Tag Archives: Goals


Since June 27th when my best friend was in a horrible freak accident, I have had a hell of a year. I thought I had lost myself totally again and would not bounce back this time.

At the time of her accident I already felt like I was barely hanging on to my faith, hope and love. I for sure felt like my joy was very low! Then when she left us July 1st there was nothing left but anger and grief.

When I came back to Oklahoma in 2017 the life I had was very different than the one I came back here to have. I kept holding on to the things of the past. The platforms I had and purpose I felt I had before my seperation and divorce was lost in the transition.

I stepped completely out of “ministry” a couple of years ago and eventually found myself struggling to even go to church and forcing myself to go. I sure haven’t been consistent with when I have gone. I have lots of reasons on this but most are probably excuses. When Covid shutdown happened is when I really lost that main connection.

Covid pandemic exposed so much in this world and in even my own heart. I found anger and disappointment in humanity was a major part of my spiraling 🌀 down the wrong emotional path.

In 2013 or even before that, I had started a journey of promoting and encouraging other businesses and ministries. Part of what I did was book a couple of Christian country artist, had a blog, did interviews, podcast and even had a radio show. So when I came back here that entire life was entangled with my divorce and pain. I would try and try to make it still work and it didn’t ever go anywhere.

It wasn’t until I lost Maver that I realized I had already spent the last 6 years living in a continuous state of grief. I read a post that said we don’t just grieve the ones we loose but we grieve the dreams and what would have been in the future with them. I was still grieving the loss of my dreams. Not really the person I left but all that was connected to that life.

Yes I did stop doing ministry and even really walking in the things I did before but I was living even though I felt like I wasn’t living the best life I knew I could be living.

I believe 100% that having my family close by and having all of my farm animals in my small backyard farm is what’s kept me wanting to even be here at all to try to live with a purpose again.

A talk with my daughter about my old blog and website is what opened my eyes to realize I still have as much purpose, passion and vision as I always have. IT JUST LOOKS DIFFERENT!

One of my life long friends has been on a journey of finding her place and where God wants her again. I have been with her this weekend in OKC to help get her moved. She is moving back to Tulsa and going to Victory church which is my all time favorite church. So I will have a place to go stay with some and attend this place to fill up with hope, love and joy. I have my small home church group local as well. It’s important to have a place to remind you that God is Hope, Love and Joy!

After talking to my daughter and creating a new blog, website and social media platform, I have been having so much fun, especially this weekend. I had so much fun and knew that I was going to be okay. I felt alive again. I talked to vendors and the Farmers Market and networked.

I love it that I can help promote and encourage others in a totally different area of life and still bring them hope, love and joy.

I love learning about growing my backyard farm Cross G Backyard Farms and excited about what the future with this will bring.

I would love to even set up a farmers market at my place this spring and bring others together to share their business and dreams. So many ideas again. So many possibilities!!!

I know this was a long post but I wanted to share what’s been happening in my heart and life in hopes it will encourage you.


Blessings from Cross G Backyard Farms

Eph 3:20

Cassie G



In today’s world and all that’s going on we have to take time to disconnect so that we can connect. We need to disconnect with media, news and any and all negativity around us.

I feel the most relaxed and peaceful when I turn all the noise off and connect with nature. I will sit outside by A fire pit and connect with God. Sometimes I will get up early in the morning and light an old fashion lantern so that I can connect with peace before I start my day.

I pray that each of you reading this will take a moment each day to connect. Connect with God, connect with your true self and connect with your loved ones around you.

hopewriterlife life #connect #aboveandbeyond #mendingfencesnhearts


There are so many situations in our lives that take courage. I think one of the most courageous moments in my life was leaving the man I loved more than life itself.
I married in 2016 and shortly after our wedding it became apparent that we had a toxic relationship situation. The very first heated argument we had became physical real fast.
I have to say that I loved him and I believe he loved me. I believe people love out of their own hurts and what they know. I however didn’t love myself enough to see that love wasn’t enough.
I stayed and did this crazy cycle we had going on for 11 months. A month before our anniversary things escalated beyond anything I could imagine. I then realized that this was not only destroying me, but him and his ministry. Yes I said ministry. It takes a lot of courage to tell this story but I know God wants it told. So many behind church doors need the courage to make a change and get help. So I am sharing my story.
So one month from our anniversary, I put on my courage and drove away leaving him standing there crying and saying once again how sorry he was. I believe he truly meant that. However he knew he went too far, I knew he went too far.
I thought in my heart as I drove to Oklahoma to be with my children, this will be all right. I thought we will get help. I wanted to be somewhere I felt safe and get help for each of us.

Over the weeks and months to come I had to have courage to get out of bed and face the day knowing things were not going to be all right. I started my cleaning business here in Oklahoma as I kept hoping for a miracle. God blessed it so much that I was full time in 3 months. 
Long story short is, we divorced. He met another woman and life goes on. 
Now I walk in the courage to hold my head high and know God has great Big plans for CASSIE!  
I have made some pretty big decisions lately that has taken a lot of courage. If you keep following me here on Instagram or my blog, you will get to read all about them. 

““Be strong. Take courage. Don’t be intimidated. Don’t give them a second thought because GOD, your God, is striding ahead of you. He’s right there with you. He won’t let you down; he won’t leave you.””‭‭Deuteronomy‬ ‭31:6‬ ‭MSG‬‬
Dream Catcher 3:20Eph 3:20
Cassie Gilman

Fill In The Blank With Me

Day 7 of my challenge is a get to know me style. I would love for y’all to respond back with 3 of these questions and let me get to know you as well. ♥️

1. My favorite color is____Turquoise.

2. My favorite book is_____ Well I am going to give two answers to this one. The Bible because it is full of God’s love and promises. Then I would have to say any of the Sisterchick books by Robin Gun.

3. My favorite cartoon character is_____ Hmmm this one is not as easy. Okay I am going to go with Spirit the horse. I am not sure if that is considered a cartoon lol.

4. My favorite sport is ____ Rodeo of course.

5. My favorite flavor of cake is____ German Chocolate.

6. If I had to eat one food for the rest of my life what would it be?____ Mexican food

7. I’m really good at ____ encouraging others to pursue their dreams.

8. I love to ____ sit in front of a fire pit early in the mornings or at dusk.

9. The best song to dance to is ____ ROFL I do not dance. I am going to go with Dan Seals song Bop, Rofl. Only song I remember liking the dance moves to. I think it was called the box line dance.

10. If I could be a dinosaur, I would be a ____ Sauropoda

11. ____ is my favorite thing to do ever. Hanging with my kids and grandkids.

12. Everyone thinks it’s funny when I ____try to DANCE ROFL

13. This summer I want to ____ get in shape, lose weight, go hiking, and travel to airbnbs so I can blog about it.

14. The best super power to have would be____ God’s Love flowing out of us. Nothing is more powerful than that.

15. I want to learn how to ____do social media marketing and run a non profit ministry.

16. I wish____I was already doing number 15, because my body is not dealing well with the physical labor on a daily basis.

Okay now it is your turn out there. I love getting to know my readers.

Dream Catcher 3:20

Cassie Gilman

Pressing Towards The Goal 2020

It’s that time of year when we are thinking about those New Years goals. Well for the most part my goals are carrying over from 2019. I really did not hit them like I wanted. Life gets so crazy and so easy to lose focus.

I declare today to forget what is behind me and press towards the high prize!!! I will not allow condemnation to set in over failed goals. So today if this resonates with you and your goals falling short, I encourage you to do the same!

2020 GOALS

  • Study His Word more
  • Talk more with God. Not just formal prayer but as my Father, Husband, Counselor, and Friend.
  • Ask Daily for God to search my heart and show me things that need healed and removed from my life.
  • Have 20 speaking/ministry bookings in 2020
  • Keep my family covered in prayer and continued handing them back to God when I want to worry.
  • Start a once a month family dinner with my children and grandchildren
  • Drink more water
  • Work on a physical routine that fits my life.
  • Do not compare my routines to others
  • Eat healthier for me!
  • Go hiking, join a group of safe hikers
  • Go to gun range and shoot for fun and skills
  • Take a martial arts class
  • Go to the beach 3 times
  • Make new friends
  • Focus on my blogging again
  • Start my interviews back up
  • Start my KIJS videos back up
  • Perfect my podcast and syndicate it for radio

I would love for you to share a few of your goals with me. I want to encourage you, pray for you and help you anyway I can!

Remember His word says write the vision and make it clear so all who reads it can run with it!

Dream Catcher 3:20

Cassie Gilman