Week 2 Of Slow Down

As y’all know we are finding ourself facing a situation in our Country and World that we have never faced before. A lot of unknowns, fears and obstacles. We do not know who or what to believe.

There is one thing I know and that is we CAN TRUST AND BELIEVE GOD.

I will tell you how I am dealing with all of this. There are moments I am not dealing well. I allow a thought to get out of control. I binge eat, I get angry, and I spiral out on some social media rant or vent to a friend. I could pretend I have it all together or I can be real and honest. So I’m going with real and honest.

Now I will not leave it at the negative side of things. Here is what I do when I find myself doing the things above. I stop and force my phone out of my hand and turn on Praise and worship music. I turn my alerts off on my phone. I will turn on a podcast that is funny or a sermon podcast.

I have been waking up every night with a feeling of “what will I find has happened while I was asleep?”. So I turn on my Bible app or Abide app that reads the Word to me

I have started cleaning projects and advice tips to help others out. Here is my latest one.


I have been watching my grandson to help give his parents a time out.

As of today, we have been told all non essential workers stay home. It’s yet to be determined if I am or am not included in essential workers. I clean homes. I create a safe and disinfected home for my clients. To them I am essential. However I also want to be safe and comply with this situation to get it under control.

These are thoughts I battle…

  • Am I carrying a life threatening virus to my clients homes or home to my family?
  • I am responsible for others lives in this job
  • If I don’t work I will have nothing because I am self employed and there is no unemployment for me or grants for me available
  • I need someone to make this official and make a mandatory demand so I am not carrying the weight of this decision. Stop giving me recommendations and opinions and make it a flat out clear picture.
  • Then it’s back to God help me trust and hear You because no one here knows what we are doing!
  • then usually a repeat of all the above!

I told you I was going to be honest.

So when those thoughts are overwhelming me, it’s when I have to drown them out with worship, prayer and word.

I have been taking naps, taking vitamin C, B12 and using my diffuser at night with Thieves and Peppermint oils. These are all things I am doing to keep my immune system up.

Now my biggest issue is eating too much and too often because I am inside too often. I am praying the sun is out soon here and temps rising. I need to be walking and in the sun. I have a vitamin D deficiency and it has caused physical issues as well. Oh yeah I am taking Vitamin D and Turmeric.

I have a Bible app and I look up verses on Fear, Peace, Provision and read those. I share with others what He is telling me. I am no different than anyone reading this blog. I have to fight the battle and remember He has already won the war!!

I would love to hear back from you. What verses are you standing on, what worship songs are you listening to, what projects are you doing?

Here is a list of mine.

  • Raise a Hallelujah song
  • Fear is a liar song
  • Psalms 91
  • Psalms 23
  • Cleaning out my fridge
  • Deep cleaning baseboards
  • Cleaning out cabinets and drawers
  • Gathering things to bless others
  • Binge watching funny shows like Golden Girls, Reba and Designing Women

Okay your turn ♥️

Dream Catcher 3:20

Cassie Gilman