Tag Archives: Dreams

A New Year A New You!

This year I have walked through a lot of negativity and hurts. I have had dreams smashed into pieces, along with my heart. This last month I have began to recognize wrong mindsets and habits that allowed some of these life sucking things into my life. I have been working on changing these habits and mindsets and I believe 2018 will be a New Year as well as A New Me!!

I have had failed relationships in my life; both friends and marriages. So in 2018 I’m going to discover myself. I am changing my focus to learning who God says I am, what my true likes and dislikes are, be true and honest to myself and fall in love with life. Below are some goals and tips to make this happen.

  1. Doing more things that I love! In 2018 I want to do more of what I love with out anyone complaining or detouring me to their thing! I want to drive down to the beach and put my toes in the sand! I would love to drive to Colorado and take my time stopping at little markets or historical markers. Of course there will be a lot of grandbaby loving this new year.
  2. Stop feeling like I have to explain why I’m single again! I am not happy that I’ve found myself single again and “divorced” but I have to accept it and embrace it as it is! My motto for this is I have nothing to hide, nothing to defend, nothing to prove and nothing to protect. It is what it is! I will embrace all this season brings. I get a bed to myself, I can eat what I want, I don’t have to check with someone else before I make a decision WELL BESIDES GOD! So these are the things I will focus on!
  3. Learn to Love Me! Gods commandments tell us to Love God with ALL our heart and to love our neighbor as ourselves! I can not truly love others until I know how to Love God with ALL MY HEART AND MYSELF! I need to learn to love me flaws and all! Then because I know just how much God Loves me and that He will never leave me in a mess, I will love myself right out of any messes I created!
  4. Enjoy my married friends! Sometimes as a single person we can feel like a third wheel! We avoid events and friends because we don’t want to be that third wheel. I’m going to be me and enjoy my married friends.
  5. Embrace my single friends! This next year I’m going to embrace my single friends. I know I am not the only one who finds times when all their married friends are busy with their significant others. I have found myself wondering who can I get to go out to eat with me or go hang out with. In 2018 I’m going to reach out to other singles. I want to make sure that they know they are not alone. I’m going to have get togethers at my home! I’m going to holler at them last minute and say let’s go to town and get out. I’m going to embrace both single male and female friends into this next year. Sometimes we forget that the opposite sex goes through the same things. They don’t always want a dating relationship but healthy relationships just like we do!
  6. Avoid all Drama and Negativity! The last two years I have had major negativity and drama. These two things can be addictive and life draining. This last month I have literally felt life drain out of me when I’ve been around it or been an instigator of it! So if I hear or see this in any area of my life I will do my best to speak and bring life into it! If for any reason that life isn’t received, I will high tell it out of that situation. God is LOVE AND LIFE! That’s all I want in my life!!
  7. Become A Whole Person! My daughter attended ORU and their focus is the whole person. Mind, Body and Spirit! So the things above I have set as goals for a New Year A New You, these are all things that I will be doing to achieve this goal. I will include healthier life choices in what I eat, exercise, and stress levels to reach this goal! I will spend more time in prayer and the word, take another Bible college class and just enjoy Gods creation!

So this is my New Year goals and more than that, my life commitments!!

I would love to have each of you join me on this journey!

Dream Catcher 3:20

Cassie Nations

The Calling She Pursued: Bobbi LeAnn

The talented and inspirational Bobbi LeAnn is my first guest blogger.

I know you will find this blog as inspirational as I did!

As far back as I can remember, I have always had a performance personality. My love for music was passed down from many generations on my dad’s side. At the age of 5, I started tagging along with my dad to band practice every Wednesday night. Singing and playing everything from Glen Campbell, George Jones, Loretta Lynn, Johnny Cash and whole lot of Waylon and Willy. By eight o’clock, I would crash on the couch, but I was sure to be up by nine thirty for our weekly “after practice DQ run!” After years of practicing with the boys, I was excited to finally get to go on the road and perform! Dad and I would make our Tour Dates at local nursing homes, senior centers, jamborees, music contests, and where ever there was an open space to call our stage, we were there. The thrill and adrenaline of being on stage, in front of people, and showing off what I truly loved flowed through my body. My mom would often catch me singing in the living room while I would be working on my “entertainment” skills with her recorder and insisted on making CDs and DVDs to hand out to her family and friends. During my younger years of performance, my younger brother and sister and I would decorate our basement as the Grand Ole Opry. We put up a stage, unrolled an old cut out of old red carpet for our isle, set out chairs for our fans, and I will never forget sneaking the baby powder out of the bathroom to serve as our fog machine. We would pass out tickets to our parents and family friends to attend and enjoy the singing performance of Bobbi LeAnn, gymnastics routine by Brandi Walters, and serval magic tricks by Blake Walters. It is safe to say that no one came from our show without a few spots of “fog” on their clothes and faces.

Along with my passion for music, I could say that I was also blessed with a very creative and entrepreneurial mind. It was during the summer of my fifth grade year that I started my own in- home radio station. I set up a cd and tape player in my room and took music requests from my family. I would fill each commercial break with a wrap up on dad and I’s latest shows, relay the upcoming show dates, even fill in with made up ads for local business in my community, and a daily bible devotional. Although the listening area of my radio station was only our family home, that was were my love for story telling and broadcast media and journalism began.

Fast forward to my high school years. It was then that I participated in almost every extra curricular activity from the school musical to cheerleading, all seasonal sports, FCCLA, show choir to college credited courses. I can still remember the day that I went into my high school counselors office and asking if there was a chance that I could take summer school classes my junior year of high school to free up my senior year schedule to fill it with music classes. After weeks of talking, it was passed and my senior year schedule included choir, band, show choir, and music theory. You could say it was the greatest year of high school classes. My senior year went by very quickly and it wasn’t long before I was in a white gown and hat receiving my diploma.

It was only a few weeks after graduation that I loaded up my parents dodge pickup with my belongings and pointed our wheels south to Nashville, Tennessee. After a full day’s worth of driving, we unloaded at the very top of music row at Belmont University. The campus I would call home for the next three years!! The campus was arranged with beautiful flowers, architectural buildings, and best of all, music was everywhere! Heck I even lived on THE MUSIC ROW. How could life get any better? I could hardly stand the anticipation of waiting for classes to start and finally getting to meet my track and field team members. (Yes, I was a college track athlete, participating in pole vault and soon after recruited for throwing. Division 1 athlete to boot! I was so anxious to compete against the big dogs!) As my freshman year went on, I continued to feel lost. I hadn’t seen my family in months, my long distance relationship was struggling, and most importantly, I missed my small town, dirt roads, and isolation. It was then that I decided to transfer to a school in Nebraska.

The same day that I gave my notice and sent my transcripts to Doane University, my roommates and I sat in my room reading my journal. Over water and a box of Life cereal, we read through every entry and covered topics about school, boys, sports, music, and whatever other life event occurred in the past 5 years. At the end of the night, we came up on a journal entry that had a list of goals and dreams. As I read through the entry and read out the list, I quickly found myself in an emotional mess. Every bullet listed on that page, I had accomplished within the short few months of living in Nashville except two, starting a cowboy church ministry and my own tv show. That night when I laid down in bed, the wheels in my mind were spinning out of control. I woke up the next morning to one of the most amazing dreams ever. I ran to my track and field coach and told him to cancel the transfer because I was staying in Nashville. I needed to complete the next things on my goal list. Over the next two weeks, I went to class and practice but I couldn’t concentrate on what was happening around me. All I could thing about was the dream I had that night after reading my journal. Therefore without hesitation, I called a great friend of mine back home, Jim Wakefield, and told him every little detail. He was every bit of motivation and inspiration I needed. He encouraged me to come home and plan an event and get the ball rolling on this dream.

Over the next few weeks, I focused every ounce of extra time on planning my cowboy church concert and tv show ideas. A few weeks later, my extra time spent on planning my ideas would become part of my entrepreneur class work. I turned my planning process into a business model and creative piece for my project final. There was a week left of class when our professor told us that the individual with the best presentation would receive an A+ in the class as well as a scholarship for pursing their business over the summer. Over that next week, I woke up early in the morning and went to bed late at night as I polished up my final presentation. Presentation day quickly approached and I was the most excited student in the class. When my name was called to the front of the room, I confidently pulled up my powerpoint and discussed very detail in my plan. That next morning, I opened my email and found the greatest message! I had scored the highest on my presentation, received an A+ in the class AND a scholarship to purse my business over the summer. It was during my project planning, I came into contact with two great ladies in Texas who encouraged me beyond belief! They began to talk with me about moving to Texas over the summer and to purse my passions there. After getting the scholarship opportunity, I couldn’t say no! As soon as finals wrapped up, I packed my car full of my belongings and headed to Texas to purse my cowboy church ministries.

Texas was full of opportunity! I was blessed with the friendship of some of the most humble human beings LeAnn Hart, Lenzi Holmes, April Bach-Patterson, and several others. I spent days working with April and her magazine Rodeo Fame, traveling to PBR events with LeAnn, scheduling Sunday cowboy church services and hanging out with my Mary Kay girls! At the end of the summer, I was given with the opportunity to sing the National Anthem at the College National Finals Rodeo, sing on the midway at Nebraska’s Big Rodeo, and even put out my first EP. To say the dream that I couldn’t get out of my head was life changing is an understatement!

After my summer in Texas came to an end, I headed back to Nashville to finish up my college education. My last semester, I filled out job application after job application. I researched everything from rodeo, agriculture, and cowboy churches in the Nashville area however nothing was coming up. Quite frankly, I thought my run in Nashville was over. However, a month before graduation, I ran across a press release that mentioned that the RFD-TV Studios would be moving to Music Row. WHAT! I couldn’t believe what I had just read. I had found my saving grace! I applied and interviewed for any available position. This was my chance to stay in Nashville and enjoy the agriculture and western lifestyle. A month later, I got confirmation that I had received the position with RFD-TV.

While at RFD I helped with everything from answering the phones, programming, writing feature stories for the magazine, helping with events, RFD-TVs the American and everything in between. My love for entertainment and broadcast journalism just grew 10 fold. However, the time I spent being a gypsy, traveling between Tennessee and Texas wore on me. I missed my family more than anything.

I packed my belongings and headed back to Nebraska to begin my career at a local news station, News Channel Nebraska. Working as an account executive, I serviced advertising accounts for several clients and companies and got to know my new community very well. I very much enjoyed the client interaction, yet I still craved being in front of the camera. Each night after work, I went home, and added new ideas and concepts to my tv show idea that I had dreamt about my freshman year of college.

My show idea was Nebraska oriented and there was no better timing then now show my boss my idea. Over lunch and coffee, I presented the station’s owner my tv show idea and business plan of highlighting rodeo across Nebraska. Although he wasn’t familiar with the western sports industry he jumped on board and gave me a shot! In fact, he wanted the show to air a week after my presentation. SAY WHAT!? I knew exactly where I would be the next 7 days after work… at my computer editing the interviews, story footage, rodeo updates that I had just filmed that weekend. This could be my only chance to showcase my love for Nebraska and rodeo that I had dreamed up for the past 5 years, Good Life Western Sports.

The next 7 days were brutal! Editing, finding sponsorships and filling commercial space, to continuing my full time job as an account executive and planning the company’s first big LIVE community forum broadcasted over all their channels and online. To say I was busy and exhausted is a complete understatement, but I made it through. By the show’s first first air time, everything for the show was complete and the first episode was a success! After the first airing, I started receiving messages from fan spilling out their hearts. They were so excited to finally see their grandchildren, children, nieces, nephews, and friends on tv being interviewed and updating on their last competed rodeo. I even received messages from people who tuned in or saw me around at their rodeo catching footage or doing interviews. And a few angry messages from fans when the show was preempted or when it didn’t start right at 6:30pm. But the best were from messages that Good Life Western Sports was the best show on the station. About 6 weeks in, the station owner sat down with me to discuss pulling the show. He didn’t agree that the show was catching speed, in fact he could only name a handful of people he knew who actually watched it. With a great deal of convincing, and showing him the messages that I received, I was able to keep the show on through the entirety of the sponsorships, August 31, 2017.

As time went on, situations within the office began to grow and left me feeling unappreciated. There were nights that I had pulled back to back all nighters, drove dang near across the state for station events, my work week hours bled into my personal weekends (months in a row), and more importantly I hadn’t seen my own family in months. Being closer to my family was my main reason for moving back to Nebraska, and the one time I saw them, I slept all day because I was exhausted!

Over many nights of tears and frustration, I decided to quit my job at the tv station, however, the Good Life Western Sports would continue through the end of August as agreed upon. June 25, 2017 will forever be the game changer I needed! After my final day of work, I headed to the Greeley Days Rodeo. There I helped my boyfriend, rodeo announcer Jared Slagle, with music. While I was there, I was able to catch a few minutes of footage of the Sam Foltz’s family receiving a award on his behalf from the Greeley Rodeo Committee. The few minutes I was able to catch I put on the internet. I woke up the next morning to several social media notifications and messages. The video received over 100,000 views and over 10,000 shares. For a poke like me with only 1,000 Facebook followers, the video went viral! SAY WHAT! The same day I quit my job, I had a viral video! I couldn’t be more proud! The next day while waiting for the rodeo to start, the stock contractors and I got together to film a funny story regarding one of the contractor’s help. By rodeo time, Good Life Western Sports had hit another milestone. We had a second viral video! I couldn’t wait to put together the show for the next week and for the station to finally see that we had two viral videos! After a few nights and several long hours, the show was ready to be sent off! When Wednesday rolled around, my phone started pinging non stop with messages like “Where is this week’s show?, Why is is not on again!? What the heck is going on?” I called the station and to my disbelief, they had preempted the show AGAIN! I was so fed up! I couldn’t wait for August 31st to be here!

Ultimately, I wanted my show to end on an internet platform and be online and available to anyone at anytime. So in the meantime of waiting for August 31st to get here. I put my thoughts down on paper on how to grow after. September 1st, I executed. In the months following, Good Life Western Sports has more than tripled its reach and I started my own media company. Today, Good Life Western Sports is seen on multiple platforms across the United States and is the premier source of everything rodeo Nebraska. Right now, all I can say is, GET READY because there is more to come!

Bobbi LeAnn all I can say is WOW! Actually what I can say is as I was putting this on my blog I did so with tears rolling down my face!

This blog has inspired me in so many ways!! I hope to all of you who have read this amazing inspirational blog of Bobbi LeAnn’s life; you will be encouraged as well.

To learn more about Bobbi LeAnn and follow her dreams like and follow her at the following links.




@goodlifewesternsports – Instagram

@glwesternsports – Twitter

Good Life Western Sports – Podcast

Dream Catcher 3:20

Cassie Nations

”Tis The Season of Change 

Change; oh boy a word that can bring excitement or fear. In my life change can bring both at the same time.

Over the years I have realized that if I am in charge of change I am happy go lucky and good to go. When God starts shifting things in my life or someone else makes a move that causes a big change well eeek is all I can say lol.

Most seasons of change in our life bring a change to relationships, jobs, positions and even locations. The hardest one for me has always been relationships. I have always thought friends should be a forever thing in our lives. Over the years God has had to show me that there are seasonal people in our lives.

God brings people in our lives for three reasons. One: they are here to speak into our lives and be used to propel us to the next place in God. Two: we are there to speak into their lives and be used to propel them to their next place in God. Three: They are and we are lifetime partners in their walk with God. Of course lifetimers are my favorite because less changes lol.

In my life when a season is changing and I feel that someone or something is no longer a lifetime fixture, I can get  a little crazy. That’s when I know my eyes are not on God who is always with me!  God who never changes!!  If we hold on to something or someone so tight that it’s holding us back, we can’t move on to that place and new season God wants just for us.

Sometimes it’s not us holding on as much as it is others trying to hold on to us so tight that we can’t move out. We each have to follow Christ example. NOT MY WILL GOD BUT YOURS. Rather you are the one holding on or being held onto!

Its also more than relationships, locations and positions we have a hard time changing seasons with… it’s also our mindsets. We have to be ready to change those hang ups, habits and ways of thinking to get to the next level.
As we are walking through a new season in our lives and letting go and being let go of, we know that this new season will bring so much with it!
For each of us to fulfill the promises, hopes and dreams of God we have to be ready for ‘Tis the Season of change. This will be a repeated season in our lives.

Dream Catcher 3:20



Kickn It Java Style with Cassie 4-01-15


This weeks program is a little late.  But better late than never…..That lil ol devil thinks he is getting my goat.  Well I got news for him I did goat tying in High School.  Me and God got dis.

This weeks episode is brought to you by Two Or More Coffee House



  1. “I’m A Rock”  Kristina Craig Band
  2.   “Today’s Gonna Be Beautiful”  Mikayla Lynn
  3.   “Cowboy Boots In Heaven”  Isaac Cole
  4.   “Wont Let Go”  Carol
  5.   “Christian Rock n Roll”  Tommy Brandt II
  6.   “A New Rode”  Chloe Goss
  7.   “Heart of Worship”  Tommy Brandt
  8.   “Amazing Grace”  Dave Powers











Dream Catcher 3:20

Cassie G

Interview with Kimberly Dawn


I met Kimberly Dawn at the 2014 ICM Awards.  She is such a sweet woman of God.  I enjoyed her showcase and loved her true country sound.

Kimberly and I have a sweet mutual friend; Richard Frazier.  Richard Plays Kimberly’s music on The Richard Frazier Show.  He networked and connected us together.  I am so glad he did.

Kimberly called me the other night and we talked for over an hour.  She shared her heart with me and what God is done in her life.  She blessed me with this interview.


Kimberly Dawn Nutter, a native of Greenbrier County, WV, is a comparatively new edition to the Country/Gospel music industry. Since professionally beginning her career in 2013, her singing and songwriting abilities have made her one of the most influential voices of “this generation’ of Country/Gospel music. Kim always strives to reach out lyrically to the sick, afflicted, and broken-hearted, and her efforts have gotten noticed, often resulting in her music being described with words like: joyful, uplifting, inspiring, affirmative, exuberant,and universal in its appeal and intention. Her message is quite abundant with love, faith, rhythm, wisdom and soul.

Kim has striven to rise from the shy young vocalist she started as to where she is today. She whole-heartedly believes that her career is an answered prayer and an opportunity to use her combination of talent, extraordinary work-ethic, and girl-next-door likeability to continue both her artistic growth and growth with her ministry.

Bio taken from her website below


Interview with Kimberly Dawn

 How long have you been singing Country and Inspirational Country Music?   I’ve been singing and writing all my life. However it wasn’t until after my children and myself experienced an enormous tragedy in 2011, I began to pursue my singing possibilities in the year 2013, I was encouraged by a professional friend to submit four of my songs to Internet Radio and in two days they charted in at #1, and remained in the top 20’s for over three weeks.


Are you an independent artist?  Yes.


What artist would you say has influenced your music the most?  I have several influences from different genres: Elvis Presley, Patsy Cline, Loretta Lynn, Louie Armstrong, Jason Crabb, Allyson Krauss. The most influential in recent times would have to be Carrie Underwood.


What was your first song to hit the air waves?  “Holding On “


And which station started your adventure on air?   Wow, I started out on hundreds of different radio stations, thanks to HMG Christian Country Radio. 

Click on link below to listen to this great song by Kimberly Dawn

Holding On


What would you say was the defining moment in your music ministry that you knew that this was what you wanted to do?  It was on a memorial day weekend, “Kimberly Dawn had been scheduled to perform for the Veterans and POW’s . We had several sound problems , not to mention my lead guitarist was stuck in a wreck just a few miles away, no one was hurt of course.  He called in and said he could not make it to play, I was feeling very discouraged , but the show must go on.  I looked up and saw a special needs couple raising their hands toward the heavens with smiles on their faces and tears of joy for the Lord streaming down from their eyes as they danced in circles all around the area while we played. Of course I was crying too, but I saw the love of God at work. That’s one of the most memorable times on this journey. But there have been many blessings almost too many to count.


What motivates you to keep going when you’re tired?  I think about the calling God has placed on my life. I think of how Jesus died for us and He never gave up on us.  Lord willing I will press through and keep on keeping on!

Do you have any new projects in the making?  Absolutely , in just a few weeks we will have a complete album of twelve songs “ Reaching Higher “, as well as a single called “ Can’t have Me”.


Click on link below to listen to Cant Have Me

Cant Have Me


What’s your current single on the air waves that we might hear? “Rain on me” just debuted about three weeks ago.


Click on Rain on Me to listen to her new single

Rain On Me


Do you write any of your own songs?  Yes, I write all of my songs and my husband helps me with music arrangements on a lot of them.


What is your personal favorite out of all the songs you have recorded or sing? “Reaching Higher “
is one of my favorites, it brought me through one of the hardest times in my life. All of my songs relate to an experience God has brought me through.


Can you share one of your funniest memories of Singing on stage or while recording?
There have been several; however everyone in the band got big kick out of me biting the mic, while we were on the air live at the Floyd Country Store in Floyd Virginia. I will share with you that my dress seam ripped straight up my leg at the Nashville Palace in Nashville Tennessee, while preforming and anyone that commented on my dress thought it was made that way.   I just kept on singing however,  I laughed half the night over that one.


Can you tell us about the clothing and accessories you have on your website?  Yes, the line of clothing and accessories are designed to represent the lyrics from various songs recorded. Proceeds go to a non-profit organization recently founded called Solomon’s Porch. For families, who have been and are afflicted by Drug Addiction, Loss and or Abuse. That’s another project I am working on.


Check out Kimberly’s Online Store Below



What is your favorite scripture and what does it mean to you? 
Isaiah 59:1 Behold the Lord’s hand is not too short to save, and his ear is not too deaf to hear.
As long as we cry to God with sincerity , He can hear us and He will save us.
I share that scripture with people that feel they are unworthy of God’s love and mercy .

To learn more about Kimberly Dawn and her music please check out her website below.


Click here to enter Kimberly Dawn Ministries



Thank You Kimberly Dawn!!!!!


Dream Catcher 3:20

Cassie G