Tag Archives: Dreams

Becoming the “Leading Lady”

Let me first start by saying, this will not be a short blog. So grab a cup of coffee and settle in for a few .
I also want to say that we sometimes get in a box and limit what God can use to speak to our hearts and change our lives. I am going to share with you today; my life’s journey and how three movies have impacted me so! There are things and lifestyle choices I don’t condone in these movies. However there are lifestyle choices and things I don’t condone in my own life story.


The first movie that I will mention is The Holiday. This is where I got the title for my blog today. This movie is about two ladies journeys in overcoming their fears, suppressed hurts, and disastrous relationships.


Then we have Eat Love Pray. This movie is about another lady who finds herself waking up one day; married but lonely and no clue who she is. She goes through a divorce and sets out on a journey to find herself and God. A journey we have all been on

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The final movie is Under the Tuscan Sun. The leading lady of this story finds out she has been betrayed by the one person she trust the most; her husband. After going through a painful divorce she sets out on a journey she never knew she needed. She is given a trip to Italy so she can deal with her divorce and emotions. It is this trip that turns into her journey of finding who she truly is.

I will be quoting from these movies throughout this blog.
I have always had this person inside that wanted more in life. I admired strong women. I would fall in love with movies like these above. I would see the “me I was” in them and the “me I wanted to be”.
Growing up, all the way to recent years I would find my identity in; who I was friends with and who I was in love with.

Iris, in the movies we have leading ladies and we have the best friend. You I can tell are a leading lady, but for some reason you are behaving like the best friend. ~Author

In the old romantic movies, a leading lady is confident in who she is. She stands and shines. The best friend in the movies is always behind the scenes. She is taken for granted and used as a backup plan. Always trying to be what everyone else needs and wants them to be.

As I was listening to the quote above I saw myself as Iris as she responded to Author.

You’re right. You’re supposed to be the leading lady of your own life, for God’s sake~Iris

Now the way she uses for a “God’s Sake” and the way I mean it are different. She said it as a saying. I say FOR GODS SAKE -FOR GODS GLORY WE ARE TO KNOW WHO WE ARE! Be the leading lady of your own life.
I married at a very young age and had babies quickly after. I am so very grateful for my babies. I look back over my life in the area of boys, men, romance and love. I see where my way of thinking was wrong. These thoughts caused a lot of choices that led to hurt, fears, disappointments and regrets. Instead of asking God who Cassie was, what her dreams were and what her purpose was, I found it in others.

I jumped from one marriage into another. I found myself in the most dysfunctional relationship I could imagine. I continued to go back with this man because I believed the best was possible. I saw potential. I had fears of being alone. AND I was addicted to this dysfunction and drama. We divorced and remarried 3 times. Who does this? That’s what I would ask myself as I layered on years of guilt and shame.
“Who does this?” A person who is not being all they are called to be. A person; who doesn’t know who they are in Christ.

God dwells in me, as me~Elizabeth Gilbert/Eat Love Pray


Now wait before you throw stones at that quote!! God says in His word that we are ONE.

John 14:20 at that time when that day comes you will know for yourselves that I am in My Father, and you are in Me, and I am in you.
John 17:21 That they all may be one, just as You, Father, are in Me and I in You, that they also may be one in Us, so that the world may believe and be convinced that You have sent Me.
1 Corinthians 6:17 But the person who is joined to the Lord is one spirit with him.
“I have a history of making decisions very quickly about men. I have always fallen in love fast and without measuring risks. I have a tendency not only to see the best in everyone, but to assume that everyone is emotionally capable of reaching his highest potential. I have fallen in love more times than I care to count with the highest potential of a man, rather than with the man himself, and I have hung on to the relationship for a long time (sometimes far too long) waiting for the man to ascend to his own greatness. Many times in romance I have been a victim of my own optimism.” ― Elizabeth Gilbert, Eat, Pray, Love

I’ve been in love with being in love. Hoping I would find that strong woman I was so searching for; through being a wife and a mom. When reality is the only way to be a good wife and mom is to be a strong woman in Him first and foremost.

A man cannot tell me who I am, they can only mirror who I am.
“People think a soul mate is your perfect fit, and that’s what everyone wants. But a true soul mate is a mirror, the person who shows you everything that is holding you back, the person who brings you to your own attention so you can change your life. ~Eat Pray Love
I have jumped from relationship to relationship or to dreaming about the next one in my life. I’ve thought if I find that “one” all will fall into place. I’ll become strong and have a backbone and be that woman I admired in others. I wouldn’t have had a backbone I would have had my husbands “backbone” I would have been as weak or strong as he was. Relying on; his faith and identity.

My children lived with me for the first few years after their father and I divorced. Then life become more and more complicated, as they each decided to go live with their dad. Children need both parents. So reality is this was not a bad thing. If I would have had my security in God and not as a mom this would not have rattled my world. This time in my life added to a sense of being a failure and a lot of shame.
I have been on a journey of truth and forgiveness for several years now. I believe I have arrived at finding truth in God and forgiving myself. It has been through many tears but worth it to know now I’m on the other side of that.

“Someday you’re gonna look back on this moment of your life as such a sweet time of grieving. You’ll see that you were in mourning and your heart was broken, but your life was changing…” ― Elizabeth Gilbert

Romans 8:1 with the arrival of Jesus, the Messiah, that fateful dilemma is resolved. Those who enter into Christ’s being-here-for-us no longer have to live under a continuous, low-lying black cloud. A new power is in operation. The Spirit of life in Christ, like a strong wind, has magnificently cleared the air, freeing you from a fated lifetime of brutal tyranny at the hands of sin and death.

In this journey I allowed the fear of living and being alone to control my life. I would step out to try to be a “leading lady” only to fall back on securities of others. In 2011 I moved out of my apartment and into a friend’s home to “help” them with a ranch and to “find myself”. My plans fell apart when this was the choice I made that caused my daughter to move to her dads to be with him and her brother.

From this time in my life till present; I have not lived alone. I have wished, dreamed and even planned to make that step. However the fear I had was stronger than the faith I had. This is all okay though. You know why? He is a God who meets is where we are. I’ve experienced things, traveled to places, and met people I never would have without this part of my journey.

Hebrews 4:14 Now that we know what we have—Jesus, this great High Priest with ready access to God—let’s not let it slip through our fingers. We don’t have a priest who is out of touch with our reality. He’s been through weakness and testing, experienced it all—all but the sin. So let’s walk right up to him and get what he is so ready to give. Take the mercy, accept the help.

I have had people speak into my life and try to tell me that they see me stronger than I see myself. That has taken me a long time to see. Sometimes we get confused and lost on our journey. But God says He will make the crooked paths straight for us. If you are lost, don’t worry! He knows where you are.

“When you’re lost in those woods, it sometimes takes you a while to realize that you are lost. For the longest time, you can convince yourself that you’ve just wandered off the path, that you’ll find your way back to the trailhead any moment now. Then night falls again and again, and you still have no idea where you are, and it’s time to admit that you have bewildered yourself so far off the path that you don’t even know from which direction the sun rises anymore.” ― Elizabeth Gilbert

It’s in these times that the SON will rise and shine light on your path!

Changing how we think and speak about life and ourselves develops who we become in this life. It determines if we will behave like the “best friend” or the “LEADING LADY”

Groceries, you need to learn how to select your thoughts just the same way you select what clothes you’re gonna wear every day. This is a power you can cultivate. If you want to control things in your life so bad, work on the mind. That’s the only thing you should be trying to control. Drop everything else but that. Because if you can’t learn to master your thinking, you’re in deep trouble forever.Elizabeth Gilbert, Eat, Pray, Love
Proverbs 18:21 Words kill, words give life;they’re either poison or fruit—you choose.

Philippians 4:8 Summing it all up, friends, I’d say you’ll do best by filling your minds and meditating on things true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious—the best, not the worst; the beautiful, not the ugly; things to praise, not things to curse. Put into practice what you learned from me, what you heard and saw and realized. Do that, and God, who makes everything work together, will work you into his most excellent harmonies.

There comes a time when we have to stop wishing and talking and start doing.

You’re wishin’ too much, baby. You gotta stop wearing your wishbone where your backbone oughtta be.” ― Elizabeth Gilbert, Eat, Pray, Love

So where am I at today? Am I in the best friend mode or leading lady? Well let’s just say I’m well on my way to leading lady!




My children and I have amazing relationships. I have recently encountered a friendship with a male who God used to heal a brokeness in me as a parent. He also allowed me to realize through this friendship that HE ALONE is all I need. Anyone else in my life is a bonus. And the big kicker is after 4 years I am now holding the keys to my very own little place to call home.

So like these ladies in these movies my joinery has brought me to truth, love and strength.

I hope that you too will take this journey! Become a leading lady! Besides they make the truest best friends!!

Dream Catcher 3:20
Cassie G


The Heart Behind STS Ranchwear





For those of you that know me at all, you know I spend a lot of time on Facebook.  I have  been introduced to a lot of wonderful friends, ministries and businesses.  I was scrolling through my page one day and found STS Ranchwear on my Facebook  The first thing that caught my eye was the cross.  I believe in supporting Christian Businesses with all my heart so when you mix the Cowboy Lifestyle and that together you have won my heart over for sure!!


I started following STS Ranchwear and I realized they are way more than a clothing line.  STS is about sharing Stran and Jennifer Smith’s Faith with others through their own lives.  You will find Ranchwear, Fashion tips, Recipes, Fitness tips and Testimonies of God’s love on their website and Social Media.  We all need encouragement from one another and I sure know I need help with fitness and fashion.  LOL…..


I am all about Dreams and encouraging others in theirs.  This is one of my favorite things about STS and the heart of Stran and Jennifer Smith.



Jennifer and Stran Smith are best known for their long standing careers in professional rodeo. Stran has 11 Wrangler National Finals Qualifications and was the 2008 World Champion Tie-Down Roper. He is best known for overcoming hardships in and out of the arena.

Jennifer was Miss Rodeo America and worked as a television correspondent in the western & equine industry for 15 years for networks such as ESPN, CBS Sports, and Outdoor Channel. Jennifer also spends time as a designer and consultant in the Western fashion industry.

What is not highly publicized is their background in ranching. Stran and Jennifer strive to carry on Stran’s 4th generation ranch in Tell, Texas. When not on the road, Stran, Jennifer, and 3 children, Stone, Scout, and Selah raise Black Angus cattle on the family ranch.


I am very honored to share with you a few questions and answers  with Stran and Jennifer.  A look into their heart and Dreams.

What inspired you to begin STS Ranchwear?

The combination of growing up on a 4th Generation ranch and spending the last 20 years in the rodeo and western fashion industry, we have an idea about what we want in Ranchwear. When we went looking for it, there was nothing on the market quite like what STS Ranchwear is today.  Our partner, Chad Fairchild with Carroll Original Wear has spent years perfecting the quality of outwear and sourcing quality leathers that fit the true western buyer’s standards.

The handbags were a vision of passion as well.  I wanted to create a line of bags that not only utilized luxurious leathers and western design, but also had all the organizational needs of today’s western woman.


What is your vision and targeted audience for each of your blogs? 

We love EVERYTHING about the western life that we are so blessed to have been raised in. We feel it’s important to honor a legacy of the true working cowboy and family life, educating on skills, equipment, livestock, and wildlife. We, more importantly, strive to emphasize the principals that this country was built on:  HONOR and INTEGRITY while being TRUE to your faith, your family and yourself.   Anyone that is or just wants to be cowboy can find great stuff on STSRanch.com.




How has faith played a role in your family, being on the road rodeoing and running a business?  

In every way, Faith is the center of our life.  In every venture in our life, whether it’s rodeo, ranch, and especially our family we want to be in God’s will.  We wouldn’t attempt to do anything with out His confirmation… not just in our business, but in every part of our life.




What three tips could you offer to tell us how to stay focused Spiritually, Mentally and Physically?

A goal without a plan is just a wish.  It is very important to have a plan so you know what direction to go.  Write down your goals and look at them often. Be consistent and stay the /coarse.  It is a marathon, not a sprint.  It is so important for us to have a Purpose in our goals beyond “us.” Like we’ve said, if God is at the center of everything you do, you have a bigger purpose and responsibility in obtaining your goals.  You never know who is looking up to you or who you will inspire in the meantime.  Stran said it best in his interview when he won the World Championship.  If your heart is still beating than God’s has a plan for your life.



Thank you STS Ranchwear (Stran and Jennifer)  for this great interview.


To learn more about STS Ranchwear and Stran and Jennifer Smith please check out their website below and be sure to follow them on Facebook.




Dream Catcher 3:20

Cassie Gilman




Interview with Jake Long

Dreams just keep coming true for this rodeo cowboy

Known as Jake Long


Jake is married to the beautiful Tasha Long and they have two beautiful children.  I have not ever met them personally but I’ve heard such wonderful things about each of them. I have been blessed to get an interview with him. I had the help of his awesome mom, Pam Weatherby.


Jake grew up in Coffeyville, Kansas.  In town I am very familiar with, growing up in North East Oklahoma myself. Jake is the son of Crickett Long  and Pam Weatherby.  He began his career roping at Junior rodeo’s in Kansas and Northeast Oklahoma. Jake won his first buckle at the young age of eight years old. He won two horse trailers in 1999 team roping in Guthrie and Pawhuska Oklahoma.  I 2007 Jake  won his first truck. It was a Dodge so you know it was a good one (of course writers opinion).  He won his truck at the Dodge finals in Pocatella, ID.


Jake won the Champion Heeler  at the George Strait team roping in San Antonio in 2007  this time he won another nice new shiny truck this one was a Chevy truck and he also won a horse trailer as well as his earnings


In 2010 Jake’s dreams just continued coming true.  He was roping with Brady Tryan, of  Huntley, Montana.  They took first in St. Paul, Oregon and Silver City, New Mexico and placed in a lot of other big rodeos.  Jake also became a 2010 WNFR qualified contestant!  Making it a dream come true!


It is now 2014 and once again Jake Long as made it back to the National Finals Rodeo.   Jake has answered a few questions for this blog and I hope that you enjoy getting to know a little bit more about him.


Thank you Jake Long and Pam Weatherby for helping me get the word out to others that dreams really do come true!!



It’s that time of year again!! It’s the WNFR14! How many years does this make for you as a NFR qualifying contestant Jake?

Jake:  4 years


At what age did you know that this was the dream you would follow?

Jake:  As long  as I can remember


Who has influenced you the most in your career?

Jake:  Clay O’Brien Cooper, also I have had several friends who help me learn to rope and progress. My family has always been a huge influence and great support for me.


What would you say the most difficult situations are that you face out on the road?

Jake:  All night drives and schedule conflicts


If you could tell us what it takes to be a winner what would you say?

Jake:  To be a winner have faith, dedication, lots of practice, and confidence in yourself!

How does your faith play a role in your Roping Career?

Jake:  God blessed me with an amazing talent and I am so thankful for it. I have to have faith and know He will help me every step along the way.


Is there one main piece of advice you can give to all of those kids and adults out there who want to pursue their dreams?

Jake:  Stay focused and keep your eye on the goal.


There are a lot of Team Ropers out there that watch you close and want to learn all they can from you; what are three tips you would have for them in their Roping years ahead?

Jake:  Maintain your game plan. Do not conform to others. Keep strong and focused staying mentally ready.


**Be be sure to check out this YouTube video to learn more about**

**Jake Long and his faith and how it plays a role in his roping.**








Do you hear what I hear?

Do you remember the Christmas song Do you hear what I hear?  My favorite parts are Do you see what I see and Do you hear what I hear !!

Do You Hear What I Hear?

Said the night wind to the little lamb,
do you see what I see
Way up in the sky, little lamb,
do you see what I see
A star, a star, dancing in the night
With a tail as big as a kite
With a tail as big as a kite

Said the little lamb to the shepherd boy,
do you hear what I hear
Ringing through the sky, shepherd boy,
do you hear what I hear
A song, a song, high above the trees
With a voice as big as the sea
With a voice as big as the sea

Said the shepherd boy to the mighty king,
do you know what I know
In your palace warm, mighty king,
do you know what I know
A Child, a Child shivers in the cold
Let us bring Him silver and gold
Let us bring Him silver and gold
Said the king to the people everywhere,
listen to what I say
Pray for peace, people everywhere!
listen to what I say
The Child, the Child, sleeping in the night
He will bring us goodness and light
He will bring us goodness and light

I can imagine in my mind that as they traveled they would begin to get discouraged and then they would look into the sky and see that North Star that was their guidance.  Then they would begin to imagine the sounds of the new baby Jesus and they would get so excited about the dream of a savior coming to lead them and save them.
Just like God spoke to them about their journeys, He wants to show you the path you are to take.  Take time over the next few days as we begin to celebrate Christ birth and ask God what His dreams for you are.  Then listen and watch for the leading of the Holy Spirit.  You will begin to hear His voice like never before.  You will SEE His guiding hand in every area of your life.  Let Him give you the desires of your heart.
Do you hear what I hear?  Do you see what I see?  I hear God and I see God!!! I hear Him in you and I see Him in you!!!  He has great plans for you.  Jer 29:11
Above and Beyond
Cassie G

Interview Questions with Carol

2014-06-30 09.12.01

I was blessed to be able to sit down and do an Interview with Carol 




Carol is a Christian Country Recording Artist and Minster.  Carol has been nominated for New Artist of the Year with HMG Nashville and Power Source.  She will be traveling to Nashville to attend the ICMAwards this year in November.  I hope you enjoy getting to know Carol a little better.

Carol Hogner grew up in East Texas and was always singing, even if it was just her and her sisters singing songs while washing dishes. She sang in a group called The Spirituals as she was growing up. She then turned her focus to work and taking care of her 2 children Josh and Amber. As time went by she came back to singing with a strong passion for the Lord. She was singing at rodeo bible camp where her kids were attending and met Jeff Hogner. A short time later Carol and Jeff got married. Carol then gained 2 more daughters Hannah and Halee. As a family they traveled to team ropings ministering as Joshua Cowboy Ministries, for nearly 15 years. Her husband got his heavenly promotion 5 years ago. Now she continues to travel all over the United States and into Canada putting on church services and concerts. Her whitty, down to earth country personality captures all who encounter her.



1. Carol can you share with us a little about your cd Ordinary Things?  Well I had been wanting to do a new CD for about 10 years. A couple id know for a lot of years called me up one day. They said they had some money they’d like to sow into my ministry and they’d like it to go toward making a new CD if at all possible. If not and I needed to use it somewhere else then that was ok too. Well that got the ball to rolling. When I had what I thought was enough money to go into the studio with I called a friend of mine. I asked him if he’s be interested in helping me with a new CD. He said I’ll do better than that I’ll introduce you to my cousins in Nashville that do that kind of thing. So his cousin Mark Johnson called me and we hit it off right away. Mark is not only a great musician and Aaron Tippin’s bass player and long time road manager he writes songs too. He asked me if I would like to have some original songs to record. I said let me think about it, lol YES I would love that. The first song I listened to was Ordinary Things and I cried like a baby. My husband had passed away just the year before. Through God’s favor I believe we were blessed to put out a very well produced CD. I couldn’t be more grateful.
2. I understand you released the single Ordinary Things with HMG. How has that been going for you?
I was so thrilled when Mr. Gene Higgins called me that day. What a nice gentleman. I can say that I’m pleased with what we’ve accomplished together. Along with Ms. Darlene Fowler and my God Squad it was charting the first month. Again Thank you Jesus!!
3. I saw that you have been nominated in the top 10 for New Artist of the year for the ICM Awards, I bet your pretty excited about that?
Oh my goodness excited is putting it mildly… I am ecstatic about. I feel like it’s just another way to share God’s amazing Love!! I want to thank all the DJ’s and fellow artists for making that happen, I’m so grateful.
Well congratulations are in order for sure.
I have few more questions so your listeners can get to know you a little better here.
4. What are some of your favorite songs that you perform? Ordinary Things, Faith, If I was Jesus, Hold Us Together and Won’t Let Go are just a few I love.
5. Where did you accept Jesus Christ into your life at? In a little Baptist Church, several times actually, lol I was so afraid of going to hell wanted to be sure I was saved. I know now that once was plenty 🙂
6.Where would your life be with out your relationship with Christ? Without Christ, I am…. Absolutely nothing …
7. In your walk with Christ, what would you say the biggest miracle you have experienced is? Personally, my daughter survived a tumor in her jugular vein at age 11.
8. What’s your favorite Bible verse and what does it mean to you? Psalms 138:8 
I found that scripture about 10 years ago. For me it’s the perfect scripture for any occasion. I call it my life scripture.
9. Was there ever a time in your life when you felt like you were just ready to throw your hands up and give up?
No I don’t think so. If I did it was a passing thought. I’m a fighter when it comes to giving up.
10. What hymns/gospel song would you say has impacted your walk the most? When I came back to The Lord after being out of His service got several years I heard “Pardon Me I’ve Been Pardoned”. I felt like if been set free.
11. Do you believe in the power of prayer? What has God revealed to you through prayer?
I do believe prayer is very powerful. I’ve learned if we can take The Lord at His Word we put ourselves in a position to receive His blessings. 
12. When you get to see Jesus face to face what do you think you would like to say to Him first?
I think I’d just want to say thank you for all you’ve done for me Sir and I sure do love you! 
13. Can you just share with us a bit about yourself that your listeners may not know about you?
I grew up in the small Texas town of Malakoff. My sisters and I use to sing together at the kitchen sink while we did the dishes. I always wanted to be a singer. When I heard my first Christian Country radio station I cried. I didn’t know there was such a thing. I love country music so it fit me to a T. I travel around to team ropings sharing my Jesus with my songs and His Word.
15. What was your family life like growing up?
I have two older sisters and a younger brother. We were a close family growing up. We were in church every time the doors were open. We didn’t have a lot of money but we didn’t realize it till we were grown. We had very loving parents.
16. What do you like to do in a time of leisure for fun or to relax?
I love being a grandma. I spend as much time as I can as often as I can with my grand babies. I love to sing, work outside at the ranch, and build things out of wood.
17. What’s one random fun thing that your listeners don’t know about you?
I can fold my tongue in half, lol
18. What’s your favorite quote?
“Should been a Cowboy”
19. Do you have a favorite childhood memory?
Going to visit my grandparent and my grandpa putting me up on his shoulders to go hunts eggs.
20. What was the funniest thing that has ever happened to you during your singing ministry?
We use to have church outside under a big oak tree in our back yard. We had a quest preacher come in to speak. I got up to sing and her dog came and sat down in front of me. He then proceeded to drag his behind on the ground… We all lost our breath laughing.
21. What was the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you?
I was singing the National Anthem at a team Roping in Kansas one morning. When I got to that high note a squeaked something terrible. Because of my love for that song and my country I was devastated.
22. Finish this sentence: The best advice I have ever been given is….. Seek peace
23. Finish this sentence: The best advice I could ever give is….Well I guess I’d have to say Seek peace
24. What would you say your motto for life is…… Life’s too short not to have fun!!!
I really enjoyed doing this interview with Carol.  I have been watching Carol’s Dreams coming true one day at a time.  I want to encourage you not to give up no matter what!!
To listen to Carol’s music and keep up with where she will be you can go to her website.

2014-10-15 15.04.23












Thank you for taking the time to read this Interview with Carol Hogner.  Please share with your family and friends.



Dreaming Above and Beyond

Cassie Gilman