”Tis The Season of Change 

Change; oh boy a word that can bring excitement or fear. In my life change can bring both at the same time.

Over the years I have realized that if I am in charge of change I am happy go lucky and good to go. When God starts shifting things in my life or someone else makes a move that causes a big change well eeek is all I can say lol.

Most seasons of change in our life bring a change to relationships, jobs, positions and even locations. The hardest one for me has always been relationships. I have always thought friends should be a forever thing in our lives. Over the years God has had to show me that there are seasonal people in our lives.

God brings people in our lives for three reasons. One: they are here to speak into our lives and be used to propel us to the next place in God. Two: we are there to speak into their lives and be used to propel them to their next place in God. Three: They are and we are lifetime partners in their walk with God. Of course lifetimers are my favorite because less changes lol.

In my life when a season is changing and I feel that someone or something is no longer a lifetime fixture, I can get  a little crazy. That’s when I know my eyes are not on God who is always with me!  God who never changes!!  If we hold on to something or someone so tight that it’s holding us back, we can’t move on to that place and new season God wants just for us.

Sometimes it’s not us holding on as much as it is others trying to hold on to us so tight that we can’t move out. We each have to follow Christ example. NOT MY WILL GOD BUT YOURS. Rather you are the one holding on or being held onto!

Its also more than relationships, locations and positions we have a hard time changing seasons with… it’s also our mindsets. We have to be ready to change those hang ups, habits and ways of thinking to get to the next level.
As we are walking through a new season in our lives and letting go and being let go of, we know that this new season will bring so much with it!
For each of us to fulfill the promises, hopes and dreams of God we have to be ready for ‘Tis the Season of change. This will be a repeated season in our lives.

Dream Catcher 3:20

