Tag Archives: cleaning services

KL Cleaning N More Where did it all start?

When I was growing up my mom would clean house and crank up some old country music on 8 tracks.  I guess back then it wasn’t old and today its called Classic Country.  I know it was real country for sure.  I remember hearing songs by Red Sovine, Hank Williams SR., Patsy Cline and more.  See I told you it was real country lol.

This song right here was one of my favorites

The other song that I loved so much and still do was Kaw-Liga

Man I want to dance around when I hear this song.  My point is these were fond memories.  My mom would put her hair back in a bandanna and get to cleaning the house and it just made such a neat atmosphere in the house.  You know I really do not remember helping her but I am sure I did.  What I do know is I learned by watching her and I started enjoying those days.


When I was in Jr High we moved across the street from Pat Nigh from Bluejacket OK.  AKA MAMA PAT.  Pat hired me to help her spring clean one year and she trained me to do things such as washing down walls, pulling curtains off the walls and taking cushions off couch to clean.  I would take the cushions and put them in a large strong trash bag and stick the vacuum hose down in the bag.  If you hold it tight around the hose it will collapse the cushion sucking out all the air and removing dust and dead skin cells…ewe…

I got to going over to Mama Pats on Saturdays which was her cleaning days.  At this time in my life my mom was working at the family feed store which they later owned and ran.  Anyways on those days guess what we had that good ol country music playing on cassette tapes and even cds as the years passed.  We played some of the classics and we listened to a lot of George Straight and Reba.  Songs such as the Chair and Whoever s in New England

I lived across from her from 8th grade till I graduated.  I continued to work for her and even still do from time to time.


So as you can see I have had two amazing women inspire me and teach me to clean…


Cleaning…well cleaning makes me feel good.  It has great memories connected to it.  I get a good work out, feel I accomplished something and help someone else.


I have been cleaning homes for a living or extra money now for 27 years.  WOW… I once had a full time job in the corporate world.  I cleaned the office floors, kitchens, fitness center, and corporate apartment.  I have to say even with the great benefits that it was not the same feeling.  I really did not see the faces of the people I was helping and it was not personal at all.  I love developing relationships and friendships with my clients.  I still have some here or there that really are not any more than business at least on their end of it.  I still feel like I am somehow making their lives better by just doing my job.


KL Cleaning N More

You know I have tried out a couple of different names and this one stuck.  What is funny is my name is Cassie Gilman so that would be CG.  In all these years since I started using this name(I think 2007) I have only had two people ask me what does KL stand for?.  OKAY SO HERE IT IS!!! LOL




Cleaning N More=care giving, errands, windows, etc…

So what does Kingdom Living mean to me where this business is concerned?  Good question…

Integrity, Loyalty, Honesty, Promptness, Compassion, Caring…

It also is Matthew 6:33 Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.


I believe if I keep my focus on God, He will bring me into the right clients lives, businesses, and homes.  He will also be the One meeting my needs financially through the hands of my clients.


Now today when I clean houses I listen to Reba still but I mainly listen to these two artist…Wyatt Nations and Carol Hogner.



So now you know where KL Cleaning N More Comes from.


Thank you mom and mama Pat for inspiring part of my purpose.


Dream Catcher 3:20

Cassie G