are designed to be and walk in His image for us.  Then you Rock what you got and Brand your own Brand…Do not ever try to be anyone but you in your dreams and in your everyday life.  

    2 Corinthians 10:12 

    Not that we dare to classify or compare ourselves with some of those who are commending themselves. But when they measure themselves by one another and compare themselves with one another, they are without understanding.


  2. Exhausted:  It takes a lot of energy; mentally, physically, and spiritually to keep your dreams on the move.  Sometimes we want to just give up.  We think that sounds easier.  Let me tell you regret drains you way more than pushing forward.  It is very important that we take time to rest our minds.  Find something that has nothing to do with your dreams or work and learn to enjoy and let your mind just relax.  Read a book, go to a coffee house and just sip coffee and watch people.  Whatever you do take that time to not think about your goals, needs or failures of the past.  Just BE!!!  Exercise and eating correctly go a long way with your physical energy.  Find what works for you even if it is walking to your mail box everyday.  Eat high energy low carb foods and just make one healthy choice a day till you are making lots of healthy choices.  When it comes to our spiritual walk we have to take time or the other areas will never make up the difference.  The strength we gain from God is what it is all about.  He is the Dream Giver and He is the ONE who will sustain the  dream.

    Galatians 6:9

    New King James Version

    And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. (NKJV)

    Philippians 4:13

    New King James Version

    13 I can do all things through Christ[a] who strengthens me.(NKJV)


  3. The Company that you keep:  Who are you hanging out with?  What are they speaking into your life?  Did you know that Joseph shared his dreams with his brothers and they despised him for it?  They threw him in a pit to die and then decided to make a profit from him and sold him into slavery.  Be real careful who you share your dreams with!!! Some will despise you for it and some will even try to profit from your dreams and manipulate it to fit their design not God’s.
    Proverbs 12:26                                                                                                                                          One who is righteous is a guide to his neighbor, but the way of the wicked leads them astray.

So today I have talked to you about the Three Dream Thieves That Need To Be Destroyed In Your Life!!

I hope you take time to meditate on each of these areas.  Look up these scriptures and ask God to make this blog personal to you and to show you what areas you are in fear.  Ask Him to show you a way to be energized in your life. Take a survey of your company your keeping.  If you are not pulling them up, or they are not pulling you up then it is time to give em up…


Above and Beyond

Dreaming God Sized Dreams

Cassandra Gilman