Tag Archives: Faith

May You PROSPER in 2017

WOW IM SO JACKED UP! I have had people tell me that when God said He wanted to prosper us or may we be prosperous or when He spoke of this He wasn’t talking money! I just did a study on the Greek and Hebrew words and I call BULL ?!  
He wants us to prosper in every area of our lives. Spiritually, physically, and mentally! He wants your walk with Him to grow, your relationships to grow, your knowledge, success, finances and anything you put your hands to!!!  

Bible > Topical > Prosper

◄ Prosper ►

Jump to: Webster’s • Concordance • Thesaurus • Greek • Hebrew • Library • Subtopics • Terms

Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary

1. (v. t.) To favor; to render successful.

2. (v. i.) To be successful; to succeed; to be fortunate or prosperous; to thrive; to make gain.
3. (v. i.) To grow; to increase.

2141. euporeo — to prosper 

… to prosper. Part of Speech: Verb Transliteration: euporeo Phonetic Spelling:

(yoo-por-eh’-o) Short Definition: I have means, am prosperous Definition: I have … 

//strongsnumbers.com/greek2/2141.htm – 6k

2137. euodoo — to have a prosperous journey 

… to have a prosperous journey. Part of Speech: Verb Transliteration: euodoo Phonetic

Spelling: (yoo-od-o’-o) Short Definition: I cause to prosper, have a happy … 

//strongsnumbers.com/greek2/2137.htm – 7k
2127. eulogeo — to speak well of, praise 

… bless, praise. From a compound of eu and logos; to speak well of, ie (religiously)

to bless (thank or invoke a benediction upon, prosper) — bless, praise. … 

//strongsnumbers.com/greek2/2127.htm – 8k
Strong’s Hebrew

6744. tselach — to prosper

… 6743b, 6744. tselach. 6745 . to prosper. Transliteration: tselach Phonetic

Spelling: (tsel-akh’) Short Definition: success. … promote, prosper. … 

/hebrew/6744.htm – 6k

6743b. tsaleach — to advance, prosper

… 6743a, 6743b. tsaleach or tsalach. 6744 . to advance, prosper. Transliteration:

tsaleach or tsalach Short Definition: prosper. Word Origin a prim. … 

/hebrew/6743b.htm – 6k
7951. shalah — to be quiet or at ease

… to be quiet or at ease. Transliteration: shalah or shale Phonetic Spelling:

(shaw-law’) Short Definition: prosper. … be happy, prosper, be in safety. … 

/hebrew/7951.htm – 6k
3787. kasher — to be advantageous, proper, or suitable, to …

… root Definition to be advantageous, proper, or suitable, to succeed NASB Word Usage

giving success (1), proper (1), succeed (1). direct, be right, prosper. … 

/hebrew/3787.htm – 6k
7919. sakal — to be prudent

… consider, expert, instruct, prosper, deal prudently, give skillful, have

good success, teach, A primitive root; to be (causatively … 

/hebrew/7919.htm – 5k
3190. yatab — to be good, well, glad, or pleasing

… makes…acceptable (1), merry (3), pleasant (1), please (1), please the better

(1), pleased (2), pleased* (9), pleases* (1), pleasing (2), prosper (4), reform … 

/hebrew/3190.htm – 7k
1878. dashen — to be fat, grow fat

… to be fat, grow fat NASB Word Usage anointed (1), become greasy (1), become prosperous

(1), find your acceptable (1), made fat (1), prosper (1), prosperous (1 … 

/hebrew/1878.htm – 6k
6743. tsalach — to rush

… transitive or intransitive) — break out, come (mightily), go over, be good, be

meet, be profitable, (cause to, effect, make to, send) prosper(-ity, -ous … 

/hebrew/6743.htm – 5k
7999. shalam — to be complete or sound

… an) end, finish, full, give again, make good, (re-)pay (again), (make) (to) (be

at) peace(-able), that is perfect, perform, (make) prosper(-ous), recompense … 

/hebrew/7999.htm – 6k
7965. shalom — completeness, soundness, welfare, peace

… prosperity, peace — X do, familiar, X fare, favour, + friend, X great, (good) health,

(X perfect, such as be at) peace(-able, -ably), prosper(-ity, -ous), rest … 

/hebrew/7965.htm – 6k

The key to this is as your soul prospers! Your soul is your mind, will and emotions!  How do you prosper those?

  1.  Through the renewing of your mind!
  2. Reading the word 
  3. Meditating on the word over and over 
  4. Prayer 
  5. Listening to His voice
  6. Praise and thankfulness 
  7. Casting down any thought not of God
  8. Walking in your God given Love walk 

So right now I declare 2017 PROSPEROUS!

Less of us and more of Him!

Deeper friendships and favor with people!

Healthy both mentally and physically!

Successful Marraiges!

Successful Ministries and Businesses! 

New life in your homes for those who are believing for babies or adoption!

And your BLESSED TO BE A BLESSING!  Finances are there to meet your needs and those God shows you!!!

Cassie Nations 

KIJS with Cassie~Why Did Jesus Weep


I have been praying about what way to go with my Kickn It Java Style with Cassie Program.  In the beginning I was doing more teaching and I believe this is the area I am to focus my weekly programming on.  I will also do a once a month music program featuring several artist.

I hope you enjoy this weeks program.


KIJS with Cassie~Why Did Jesus Weep




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Thank you for listening to this weeks #KIJS With Cassie

Dream Catcher 3:20

Cassie G

Who’s Chasing You

Ladies!!! It is not your role to pursue after a man. It is your role to pursue God and be pursuable!
We have gotten away from old fashion courting and developing Godly relationships and spend all our time trying to figure out who’s chasing who. I can’t help but think about a scene in “My Best Friends Wedding” 1-It is not going well! 2-Where are you? 1-I have stolen a bread van and I am chasing Michael down Michigan Avenue. 2-You’re chasing Michael? 1-Yes 2-Michael’s chasing Kimmy 1-Yes! 2-Who’s chasing you? NOBODY! Get it? There’s your answer Kimmy! 1-NO! 2-Yes! Jules you are not the one! 


God pursues and calls you everyday!  

 “Your beauty and love chase after me every day of my life” (Psalm 23:6a, 

Dream Catcher 3:20 

Cassie G


Interview with Mo Howard



I met Mo Howard last year at the ICM.  I had no idea we were actually neighbors. Mo was living in Stephenville Texas and I was living in Gordon, a hop, jump and a skip away.


I started really paying attention to Mo Howard’s post and his music.  I loved his heart for worship.  In early spring I asked Mo to be a part of a concert that Dream Catcher 3:20 was hosting.  He accepted the invitation and helped us spread the word.  That night I remember feeling so bad that we did not have a crowd there.  It was right in the middle of all the tornado out breaks and it really affected the outcome.  What it did not affect was Mo’s heart or attitude.  He brought us into a place of worship and fellowship that night.  It was such a sweet blessing.


There are so many exciting things going on for Mo Howard and his ministry.  Many changes just since I have met him.  He has moved to the Nashville area and began a church there.  We will learn more about that with his interview.

Please take a few moments and read this interview I did with Mo Howard.  Check out his links to his websites and videos.  Then go over and download some of his songs or purchase his cd’s.



How long have you been singing Christian Country Music?

From a very early age, probably 6 or 7, my mom would send me to the stage. I would tell the piano player the key of the song and the name of the song and away we went. I especially enjoyed the fast country gospel songs in those young days.

Do you write your own songs?
Yes, I have written close to 100 songs and I am currently signed with Bill Traylor of Cheyenne Country as a writer.

If so how do you go about doing so? Is this something you feel you are a natural at or where do you get the inspiration to write from?

Lately, I’ve been telling folks, anything you say or do could be used in the form of a song. I do not consider myself a natural. Although, it is fun to have those times when you know The Lord has just downloaded a song into your spirit and it just comes so easy. I’ve always thought of myself as a musician first and songwriter second. For years, I would write the music first and then the melody and lyrics would come later. It seems lately the role is in reverse as I am writing the melody and lyrics and then adding the chord progression and structure of the song later.
What or who has influenced your love for music?
My brothers are all musically minded. I have 4 awesome brothers. All of them are in the ministry and all of them play music and play well. Some of my favorite artist are Steven Curtis Chapman, Russ Taff and Alan Jackson.

What artist would you say has influenced your music the most?

I have to Steven Curtis Chapman. I love the way he plays the acoustic guitar. I love the progression of his songs and stories he tells with his music.
What was your first song to hit the air waves?
And which station started your adventure on air? My first song to hit the air waves was a single in 2005 called Just To Know on KSPM 89.3 FM.

What would you say was the defining moment in your music ministry that you knew that this was what you wanted to do?
In 2011, I wrote a song called Sacred Gift to honor my late father James Howard. Everyone that new him would say his life was a sacred gift unto the Lord. I entered the song in a National Songwriting Contest and it won. They flew us out to Nashville where we recorded at Omnisound Studios. I looked on the wall and found a Steven Curtis Chapman Gold Record along with other great Country Artist who record there such as Travis Tritt, Taylor Swift and Mirand Lambert and many others. That was kind of neat. At last check, Sacred Gift has been played in more than 50 countries around the world and more than 200 stations across the U.S. Also, we were invited to The Herman and Sharron Show for a live performance of the song on National TV. One can find the show in it’s entirety at the following link

I think doing what we do as a Music Evangelist is definitely call from the Lord. I believe that Sacred Gift was the beginning stages of the Lord calling me into full time ministry of music.

What is your personal favorite out of all the songs you have recorded?

Man, that’s hard to say. I have had so much fun recording in many great studios. I guess my favorite is Hurricane and Love Without Strings. It was really fun laying down acoustic guitar parts on these songs.

What’s your current single on the air waves that we might hear?
Love Without Strings! It’s #39 pm the Power Source Radio Charts. Keep playing it please D.J.’s! Lol.

Do you have any new projects in the making?

Yes, I have several new songs I’m working on. One of them I really like is called In Jesus. I think it will be an fun uplifting song with great message of encouragement.
If you could share three things to those out there that are hurting and wanting to give up what would those be?
I think I would encourage them to look to Jesus the Author and Finisher of our Faith. Don’t be so hard on yourself, if Christ (Savior of the World) is willing to die for you and forgive you, then who am I to say I don’t deserve this love. And lastly, probably I would say learn to laugh more! Laughter is truly like a medicine and I too need to do it more.

I really love your ministry called Love With No Strings. What inspired this part of your ministry?

I was walking down the streets of Nashville. And the Lord awakened me to all the musicians who were playing and not really being listened to. We passed by several bars as we walked up the street and noticed No One was really listening to them. Then I saw some street musicians that were literally ran over by tourist. It really broke my heart for them. And I thought as I prayed, Father, no on is even listening to them. And He impressed on my heart these words, “I’m always listening.”

I went back to the Hotel and couldn’t sleep. I felt like the Lord was telling me, I want you to do something about this. I tried talk the Lord out of this, played the Moses card saying I wasn’t capable, but you know, you just don’t win these kind of arguments with our Lord.
So finally, I agreed, but I said Lord you have to give a plan. We feel like he gave us a simple and effective plan to reach out to the musicians of Nashville. We call it LOVE WITH NO STRINGS ATTACHED. Here’s what we do. We approach street musicians and listen to them play. And many times I will ask them what was that chord progress you just played. Or I will say something like show me that cool riff you just played. Usually they realize I am guitar player and sometimes they hand me the guitar and I play something for them. But really I am just waiting for the Lord to give the right moment to reach in bag, pull out a package of guitar strings, place them in their hands and tell them, “Brother the Lord wants you to know that He loves you with no strings attached. From there we have prayed with many of the musicians. Sometimes, they pray for us. It is an incredible ministry.
I understand that out of this ministry you have planted a church in TN called Guitar Church. Can you share a little bit about this new church with us?
Yes, we are so excited about Guitar Church. We moved to the Nashville area from Texas for this reason. Currently we are meeting in Gallatin, TN. We have great vision for this church. We want first and foremost our Lord to be high and lifted up. We know the scripture says except the Lord build the house it’s laborers labor in vain. Essentially we felt it was vital to be here close to Nashville, so that street musicians would not only hear the gospel on the streets through the ministry but that they would have a place to call their home church and grow and be nurtured in Christ. We want to be an encouragement to Music Ministries that travel too. Really there is too much to share, I would encourage those that are interested to visit www.theguitarchurch.com or www.facebook.com/theguitarchurch to see our progress.
Check out these links to learn more about Mo Howard and his music.
Be sure to watch Mo’s singleWe Will Overcome that has aired on Cheyenne Country in more than 120 Million Homeshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-WmcESZ8A64

I would also like to mention that Mo Howard is nominated in two categories for the 2015 ICM Awards. He is nominated as New Artist of the Year and Musical Evangelist
Thank You Mo Howard for this interview.
Blessings on you and your ministry.
Dream Catcher 3:20
Cassie G